
Superman in mha

A regular person who has always been a fan of superheroes reincarnates into the world of My Hero Academia with Superman's powers. He will use the examples of various heroes to truly showcase what it means to be a hero. This is a relaxing and comedic story, almost like a slice of life. The MC will be overpowered, but the focus of the story won't be on intense battles. Instead, it will revolve around how he interacts in the world, bringing hope to the people through heroic acts.

CWN1223 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

chapter 7: AFO

(I realized that many people are unsure about whether the protagonist is reincarnated or not, and I believe this happened because I didn't explain it properly. The protagonist is indeed reincarnated, but I want to give him a normal childhood, where he learns from his father's example and undergoes character development.

However, I also want him to be aware of the examples set by the greatest heroes from Marvel and DC. So, I tried to explain that because he is in a child's body, his mentality would be that of a child. I see now that it didn't work because you didn't understand. Therefore, I am slowly introducing the idea that he no longer has the memories and experiences from his past life, only the knowledge of the heroes. The reason for this is that during the reincarnation, there was a fusion with the original soul.

Anyway, I hope you understand now. As for the protagonist being somewhat shy and feeling guilty, it is because I am drawing inspiration from Clark Kent's personality. Like Clark, he is shy and clumsy, but he becomes confident when he becomes Superman. I think that's the charm of Superman.

I am a novice author, so if you have any tips on how I can improve, please let me know. It's really important, and thank you for your support.)

The twilight enveloped Musutafu in a cloak of elongated shadows, the sky a canvas of intense colors—burning orange mingled with deep shades of purple. The air was heavy, laden with the tension of an impending storm, both literal and metaphorical.

At the central police station, Police Chief Kenji Tsuragamae stood rigid, his canine ears twitching nervously as he watched the monitors in the control room. The smell of cold coffee and the anxious sweat of officers filled the air. The flickering lights of the monitors cast restless shadows around the room.

"Situation report," he barked at the officers present.

A young policeman stepped forward, holding a clipboard. "Sir, we have multiple incidents across the city. A fire in the commercial district, inexplicable landslides in the northern residential area, and a series of vandalism acts downtown. The local heroes are scattered, trying to contain the situation."

Tsuragamae frowned. "This doesn't seem like a coincidence, woof. Any patterns identified?"

"Not yet, sir," the officer replied. "But the incidents seem to have started almost simultaneously."

Their thoughts were interrupted by the sharp cry of one of the IT technicians.

"Chief! An encrypted message... it's for All Might!"

The silence that followed was almost palpable. Tsuragamae approached the monitor, his eyes narrowing as he read the contents:

"URGENT: Information about a supervillain who can grant quirks. Speak only with All Might. Meeting place: Abandoned industrial complex, sector 7."

A shiver ran down Tsuragamae's spine. "Contact U.A. immediately," he ordered, his voice hoarse with worry.

Minutes later, All Might's image filled one of the screens. His characteristic smile was absent, replaced by a grave expression that accentuated the lines of concern on his face.

Tsuragamae shared the details of the message, watching closely for the hero's reactions. All Might listened in silence, his blue eyes shining with a mix of concern and determination.

His thoughts deepened, a sense of weight settling in his chest. "Could it be... him? All For One?" The name, though not spoken aloud, seemed to echo in his mind. All Might clenched his fists, feeling the power of One For All pulsating beneath his skin.

"If it's him, then the moment I've always known would come has finally arrived. The fight I can't avoid, the destiny I accepted when I inherited this power."

Images of his mentor, Nana Shimura, surfaced in his memory. Her brave smile, her unwavering determination. "Sensei... I hope I can honor your legacy."

All Might looked at his hands, remembering all those who relied on him, all the lives he had vowed to protect. The future seemed uncertain, a fog of possibilities and dangers.

"No matter what happens, I cannot fail. Not just for myself, but for all who believe in the Symbol of Peace, for all the future generations who dream of a better world."

Lifting his eyes, All Might faced the horizon with renewed determination. His voice, once a murmur, now resonated with conviction:

"It's time to put an end to all of this. Whether it's you or not, All For One, tonight will mark the beginning of the end of your era of darkness. I, All Might, the Symbol of Peace, swear I will not back down, no matter the cost!"

With those words, All Might prepared to depart, his body tense like a coiled spring, ready to face whatever destiny had in store for him that fateful night. Tsuragamae watched the hero, noting the invisible weight that seemed to press down on his broad shoulders. "All Might," he began hesitantly, "you know this has all the characteristics of a trap, don't you?"

All Might nodded slowly. "Yes, I'm aware of that. But, Chief Tsuragamae, if there's even the slightest chance that this information is true... I can't ignore it. The risk is too great."

"I understand your point of view, but going alone? It's reckless, woof!" Tsuragamae couldn't contain the worry in his voice.

