
Sunshine (Naruto Fanfic)


Ashley_Walls · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 6

Naruto whined Kurama


I'm bored

Then sleep


Why not?

Because I'm bored

Ugh Naruto Facepalmed and hit his head on the desk. Today's my first day at the academy and I'm already bored like Kurama.




"Alright Class Dismissed" Yelled Iruka. Naruto got out of his seat, jumped out the window and screamed "FINALLY"

Finally I felt like I was going to die. Listening to stuff I already know. Hearing the fangirls scream over Sasuke.

Naruto then stopped walking and decided to head to the hokages office.

I need to talk to Lord Hokage. Naruto walked up to the secretary and asked " Is Lord Hokage in his office?" She nodded "Yes but hes in a meeting right now Senju-Sama."

I hate when people act nice to me because of my name. Used to she would sneer and curse at me, but now she smiles so sweetly that it makes me sick.

Naruto smiled "I will wait by his door then" then he walked off.

Hey kit since we have time we need to talk about something. Naruto frowned. What is it kurama?

I'm bored

KURAMA stop saying your bored!.

Kurama pouted but I am.

Then talk to Hashirama, Tobirama, or Madara.

They are ignoring me.

Naruto rolled his eyes.

He heard the door open. And say The hokage and a man with a bandaged face walk out.

Danzo. Naruto dont go near him no matter what growled Tobirama


Because he abuses his power. Hes also planning for the hokage seat. And since you have me in you, he will want you. He was also the one for the attacks on you.

Ah ok I will stay away.


"Naruto?" Asked Sarutobi as he looked at the boy. " what are you doing here?"

Naruto got up "I'm here to ask you a question and since you was busy I decided to wait." Sarutobi nodded the turned to Danzo "My answer is final he will not be put within the ranks of root." Danzo sneered "One day you will find out how wrong you are" then he walked off.  He sighed then motioned Naruto to come in his office. "So Naruto what do you need to ask me?"

Naruto looked at him "jiji do I have to go to the academy?" Sarutobi sighed. "Naruto dont you like the academy?"

Naruto shook his head "Its full of fangirls and everything Iruka-sensei is teaching I was already taught." Sarutobi thought for a couple of minutes "Naruto.....I know you are strong. And your determination is nothing to frown about. But, your too naive. You forgive anyone no matter what they done to you. I could kill you right now and you will smile then forgive me." He paused "You dont know the real world yet, out there" he pointed out the window " its kill or be killed and you wouldnt even last a minute. For you will always give your enemy a second chance and they will kill you"

Naruto frowned "I understand what your saying Jiji." Sarutobi sighed got up and walked to Naruto. "Naruto my boy, you need to learn to have some hate but not hate everyone." He paused and thought for a seconds. "Naruto how about this I want you to come with me to a Meeting with the Kazekage."

"Why Jiji?"

"You will understand when we get there. We are leaving tomorrow morning at 7 dont be late. I will talk to Iruka about the academy. That's all you may leave"

Naruto nods and started heading home.


K- Yes kit

Am I really that naive? To forgive everyone?

M- Yes you are boy. Your even more naive than Hashirama here.

H- That's mean Madara

T-it's the truth Naruto. You need to learn to have some hate. And to kill people.

But they must ha-

K- NARUTO! Listen to us we tell you the truth and you know we will never lie to you

H- Naruto....how about this we have 3 hours till sundown. During those 3 hours me and Madara will teach you about the shinobi life. While Tobirama talk to Sarutobi.

..okay..do you guys know why hes taking me with him?

All Naruto got is silence. He sighed and went home..


Hello everyone! Thank you for reading my Fanfiction : )

And special thanks to YamataNoOrochi.