
Interview Block Strikes Again!

Disclaimer: the schedule changed, as I will be releasing 2 chapters Monday/Wednesday/Saturday! So two chapters today, but only one tomorrow, Enjoy reading! <3< p>


'That's my boy Felix!' Asna threw the popcorn bucket in the air in elation, making a mess on her bed. Yet, she didn't care about it as the only image she had on her mind now, was Mastermania's distorted face, on the border of turning ugly.

"Hahaha! wasn't Miss figure and Solar Mist not enough for him to realize that he was speaking with a psycho?"

"Poor thing he used his common sense on Landlord."

"F*cking retard, that's what you get by being cocky."

"Haha! I already filmed it. Him walking for 30 seconds with a smile just to get slapped."