All Might closed his eyes for a moment, as if gathering inner strength. When he opened them again, there was a flame of determination burning in them. "Sometimes, being a hero means making difficult choices. If it's a trap, I'd rather face it alone than risk the lives of others."

Tsuragamae felt a knot form in his throat. He knew that expression well—it was the same he saw in the eyes of all great heroes before they embarked on dangerous missions. "All Might... be careful. The city needs you. We all need you."

A soft, almost melancholic smile crossed All Might's face. "I know, my friend. And that's why I must go. To protect all the smiles, all the hopes. That's what it means to be the Symbol of Peace."

With a final nod, the communication was cut off, leaving the control room in heavy silence.

Meanwhile, All Might prepared to depart. Standing atop a skyscraper, he watched the city he had sworn to protect. The cold night wind rustled his cape, carrying the distant scent of rain.

"Whatever awaits me," All Might thought, clenching his fists, "I'll face it head-on. For all those who trust in me, for all the dreams and hopes I protect. Come what may, I won't back down."

The night sky loomed over the abandoned industrial complex like a velvet cloak, dotted with distant stars and a crescent moon that barely illuminated the desolate scene below. The wind whispered among the decaying structures, carrying the scent of rust and abandonment.

All Might landed silently at the entrance of the complex, his blue eyes scanning the environment cautiously. The place seemed swallowed by time; twisted metal beams rose like skeletons of a bygone era, while wild vegetation intertwined with the ruins, reclaiming the territory for nature.

With firm steps, the Symbol of Peace entered the complex. The sound of his boots echoed through the empty corridors, amplified by the oppressive silence that reigned in the place. Each step raised a thin cloud of dust, a silent witness to the years of neglect.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the air, cold and calculated, coming from all directions and from nowhere at the same time:

"Welcome, All Might. Follow the instructions, and you will find what you seek."

All Might felt a shiver run down his spine but maintained his composure. His sharp eyes noticed the hidden cameras in the corners, the microphones camouflaged in the peeling walls. It was an elaborate game, and he was at the center of the board.

"Who's there?" All Might called out, his powerful voice echoing through the corridors. "Show yourself!"

Only silence answered, broken moments later by the same mysterious voice:

"Patience, Symbol of Peace. All in due time. Keep moving forward."

All Might clenched his fists, feeling the power of One For All pulsing beneath his skin. Each step took him deeper into the labyrinth of corridors and empty rooms. The tension in the air was palpable, growing with each corner turned, with each new camera spotted.

"You are indeed as fearless as they say," the voice continued, now with a touch of dark amusement. "Let's see if your bravery can overcome despair."

All Might swallowed hard, his thoughts racing. "It has to be him," he thought. "All For One. The moment I've always feared... and awaited, has finally arrived."

The weight of responsibility pressed on his shoulders. It wasn't just his life at stake, but the future of an entire society. The faces of his students, his fellow heroes, all the citizens who trusted him, flashed through his mind.

"No matter what happens," All Might murmured to himself, "I cannot fail. Not here. Not now."

After what seemed like an eternity navigating the maze of corridors, All Might emerged into a vast open area. The partially collapsed ceiling allowed the moonlight to spill onto the cracked concrete floor, creating a surreal play of light and shadow.

At the center of this makeshift stage, a figure awaited. Tall, imposing, shrouded in shadows that seemed to move with a life of their own. All For One.

The air grew heavy, charged with electricity. It was as if the universe itself held its breath, anticipating the imminent confrontation between these two titanic forces.

"All Might," All For One's voice cut through the silence, now without the intermediation of speakers. It was deep, resonant, filled with a disturbing calm. "Finally, face to face. You are more than just a symbol of peace; you are an obstacle that must be removed."

All Might felt a wave of emotions wash over him—anger, determination, and yes, a tinge of fear. But he didn't let it show. Straightening his shoulders, he faced his nemesis.

"All For One," All Might replied, his voice firm and defiant. "Your reign of terror ends today. No matter the cost, I will protect the smiles and hope of the people!"

The enemy tilted his head slightly, and though his face was hidden by a mask, All Might could swear he was smiling. A cold, calculating smile that promised pain and destruction.

"Ah, so noble, so predictable," All For One mocked. "But tell me, All Might, what will happen to those precious smiles when you fall? When the world sees its precious Symbol of Peace defeated and broken?"

The words hit All Might like physical blows, but he stood firm. "That won't happen," he declared, his voice laden with conviction. "Because I am here!"

The tension in the air was almost palpable, electrifying. Both titans stared each other down, measuring one another, knowing that the battle to come would not just be of physical strength, but of ideals, of diametrically opposed worldviews.

All Might knew this fight wouldn't be easy. All For One was a formidable enemy, with decades of experience and a frightening array of quirks at his disposal.

