
Sunshine (Naruto Fanfic)


Ashley_Walls · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

chapter seven

NARUTO WAKE YOUR ASS UP! yelled Kurama as he started jumping on him.

"Five..more..minutes" mumbled Naruto as he turned over knocking Kurama to the floor.

'This kid how to wake him up.....oh I got it'

Naruto someone stole your ramen collection said Kurama as he backed away.

"What!" Naruto jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. He started checking all the cabinets to find his Ramen was still there. He turned around to see Kurama walking into the kitchen "Kurama why did you wake me up?" Yawned Naruto.

Hashirama walked in "Because you have to be at the gate at 7. And you have 30 minutes to get ready and be there Naruto" "Oh" is all Naruto said as he head to his room to get ready.


"Is Naruto here yet?" Asked Sarutobi as he walked up to the cat masked ANBU

He shook his head "No Lord Hokage he hasn't arrived yet. We still have 10 minutes before 7 do you want to wait?" Sarutobi nodded. And the ANBU disappeared. He sighed and remembered the talk he had with his sensei Tobirama yesterday.


"Hiruzen why are you bringing Naruto with you tomorrow?" Asked Tobirama as he walked to the Hokages desk. Hiruzen looked up from his paperwork "Because hes Naive and I know on this mission that we will be attacked on the way there or back it always happened" Tobirama pondered for a few seconds "Your planning on making him kill?" He questioned. Sarutobi shook his head "I'm planning on making him see what Shinobi life is. He wont kill but I want him to see what happens when you give the enemy a second chance. The ANBU wont help out until I make the signal."

"Okay, Hiruzen just make sure hes okay, I will tell the others what you have planned so they wont jump out and help. You know how much they care about that boy." Hiruzen laughs "we all care about Naruto." Tobirama started to turn around and  leave then he stopped "Dont let him kill, not yet hes still to young". "He wont kill Sensei, not if I have anything to do with it." Tobirama nodded and Kageshin no Jutsu out of there.


Sarutobi sighed 'I have a bad feeling about this, but Naruto mustn't be so Naive or he will die. I'm doing this for his good. I'm doing this for his good. I'm d-'

"Hey jiji" yelled Naruto as he walks up to Sarutobi. Sarutobi smiles "hey Naruto. Ready to go?" Naruto nods. And they are on their way to Suna.

"Are we there yet?" Asked Naruto

"No" Sarutobi answered

---Not even a minute later----

"Are we there yet?" No one answered Naruto.

---7 "Are we there yet laters?"---

"Naruto please be quiet" said Sarutobi as he rubbed his head. "But I'm bored" he sighed "Naruto, do you know why I asked you to come with me?" Naruto shook his head. "Because, I want to show you what a Shinobi is. Naruto what is your dream?"

Naruto then smiled "To become Hokage"

Sarutobi looked at him "Why do you want to become Hokage?"

"So I can protect the people in the village"

"Are you sure? Are you sure you want to become Hokage to protect them or because you want people to know you are strong?" Asked Sarutobi. (A/N Everytime I type Sarutobi it corrects it to saduisahduiash)

Naruto stops and Sarutobi also stops and looks at the boy. "Jiji I want to become hokage to protect people. Not to get noticed though I already do because of the last name Senju. My last names make me weak." Confused Sarutobi asked "Weak?".

"Yes" Naruto nods "Because of my last name people take it easy on me treat me like royalty just like they do the Uchiha. I dont like people being nice/respecting to me because of my background. I want to earn the power the respect that people give me instead of having it given to me." Then Naruto starts walking again. Sarutobi looks at Narutos back as he walked away, 'looks like hes grown up somewhat anyway, he knows the difference in being given something and earning it.'

He smiles and starts following Naruto.


"Look, Naruto we are here. We are at

Sunagakure" announced Sarutobi as he walked to the gate. Naruto 'wohs' and looks around "Jiji am I going to see the Kazekage with you?"

Sarutobi nods

"Wow first time out the village and I'm already meeting another Kage" whispered Naruto.