Ares Cassius Malfoy was born the twin brother to Draconis Lucius Malfoy. Born as the heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy, Ares must dance around his family’s political views and change the Slytherin house for the better. His secret? This isn’t his first life!
"Come on Ares we have to stop them!" Harry said urgently. I was too lost in my thoughts to respond as Harry ran after the voice. Who could it be? I know Ginny had it during the summer, so maybe another Weasley? Honestly I've screwed with the timeline so much that anything was possible. I finally looked up and registered Harry was gone and cursed and ran after him.
I finally caught up to him but it was too late. There stood Harry in front of a petrified Mrs. Norris surrounded by students. I curse to myself as I walk over to join him and catch the tail end of Pansy saying, "You'll be next Mudbloods!"
Their group of Slytherins snickered. The curious thing was Daphne not laughing. In fact her face looked almost disgusted at their bigotry. My thoughts on Daphne stopped when Argus filch grabbed Harry by the collar screaming, "I'll kill ya!"
I moved quickly with my wand jabbed into his lower back, "Now Filch, I do believe my friend had nothing to do with this." I say calmly.
Everyone stops and stares at me, it was unheard of to treat faculty at Hogwarts in such a way. Whispers broke out, but before anything else could happen Dumbledore strolled in with Snape, Mcgonagall, and Lockhart. They immediately began examine the cat for clues. While they were doing this the prefects shooed everyone away except for Me and Harry.
"It appears to be petrification." Dumbledores said, "Though by what means I'm unsure."
"Oh if only I was here earlier, I know exactly the countercurse that could have spared her." Lockhart said with a sigh. Everyone gave him an odd look before ignoring the idiot.
"You should ask them. Their the ones who did it." Filch shouted in anger.
"Please, why would we want to kill your ruddy cat. Besides, if even the headmaster doesn't know what caused this, how on Earth would two second-years no such a spell." I say in exasperation. Truly these people must be idiots to even consider we did this.
"Oh I do recall not seeing Mr. Potter at the feast tonight. Curious that." Snape said with gleam in his eye. I snarled at the bastard. He knows that we have no way of doing this but is just assigning blame on us anyways.
"Please sir, we truly had nothing to do with it." Harry said in an honest tone.
Dumbledores eyes twinkled as he said, "Ah, but then where were you tonight Mr. Potter?"
"I was in the library after my detention with Professor Lockhart. You can ask Hermione and Ron they were both there." Harry said
"Yes I assure you we will. And you Mr Black?"
I roll my eyes and say, "I met Harry there just before this occured."
"Well it would appear that we have no way of saying one way or the other on this matter," Dumbledore said and just as Filch was about to blow his top he continued, "Don't fret Argus, Professor Sprout has a supply of Mandrakes and we will soon have a harvest so we can cure Mrs. Norris of her ailment. In the meantime, I would advise caution for everyone."
After that they dismissed us and we left for our common rooms, but not before I asked to borrow Harry's cloak again. Harry sighed and handed it over saying I ought to get my own at this rate. My eyebrow twitches at that. How I. The hell can I get my own Deathly Hallow?
Anyways walking into the Slytherin common room, I was besieged by students asking if Potter is the heir of Slytherin. I ignored them and locked myself in my room. Draco and Blaise were their staring at me.
"So what happened, did you get it?" Blaise asked. Draco looked at him confused. Naturally, I've long since told Blaise about Harry's cloak.
"Yea, I'll try and get Draco's wand tomorrow." I say with a sigh. Todays events were tiring and now I'll have to go on a search soon for the missing horcrux. Everyone headed to bed after some conversation.
The next day I woke up two hours early and threw on the cloak to begin my search. I made my way to the girls rooms and started undoing the protective wards which were honestly impressive, but nothing compared to the Blacks extensive knowledge of wards. Normally I wouldn't even consider trying this as I wasn't so knowledgeable about wards, but all I had to break was the alarm ward thanks to my secret weapon.
Once it was down, I brought a black stone out of my pocket and set it just outside the ward stone. This was one of the main reasons the Blacks were feared so much. This black stone is called a ward scrambler and the Blacks were the only family to know how to make it. It basically could disable any Ward it came across except for the most powerful ones like the ones made with parseltounge.
A minute later the stone flashed and the wards were down. I creaked open the door and snuck in. I didn't truly have to be careful considering every bed was made with a silencing ward that almost every student used every night so no one was bothered by snoring. I started searching the drawers and instantly felt embarrassed. How would this look if someone could see me. Ares Cassius Black, the pervert going through girls drawers. I shake the thought from my head and continue my search.
Other than some stashed fire whiskey, I found nothing. I decided to go for broke and pulled the ward scrambler back out.having seen it so many times, finding Daphnes trunk was simple. I set it next to Daphnes trunk and waited for the wards to crack.
The trunk popped open and I began my search, I breathed a sigh of relief finding Draco's hawthorn wood wand. Just as I was closing the case, something caught my eye. A pair of bloody robes covered in feathers. My face scrunched in confusion for a moment before I gasped. I was running out of time so I gave the trunk another search and put the trunk back in place along with everything else.
I hurriedly left Daphnes room and sat down on the common room couch. Everyone soon filed out for their morning routines. I caught up to Draco before he could head down to breakfast.
"Drake!" I shouted jogging over to him. He scowls at the nickname but let's it go and says, "What do you want Ares?"
I pulled out his wand and grinned while saying, "I believe I promised you a wand?"
Draco gasped and snatched the wand out of my hands. I understood, losing your wand was like losing a part of yourself. Draco gazed lovingly at the wand before turning to me incredulously, "How did you get it?"
"That little brother is a secret. But now that you have it we have a problem and I could use you opinion on it. Meet me after classes." I say with a serious tone.
He nods and heads to breakfast while I think on the terrifying thought that Daphne has the horcrux. It would be different if it was another first year, being in the hands of a Slytherin is bad enough, but having it in the hands of the girl I trained and know to be strong and resourceful is bad news all around. I don't even know how I'm going to tell everyone how much of a threat this is without exposing some secrets.
A/N: If you want to draw any fanart, please send it to @g0ld3nj1154 on twitter.
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