But All Might also knew he wasn't fighting just for himself. He carried with him the hopes and dreams of all those who believed in a better world.

"Let's finish this," All Might murmured, more to himself than to his opponent. He assumed a fighting stance, feeling the power of One For All flow through his body like an electric current. "For everyone's sake, I cannot lose."

All For One also prepared himself, the atmosphere around him seeming to distort with the power contained in his body. "Yes, All Might," he replied, his voice a menacing whisper. "Let's finish this. And when we're done, the world will know that the era of heroes has come to an end."

The air seemed to freeze for a moment, like the calm before the storm. And then, in the blink of an eye, the two titans launched themselves at each other.

The battle that would change the course of history had begun.

The twilight gave way to a nightmarish night in Musutafu. What had begun as a series of isolated incidents quickly transformed into a symphony of chaos and destruction that spread throughout the metropolis. The sky, once painted with the soft colors of sunset, was now tinged with red and orange, reflecting the countless flames that devoured buildings and vehicles everywhere.

In the heart of the commercial district, the hero Kamui Woods found himself in a situation that defied everything he had ever faced. His wooden arms extended and retracted in frantic movements, trying to contain a villain who seemed to play with the laws of nature.

"How is this possible?" Kamui muttered to himself, dodging a burst of flames that nearly singed his costume. He barely had time to recover when a wall of ice emerged from the ground, almost trapping him. "Two quirks? No, this goes against everything we know!"

The villain, a man of ordinary appearance but with a smile that overflowed with malice, alternated between launching incandescent flames and creating ice structures with disturbing ease. Each attack seemed more powerful than the previous one, as if the villain was merely testing his limits.

Kamui felt a drop of sweat run down his forehead, mixing with the blood from a recent cut. He knew he couldn't back down, not with so many civilians still trapped in the surrounding buildings. "Come on, Shinji," he encouraged himself, using his real name in a rare moment of self-conversation. "You trained for this. You can do this!"

With a cry of determination, Kamui launched a series of branches towards the villain, trying to imprison him. For a brief moment, it seemed he had succeeded, but then...

"Is that all you've got, hero?" The villain mocked, his body transforming into water and escaping the wooden restraints. A third quirk!

Kamui Woods felt the weight of despair threatening to engulf him, but he forced himself to maintain his composure. He couldn't give up, not now. With a deep sigh, he prepared to continue the fight, knowing that every second he kept the villain occupied was one more second for civilians to escape.

Amidst all this chaos, a figure moved with a speed and determination that defied comprehension. Clark, All Might's son, zigzagged between the debris and flames, his blue eyes shining with a mixture of concern and resolution.

Despite his mere 10 years of age, Clark carried with him a maturity and sense of responsibility that rivaled those of many professional heroes. Each of his movements was precise, every decision made in a fraction of a second, but always with the utmost care.

"There!" Clark exclaimed, spotting a group of children trapped by a wall of flames. Without hesitation, he flew towards them, using his super speed to create a vortex that suffocated the fire. "Come with me," he said to the frightened children, his voice calm and reassuring. "I'll take you to a safe place."

As he guided the children to an evacuation area, Clark couldn't help but notice the looks of admiration and gratitude on their faces. For a moment, he felt a twinge of pride, but quickly pushed it away. "This is no time for that," he admonished himself. "There are more people who need help."

Clark knew he was walking a fine line. Without a hero license, his actions could be considered illegal, no matter how noble his intentions. But in the face of the chaos unfolding around him, concerns about legalities seemed insignificant.

"Being a hero is more than following rules," Clark reflected as he flew over the city in search of more people to help. "It's about doing the right thing, no matter the cost."

It was during one of these reconnaissance flights that Clark spotted the giant screen in the heart of Musutafu's shopping center. The electronic panel, normally used for colorful advertisements and cheerful commercials, now broadcast images that made Clark's blood freeze in his veins.

The live report, transmitted directly from a helicopter flying over the city, showed scenes of unprecedented devastation. The reporter, his voice trembling even through the distorted audio, narrated the apocalyptic scenario unfolding below.

"We're flying over what's left of Musutafu's industrial district," the reporter's voice echoed through the nearly empty shopping center. "The destruction is... it's simply indescribable. Entire buildings have been reduced to rubble, the streets are unrecognizable..."

Clark hovered in the air, his blue eyes fixed on the screen, absorbing every detail with a mixture of horror and fascination. The helicopter camera swept across the urban landscape, showing entire blocks in flames, overturned and abandoned vehicles, and thick smoke rising in spirals into the night sky.

Suddenly, a massive explosion shook the camera, causing the helicopter to sway dangerously. The reporter's scream was muffled by the deafening roar of the detonation. When the image stabilized, Clark saw, with growing terror, that several blocks of a more isolated area of the city had simply disappeared, leaving only a smoking crater.

