
2. The appearance

Ichiko woke up finding a 1000000 yen bill in his palm he said to himself "I am sure dad left it for me to calm me down"

walking to the kitchen he was thinking why would his father leave such a bill if he needed it himself.

He sat at the table looking cheerful at his parents.. " Did anything happen ? " asked his dad with an obvious look on his face that he cried .. " Yes, thank you for the 1000000 bill! " answered Ichiko " W-What bill? " asked his mom " The one Dad gave me ! "

His mom took her husband to the cornet of the kitched whispering quitetly but still , Ichiko could her them

"Why did you gave him such a bill? we could of payd Rent ! " she asked with a furious look on her face

" I didn't give him anything ! " said with a surprised look

Ichiko while he was eating his cereals he knew that the bullies would steal his money so he was about to ask his parents for some backup money...Suddenly another bill appeared in his hand he got scared and dropped it in the bowl... he fell on the ground along with his chair.... his parents kept asking why did he wet the bill and how did he fall but not long after.. they saw the other bill in his hand.. "where did you get 2 1000000 yen bills? " they asked ... " i printed one to give it to the bullies so they would leave me alone " he answered ... after he finished his meal he went to his room ..

" this must be a dream.. i mean this isn't possible ! "he said frustrated

he kept looking at his hand and saying " SUMMON " or " APPEAR" trying to do what happened in the kitchen... He focused on his hand and thinking of a 10000 yen bill... he didn't move for 5 minutes but in the end when he almost gave up... they appeared... he was shocked .... "i can finaly buy everything i wanted, but i don't want to drag attention at me because i don't want scientists examining me.. or people asking for money....

Ichiko went back at his parents and lending them the 1000000 bill while saying " from tomorrow i will get a job but for now take this and pay rent " without a word being spoken from his parents he left the room.

Soon after His 26 year old blonde sister by the name came with her boyfriend... they came to help...

While her parents were greeting His sister he was in his room trying to make more money he sat there for a long tim but nothing happened....

it is not good it is my first time... dont roast me please ... thanks

DaKimaN_MLGcreators' thoughts