
Sun Sun Fruit In One Piece[ON HIATUS]

After getting reincarnated with the abilities of sunshine, Ra makes the best of his new life establishing his own path while trying his hardest to ensure that his pride which knows no bounds does not hinder the path that he treads in the pirate world. **This is the first time I am writing a fanfic and I am not really sure where I am headed with it but I'll try my best to keep it interesting. Thanks for reading.**

An_lf_line · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
35 Chs

Chapter 15

Ra pov

Walking with Deideri by my side I felt like I had snatched for myself a sibling I never had. With the way our hair colour almost resembled each other though mine was on the shorter side and a deeper shade of orange compared to hers which was long, spiky and of lighter shade.

The reason I was walking with her was to find out about her living conditions, why she is desperate for money enough so that she would ask for it from a stranger and definitely...no, maybe get myself a companion who can navigate. Who knows maybe we'll be known as the Lion's sin of Pride and Fenrir's commandment of Purity or something along those lines.

She led me to where she called area twelve where the headquarters where she resided was. This was the place where I experienced attempted robbery before. She avoided the pirates who were all about drinking and narrating their own stories amongst themselves and they also paid no heed to her presence which was weird cause she would have probably made easy money being sold to the auction house. She went down the alley where the disappointed thief clicked after the attempted robbery failed successfuly before.

Wait, could she have been the thief cause if she was, she is a very bad one. I mean who the hell gives away their position due to a mishap in their plan to steal something.

This was all on my mind and when I came back to reality, we had reached our destination. It was a shabby run down shack which made me grimace wondering how long she had lived there."So why would you show me this place?" I asked her

"I thought you wanted to know where I lived and why I asked for money." She replied

"Let me guess, your instincts told you?" I asked and she just nodded.

"So I know where you live now, now why did you ask for money?" I inquired

"Because I was hungry." She gave her brief reply.

"Then why are the pirates afraid of you?"

"Because big sis Shakky protects me"

"Is she strong?"


"Is she rich?"


"Then why the fuck are you in rags and trying to steal money then asking for food after failing?"

"It's my hobby and like I said I was hungry."

"So your hobby is wearing rags?"

"It's easier to steal while wearing them."

"Then is this your home?"


"So you lied to me?"


"Ok then why are you malnourished?"

"I am not,I can control my body muscels very well." She said as she started becoming plump till she looked healthy.

I was getting a headache so I just stopped with the questions and wondered what was the reason I was here and engaging in this back and forth with her.

The little devil giggled for the first time since we met and walked away. When I asked where she was headed to she replied that she was going to Shakky"s rip off bar. I had made it all the way here so why not go and meet Shakky though I wouldn't want to be ripped off. We arrived at the bar after walking in entire silence all the way.

The building was quite large with a very weird round roof on it. As Derieri went inside I followed to have a good look at Rayleigh's wife. The lady in question stood at the counter taking in puffs of her cigarette. She looked slim,tall and had black eyes and hair with two tufts pointing upwards. She wore a pink spider drawn t-shirt exposing her stomach and a black trouser with white polka dots. Her breasts were huge seemingly in demand of attention and I couldn't help but look twice; first to see and second for confirmation if it was real.

It seems my hormones are finally kicking in after being held in for so long while at home. She noticed our entrance and looked in our direction, or should I say mine as the little devil was nowhere to be seen. I could feel her judgemental eyes on me and I couldn't help but curse out the teenage hormones.

I made my way to the counter sat on one of the tools and looked around the place while maintaining my silence.

She took in another puff and after releasing the smoke said to me,"You know you aren't going to attract any lady while acting all cool and mysterious. We live in a world infested with pirates so you should take the persona of a headstrong and reckless person and attack those you like. But I like a mysterious guy myself, so what do you say?"

It was obvious she was trying to make me flustered but I was no ordinary teenage boy so I replied without hesitation, " Sure, why not." She was a pro at this for she asked how much I had on me. I decided to try my nonexistent skills on her and see how it goes. " My possessions are of too much value and for someone as priceless as you, so they should do just fine." I inwardly cringed embarrassed by my own words though my now in training poker face saved me from outward humiliation. Shakky broke into fit of laughter and said in between stitches,"Kid, you are a riot...maybe you should...start your own comedy show." I made a hasty retreat and asked,"So what do you serve here?"

"Just drinks for big boys, you want to try some?" She replied. I did indeed wanted some but remembering it was a rip off bar I decided not to, knowing that my pockets weren't that deep and I had no steady supply of income at the moment.

The little devil Derideri came back now wearing a black t-shirt and jeans. I see she followed Shakky's dressing style. Shakky asked the girl who I was but she just replied in her usual style with an I don't know. I guess that's how she really communicates with everybody. Shakky released a sigh and I think she was probably tired of the girl's antics as anyone would be. She turned back to me while Derideri made herself busy cleaning the bar." So kid, are you an aspiring pirate?" She inquired

"No, I am an aspiring explorer."

"Hmmm... what's the difference?"

"Not much but I won't rob civilians and citizens nor kill indiscriminately but travel through the oceans and uncover all its secrets."

"Then you'll act as an explorer till the marines brand you a pirate for knowing too much."

"Now that I think about it then yes." I replied

We were done talking for the moment but then Derideri asked,"Hey sis, can I join him in his travels." Shakky replied with 'why?' but immediately seem to regret as the reply came soon enough,"Instincts."

'Deri, I'll just call her that, will probably awaken ultra instinct if she continues that way' was what I was thinking when a bird dropped in at a window carrying a newspaper. After Shakky paid for it I couldn't help but sneak a peek revealing the headlines that read 'The Roger pirates reach the end of New World ' Things were now starting to get dangerous and I was right before the begining of the new era. I wonder how many pirates I'll have to beat down before I fulfilled my desire. If I'll explore the whole world then I'd better add finding the one piece as a goal to achieve. I guess I'll have to betray mother's expectations and become a pirate after all albeit a wrongly branded one.

"Hahahaha!" I laughed out loud for the first time in a long time as the temperature in the bar increased a bit but I calmed down and asked Shakky for a glass of water to try and cool down my excitement.