"My God!" The reporter's voice was visibly trembling now. "An explosion of unimaginable proportions has just... wait a moment... the pilot is taking us closer to the origin of the explosion."

Clark's heart was beating frantically in his chest as the helicopter approached the impact zone. The smoke was slowly dissipating, revealing two figures at the center of the destruction.

That's when Clark saw him.

"Dad!" The cry escaped his lips before he could contain it.

There, in the midst of the devastation, was All Might. His costume, normally impeccable, was torn and stained with blood. But it was his posture that alarmed Clark the most. All Might, the invincible Symbol of Peace, looked... tired. Hurt.

And before him, a dark figure that emanated an aura of pure evil. The villain, whose face was hidden by a terrifying mask, seemed to be the very embodiment of chaos and destruction.

"Incredible!" The reporter's voice cut through the stunned silence that had settled. "We are witnessing a battle of epic proportions! All Might, the Symbol of Peace, is facing a villain of unimaginable power!"

The words had barely left the reporter's lips when the two titans clashed again. The impact of their fists created a shockwave that spread in all directions, shattering windows and making the air itself vibrate.

Clark watched, petrified, as his father and the villain exchanged blows that seemed capable of splitting mountains. Each impact created new craters in the already devastated ground, each movement destroying what remained of the surrounding buildings.

"This is... this is unbelievable!" The reporter stammered, clearly struggling to find words to describe what he was seeing. "The strength of these two... it's beyond anything we've ever witnessed! They are literally reshaping the landscape with their blows!"

Clark felt his body move instinctively, every fiber of his being screaming to go to his father's aid. All Might, his hero, his mentor, was fighting the battle of his life, and Clark knew he should be there, fighting by his side.

Clark felt his body move instinctively towards the battle. His father, his hero, was fighting the fight of his life, and his entire being screamed to go help him. But before he could advance more than a few meters, a cry for help cut through the air.

Turning, Clark saw a residential building collapsing, the concrete and steel structures folding as if they were made of paper. And, to his horror, he could hear voices coming from inside, people trapped on the upper floors.

At that moment, Clark felt the weight of the world on his young shoulders. His heart was torn between the desperate desire to run to help his father and the moral duty to save the innocent lives that were in immediate danger.

"Damn it!" Clark muttered, his voice laden with frustration and anguish. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, taking a deep breath to calm the storm of emotions that threatened to consume him.

When he reopened his eyes, there was an iron determination in his gaze. With one last look in the direction where he knew his father was fighting, Clark flew towards the collapsing building.

"Dad, please, hang on," he whispered, the words almost a prayer. "I know you're the strongest. I know you'll win. And when this is all over, I'll be there for you, just as you've always been there for me."

As he approached the building, Clark began to mentally plan the rescue. His years of training with All Might, combined with his sharp intelligence, allowed him to analyze the situation in seconds.

"Unstable structure, probably going to collapse completely in less than two minutes," he assessed. "From the sounds, there are at least twelve people trapped on the top three floors. I need to be quick and careful."

With a precision that defied his age, Clark began the rescue. He flew in and out of the building in blurs of motion, each time bringing one or two survivors with him. His hands, capable of bending steel, now touched the civilians with surprising gentleness.

"Everything will be alright," he repeated to each person he rescued, his voice conveying a calmness he didn't really feel. "You're safe now."

As the rescue progressed, Clark couldn't help but think of his father. Each second seemed like an eternity, and worry threatened to consume him. But he knew he couldn't let himself be distracted. Lives depended on his total concentration.

"This is what it means to be a hero," Clark thought, remembering his father's lessons. "Sometimes, we have to make difficult choices. We have to put the needs of others above our own."

With one last effort, Clark rescued the last group of survivors seconds before the building collapsed completely. Landing softly on the ground, he observed the cloud of dust rising from the ruins, a grim reminder of how close he had come to disaster.

As paramedics and other rescuers rushed to attend to the survivors, Clark felt a wave of exhaustion threaten to overwhelm him. But he knew he couldn't stop now. There were more people in need of help, more lives to save.

And, somewhere in that burning city, his father was still fighting.

With one last look at the grateful survivors, Clark prepared to take flight again. His body might be tired, but his determination remained unshakeable.

"Dad," he thought, his eyes fixed on the flaming horizon, "keep fighting. I'll be there soon. Together, we'll save this city. Together, we'll show the world what it means to be a true hero."

And with that, Clark took off, a solitary figure against the night sky, carrying with him the hopes and dreams of all those he had saved. The night was still long, and the battle was far from over. But for Clark, for All Might, and for all the heroes who fought tirelessly, giving up simply wasn't an option.