

It's been three years since she saw her sister last as they separated to face their dreams and accomplish all they desired, Iris finally got the chance to meet her most beloved twin sister who happened to be her only family member. The joy was short lived though as an accident claimed her sister's life. She loses her memory and got to live as her sister for only a week before regaining her memories. With her memories regained, she is faced with a painful truth of how her sister had gotten her first love and man hooked in a relationship by replacing her. Her sister was dead living her a message of how she was also in love with the same man and sort after him with her identity when she met him. Their relationship was not in a good shape at all as she cheated on him and they were close to getting a divorce. Stuck between being moral by letting the man know as he was filled with anger towards the fact that he was cheated on and staying with the man she loved as well as preventing her sister's son from becoming an orphan. Will she be able to endure the hate he had for her that was directed towards her late sister whom she now impersonates or could she break free regardless of the little cutie who needs his mother and the man whom she is the only man in her life?

Omiglow · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter Seven.

As Iris and Ryan was spending some quality time in garden, they heard the sound of footsteps coming toward them. When the owner of the footsteps was visible to them, they found the person to be a Young woman in her early to twenties, fashionable dressed with her high heels and Makeup on making her more stunning looking.

Her good looking face was spoiled by the haunting look on her face, she looks at Iris, opened her mouth, in her screeching voice she said in distained evident in her voice " You what are you doing here, I remember telling you the last time I saw you to leave Adrian and Ryan life alone? But what did you do you got yourself involved in an accident killing others in the car with you in the process"

She glared at Iris and continued "You know what you should do, I know that you can never know because of your memory loss so I'm going to tell you, if you know what is good for you are going to take it as an advise. It is quite simple actually the stupid you should be able to do this, when you a little better than this, for people not to call me wicked you can still stay for a while to recover but after that pack your bags and leave Adrian and Ryan alone, file for a divorce and never appear in their presence ever okay."

While the Lady was screeching all this while, Iris was just looking at her while holding onto her son, after the lady stops speaking Iris was still looking at the lady without the intention to give a response to the lady at all.

The lady became more angry when she was that Iris was stupidly staring while blinking at her, without any response from her. Her cheeks became flushed with her eyes bulging making her face looking more scary to look at. Ryan seeing such a scary look on a human face he became so scared that he hid his face on his mother's lap.

The Lady shouted with her terrible pitched voice " Ivy are you not the one I am talking to, why are you not answering and taking me for a fool? You sure have the guts" she started screeching more loudly. Seeing Ryan more terrified that he was actually shaking, Iris had enough of her, she cut the Lady of by saying "This lady can you just stop with your noise? Or can't you see that you are actually scaring a child with all the noise you are making?"

"When you first came in, I thought you were part of an entertainment crew hired to perform for I and my child. But as you continued with your self directed play I found out, that was not to be the case, you are just a self absorbed person that deeply believe in the delusion that she is so involved in, thinking her self to someone of importance whereas she is not you are just a deranged person." The lady was so shocked that she was speechless. Iris then continued " You are surprised that I got your diagnosis right mmh, don't be because if you are in your right senses you will not be telling me to leave my husband and son alone for what and who? Not you are hope because that is impossible and cannot be possible in your dreams" stuttering the lady tried to speak "You..you…you" "You what? You better keep your mouth shut, after you scared my son with your terrifying sound voice you are quite lucky I'm not saying bad words to curse you out, whole the heck are you in the first place.

The lady recovered herself and said " I am Tina Fredrick the daughter of the owner of Hycon Hotels and Bars and also childhood sweetheart of Adrian, that you stole him from so I have all the right to chase you out of this Mansion it belongs to me in the first place."

Iris laughs mockingly looks at Tina up and down and said "Oh and so what, childhood sweetheart, what should I do about the fact that I was the one Adrian got married to, the fact that you are hos so called childhood sweetheart and not married to you shows that there is something wrong with you in the first place. Respect yourself and get out of my sight, even better excuse me I have something better to do that you can only dream of. My son you terrified to console and take care of and my husband to love, bye and watch out for the dogs on your way out, they are wild and very brutal" with that Iris left carrying Ryan along with her leaving Tina alone shocked.

Tina stood at the garden thinking she was having a nightmare because she has never been so humiliated before, people always respect her wherever she goes even when she was in wrong she never apologize to people only Adrian is the exception and that is because she love and adore him. And today Ivy had the gut to insult her in such manner, she had to report her to Adrian.

On the Office, Adrian was working on his Computer when Tina Call came through. Seeing Tina name save as the contact name, Adrian felt an headache coming, he picked the call as said. " Hello. Tina what can I help you with?"

Tina: "Adrian I have never suffered an humiliation as i did at your house today"

Adrian: "You went to my house today? What happened?"

Tina: "I saw Ivy and your son at the garden in your house, I went to greet Ivy because I heard she lost her memories gave her a little advise I know she needs, what did her gave her the advice for suddenly she started behaving like she was under a possession then start to insult me."

Adrian: "What sort of advise did you give to her to prove her into insulting you?"

Tina: "I only told her to behave herself and turn to a new leaf now that she forgets all her memories and she started to haul insults at me, I don't know how that should prove her into humiliating me. she is quite Lucky that I'm a good person that is the reason I gave her no response and decided to call you to inform about her bad behavior. She did not know how to behave like someone from high class family like us."