
1. Unhappy Life

A dark blue haired, high school student with bright red eyes , after the name of Ichiko Bermotal running with all his power trying to get away from his bullies. Although he tried,they were faster.They Caught onto him

"You think you can outrun us ?" said one of the bullies, Ichiko got punched and punched until blood came out..

He was a poor student and couldn't make new friends on his own and everyone called him a weirdo and many rumors started to be heard from his school to his house.

Once he got home he sat at the dinner table and screamed in tears "I am sick of this poor family. If this is going to be all my life i will kill myself! " that being said he ran in his room and shut the door and locked it...

His dad broke the door trying to save his son but all he saw was Ichiko crying in the bed..his dad was trying to calm him but soon he remembered and told Ichiko "Son, your mother has been fired from her job recently.... and we are running low on budget....we can live here for one month and i am very sorry for not giving you what you want. you know we would give everything we can afford to you. so try to find a part-time job for the sake of us." Ichiko pushed him out of the room... he started crying, he grabbed his cross and begged for mercy and money so they would live happily.

its my first Novel..... this is just chapter 1.. i know it is not good ... just dont roast me in the coments

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