
Supernatural: The Boys Are Back

After Sam and Dean Winchester Have been in heaven for twenty years god(aka Jack) calls them back to earth. Will they go or stay wait and see.

Betty_Tatum · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
20 Chs

Day Three On Their Way Home

"Hey have you guys noticed that everyday of this trip so far something has attacked us. Don't you think that's a bit strange? I get the feeling something doesn't want us to make it back to the bunker."

"Sammy calm down it can't be that bad. I mean come on, no doom and gloom talk. Let's just get home okay."

"I'm just saying that the whole trip seems like a set up. What do you think Bobby?"

"I admit I am getting a bad vibe here, but you have to admit this whole thing sucks."

Just then a women walks up to the boys, she looks each one in the eye the she says," You are all doomed. If you don't stop the great titan Cronos he will destroy us all. If he feeds to much longer he will be unstoppable. Only the gods can put him to sleep. With the great fighters help will it be done."

The women turns to leave but then falls to the ground. While she was talking many other hunters came over to listen. While Bobby was checking for a pulse Ketch says," Well I would say that answers a few of our questions. But then it adds many others. We should get back to the bunker fast."

Bobby wakes her up and helps her to stand.

"Where am I? How did I get here? I was sitting in the park watching Chester fly a kite. I need to get back to the park."

"Wait can you tell us more about Cronos before you go? We could really use more detail."

"I'm sorry who? I don't know what your talking about. I was watching Chester fly a kite, then I woke up here."

"Dean, Sam let her go. She knows nothing more. We heard her in heaven so I came to see. She is a doomsday seer. She can only give us information that is basic. No I don't know why so don't ask. It's just the way it is."

"Wait come here miss. Patience is that you?"

"Yes my name is Patience, who are you?"

"I know it has been a long time but, it's Sam and Dean. Do you remember us?"

" Your friends of Jody's right? It has been a long time but yes I remember you now. I need to get back to the park, I have to go."

"Wait please is everything okay? Who is Chester, is he your son? Let us take you back it will be faster."

"Thank you Sam. No he is not my son, just a friend, but I left my things in the park and need to get them. Besides Chester will be worried about me."

"Awesome, Sam you take her back. Cass I have questions. Bobby, Ketch get over here. Everyone else get packed up."

Before Sam and one of the other hunters take Patience back to the park Dean stops him and asks him," See if she will come back with us. We could use her skills. Besides I'm worried about her. And Clair might want to see her."

Sam agreed and took her back to the park. Then Dean turned to Cass," Okay what the hell happened to her? Why does she look like she's living on the streets? What do you mean she's a doomsday seer?"

"We have been watching over her since Jody died. Her gift turned dark after you died. She started only seeing people die. It freaked her out so much she almost had a breakdown. But Jody got her through it. Till the day she saw Jody's death. She tried to stop it and failed. After that she blamed herself and left the house. We have watched over her every since. If things got to bad we would let Clair know and she would go help."

"Awesome, why the hell did the world fall to shit after I died? Billie always said I was one of those people that guided people but come on. Man, I feel like I have let all of my friends and family down. How the hell am I going to fix this mess?"

"Shut up you IDJIT it's not all about you. Yes these peoples lives changed after you died but they have free will, they chose their own paths. You can't do everything for them. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and let's get moving."

"Well said Bobby. He is right Dean these people chose their paths. You boys showed them how to protect themselves. They chose to fight after that, you had nothing to do with that. But you can help these people now. Guide them and teach them. Let them decide once again how to run their lives."

"Wow Cass when did you get so deep?"

"I had a lot of time to think in the empty before Jack got me out. Now stop blaming yourself Sam is just about here."

Not even five minutes later Sam pulled up. Dean and Bobby were happy to see that Patience was with him. Cass was happy as well. He went back to heaven to let Jack know what was going on. Once everyone was packed they got their snacks for the day then headed out. They stopped that night at the Kansas border.