

It's been three years since she saw her sister last as they separated to face their dreams and accomplish all they desired, Iris finally got the chance to meet her most beloved twin sister who happened to be her only family member. The joy was short lived though as an accident claimed her sister's life. She loses her memory and got to live as her sister for only a week before regaining her memories. With her memories regained, she is faced with a painful truth of how her sister had gotten her first love and man hooked in a relationship by replacing her. Her sister was dead living her a message of how she was also in love with the same man and sort after him with her identity when she met him. Their relationship was not in a good shape at all as she cheated on him and they were close to getting a divorce. Stuck between being moral by letting the man know as he was filled with anger towards the fact that he was cheated on and staying with the man she loved as well as preventing her sister's son from becoming an orphan. Will she be able to endure the hate he had for her that was directed towards her late sister whom she now impersonates or could she break free regardless of the little cutie who needs his mother and the man whom she is the only man in her life?

Omiglow · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter six.

Iris stays for a few days more before she was eventually discharged from admission in the hospital. Throughout the rest of her stay, she saw no traces of her so called husband paying her any sort of visit. But Ryan her sweet son visited her and they both spend quality time together making the boy becoming more free together.

On the day she first got home, she finds out that the house they love in is actually a Mansion that mean her husband must be extremely rich and influential someone. She received a warm welcome from the Servants at the Mansion before she was lead to her room, on getting to the Master bedroom she rested. A while later she heard a few faint knocks on the door she stood up from bed walked to the door before she answered the person at the same time. On opening the door she found out the person knocking was her son Ryan, She was told he was asleep when she asked for him earlier

Seeing him now at her door she invited him into the room happily because she misses him slot. She bent down picked him up from the door while she showered his chubby cheeks in kisses. "Baby how was your nap, was it comfortable enough for you?" she asked while carrying him on her arms. Ryan looks up at her while nodding his head positively at her question.

"Speak to me baby, let me hear your sweet voice, you know Mummy love hearing your cute voice so don't deprave me from hearing your voice " says Iris while pinching his cubby cheeks. "Okay Mummy I slept well" Replied Ryan Cutely. "Are you hungry because it is time for dinner let go to the dinning for dinner, hopefully your dad is on is way home for dinner, you will like that don't you baby" asked Iris while walking towards out of the room with Ryan in her arms. Ryan replied his Mother "I will like it mummy."

After walking for some minutes Iris discover that she was genuinely lost. She looks at Ryan when smiling silly like and says "Baby it seems like Mummy has forgot the way to the dinning room can you direct us to the dinning area." " Yes mummy" replied Ryan smiling with his cute teeth showing. "That is my smart boy lead the way let's go I'm famished already."

On getting to the dinning room, Iris was informed by the Butler that her husband was not going to join them for the dinner because he is busy at the Office and he will have is dinner there. After the information was received by her she turned to her food to eat while feeding Ryan at the same time.

By the time they finished with their food and went back to the Master bedroom preparing to sleep Adrian is not yet back from the office, Iris waited for a while after putting her son to sleep she later fell asleep when the time clocked Ten O Clock.

The following day morning when Iris woke up she discovered that the other side of the bed does not look like it was slept on. She then concluded that he did not come home due to his busy schedule, she got her mind off the matter, did her morning routines and went to the closet to look for comfortable clothing article to wear. After going through the closet she saw clothes that are too revealing, tight looking, longing for comfortable clothing she find the clothes in her closet undesirable to wear. She left her side of the closet, went to her husband side of the closet, to there she found a hoodie and joggers she was pleased in to wear.

After she was dressed up, she left the room and went to the dinning room. On getting to here she only saw Ryan already seated waiting for her before he starts eating and no sign of her husband. She turned to the Butler and ask the of her husband absence for breakfast. The Butler replied "Madam the Master already left on a business trip this morning and he said he will have his breakfast on the flight" "Oh so that means he came home last night?" question Iris "Yes ma'am, he came home around Twelve in the midnight but went to his office and said he will be sleeping there so as not to disturb you" replied the Butler.

Iris stops asking the Butler questions after he replied and the butler instructed the maids to serve breakfast. After eating she played with her son for a little while before she asked the maid bshe saw if there was a Library in the Mansion. The maid was surprised because this was the first time the Madam ever asked about the Library this memory lost really changed their Madam into a different person.

The maid answer Iris and took her to the Library, on entering into the Library she was amazed by the huge collection of books available there. She browse each section of books on the shelf looking for what might get her interest, in getting to computer programming section she found herself genuinely curious about the topics she found in the books.

She sat down to scan read some of the books, as she was going through the books she finds out that some of the books she was reading was very familiar to her, and from what she has been told about herself, she was not describe as someone that is so serious with book or someone that loves to read any type of books, rather she was describe as some who love going out for outing and parties.

Maybe she had the talent for reading but she doesn't really liked it at all but like socializing more. She picked some book along with her and left the Library. She went back to the living room and saw her son playing with his toys, she asked him if he will be willing to go-to the Library with her and he answered positively to are question. After making some arrangements for some snacks she went together with her son to the garden she saw when she came home yesterday.