

It's not so easy to make it as a superhero these days. In the golden age of heroes, it didn't matter what kind of ability you had. If you had an ability, dressed up in bright colors, and came up with a crazy name; you had it made. You were a hero. The world isn't so simple anymore. Kyle Kane is finding life as a teenage superhero to be worse than a pimple on prom night. Eliminated from his team and forced into normal classes, Kyle's F class powers have doomed him to harassment and mediocrity. Then one day, he gets a cranky message from a system. "I'm your system, congratulations, blah blah blah." Is this Kyle's chance or just another new way to be humiliated?

straythought · แฟนตาซี
72 Chs

End of Training

Two weeks after Kyle and Riley fell into the training pit; several important members of Barron Kingsley's house waited outside a thick concrete door.

Among those waiting was Barron's Steward, Randy East, Head of his Guards, Fred Bolk, a few of his guards, and Keason Wright his Spirit Man.

The Barron wasn't present. He didn't need to be; waiting for "recruits" was the job of his servants.

The two men who watched as Kyle and Riley fell into the pit were also present. The pink-skinned man was Major Lore and the large blue-skin man with bulging muscles was Kim Mann.

They were the two mercenary leaders the Baron hired to lead the dungeon team. Major Lore was the leader of the team while Kim Mann was his number two.

"Do you think Riley made it?" Kim asked Major.

"I doubt it; he had a pretty weak mentality," Major said.

"My prediction, he used the kid as a meat shield instead of working with him and then after the first wave died," Kim laughed heartily.

They were both cruel men. They would probably laugh at the death of the other. "In which case, we're wasting our time waiting here," Major sighed.

"The master requires us to verify the death or survival of trainees. It isn't your place to talk about what is or isn't a waste of time," Steward East said. He wore robes befitting his office.

He had pale yellow skin, bald head, red and purple robes, and a gold necklace of office hung around his neck.

"If I ever have the chance; I'll be happy to show you what your place is in the wider world," Kim laughed evilly.

"If I ever have the chance; I'll make sure you die a dog's death just as you deserve," Steward East said.

Steward East's comment made Kim very angry. He wanted to rush forward and attack him but he was stopped.

"Kim, why worry about the words of a dog? He has been trained since birth to know his place.

Peeing on command, sleeping on command, and also being studded out so his next generation will be the next dog to wag its tail in front of its master. What's he worth?" Major asked.

Both Kim and Major laughed at the expense of Steward East who wasn't used to being openly disrespected. He was literally powerless before these course men. It frustrated him.

"Very good, thank you once more for your performances. We are once more reminded of your enmity for one another," Keason Wright the Spirit Man said.

Keason wore gold and silver robes with a dark purple cloak. He possessed a rare orange skin color with white hair. The color of his hair didn't speak to his age; it was just the color of his hair.

The Head Guard, Fred Bolk, laughed at the whole thing. He always loved watching the Steward and the mercenaries picking at each other. He couldn't be bothered with either of them.

Fred was a large bulky man. His muscles didn't bulge but he was nothing but solid muscle throughout his body.

His bright red skin, purple chest armor, silver under armor, black steel leg armor, and black leather boots made him look like a terrifying demon of war.

The concrete door slowly opened. It was actually an incredibly thick door, and as it moved it scraped loudly against the ground.

The door finally opened and all that could be seen was darkness. Two men emerged from the darkness. Their clothes were torn to shreds.

Kyle walked out first covered in dried blood but looking extremely healthy. Riley followed after carrying his sword and dragging a bone sword he made while inside.

Both men were pulsing with energy and everyone could feel it.

"Look at that, Riley survived," the big man laughed in surprise.

"Watch it, Kim, your nose is bleeding. You should go and clean yourself up," Riley said.

Kim felt his nose and sure enough, his nose was bleeding. "Did Riley do that?" he wondered silently.

With his HUD on, Kyle took a reading on everyone present. The two men Riley was having a spat with were both Lvl 30 fighters. The bald yellow-skinned man was only a Lvl 5 servant.

The large man in heavy armor with the red skin was a Lvl 35 Fighter. the soldiers behind him were all Lvl 16 Fighters. The orange-skinned man was interesting; he was a Lvl 27 Spirit Man.

Even though he was only at Lvl 27 he could probably kill everyone here. Riley's current level was at Lvl 29 but his speed was beyond what his level indicated.

Kyle had two numbers for his levels. His name read as Kyle Kane Lvl 25 (34). He was still hiding his strength. If his powers weren't blocked he'd probably be close to a level 40.

He and Riley were both assessing everyone present to come up with a plan and prioritizing who needs to be taken down first.

Looking around the room, Kyle realized he was standing in a formation. He laughed to himself. He recognized the purpose of the formation.

Apparently, formation mastery was on a much lower level here.

Lady Galgaba would beat whoever set up this formation for their sloppiness. Kyle made a few subtle moves and altered the formation a little.

"Good, both of you have survived. This will be a helpful addition to the Dungeon Team. Now, Master Keason will place a slave seal on you. You have no choice but to accept the seal.

The good news is that if we are successful and attain the riches the Barron hopes for; then you will gain your freedom," Steward East said.

The orange-skinned Keason walked forward ready to place the slave seals on Kyle and Riley. Riley tensed up and was ready for a fight.

Keason laughed and produced a circular disc with a blue gem on it. He placed his thumb on the gem and put some spirit energy into it.

The gem glowed faintly and then a faint glow covered everything within the area of the circumference of the circle.

"Oh, did you make this formation?" Kyle asked with a laugh.

"Yes?" Keason was a little unsure and surprised this kid knew there was a formation present.

"Kind of sloppy isn't it?" Kyle said with a mischievous grin.


We've started with 11 power stones and need 89 more power stones to reach our first bonus chapter goal.

Today's power stone heroes are: lover_of_Milfs, and darrel

Thank you all for your support! This book wouldn't be possible without you.


If you would like to read more chapters, I'll do a big release on Sundays if we can reach the weekly goal.

This week's goal is:

100 power stones for 1 extra chapter.

200 power stones for 2 extra chapters

250 power stones for 3 extra chapters

straythoughtcreators' thoughts