
Subordination system

Jason was just your average joe, until one day he received a job offer that came with a system and a world crossing mission. Now armed with a system and a very helpful soul, Jason left the world on a journey to the top, an adventure full of laughs, pain, and joy. A story of family, leaders, and armies. His first destination, a VRMMO. [release rate: 1 chap every day] note: I do not own the cover, if it belongs to you, please contact me and I will take it down

a_regular_student · เกม
344 Chs


Jason looked up, he could see the end of the pit it was just 100 feet above him. He could see the trees, sunlight, and even the occasional bird tweeting over the pit.

Determination filled Jason and he stabbed the wall with the metal spikes he had collected. He needed to pull out a spike and place it a bit above him and climb up while pulling out the spike that he left behind him.

Jason got to around the 50 feet when he got a notification

[you have learned the skill climbing]

[climbing level 1: it is much easier to climb things]

Jason could feel the boost, his body felt more flexible and agile his progress picked up substantially and his climbing level even rose once.

Finally, he was out of the horrid pit. Jason took a bit of time to just enjoy the land. The soft light green grass that rustled whenever the wind flew through and the large trees that gave him a comfortable shade after pushing his body to the limit. Some times he could see the sun through the tree's foliage and that's when he remembered.

The trees could now be climbed and he could finally find the stupid tall tree.

Walking toward the trees he found one that looked like it could support him. Taking the metal spikes he climbed up like how he did in the pit.

At the top was a view that took his breath away it was a vast sea of green leaves, that was contrasted with the bright blue of the sky. Jason could see the tall jutting tree like an island in the sea.

He was about to go down when he stopped to see if he could use the hanging vines to swing around. Sadly he couldn't and dropped back to the ground.

He started walking in the general direction of the tallest tree while managing to avoid groups of rabbit sentries while killing the groups of normal rabbits he found. While doing that he managed to level up so now he was level 13 and had 6 unused status points.

[Perseus and Arjuna have gained 3 levels in the past day +30 points]

3 levels in one day! that was impressive for any person. Jason was glad that Perseus and Arjuna's development was going well. After all their strength was his strength.

Boops realized something and immediately delivered his revelation

"Hey, Jason you can level up your skills by using them frequently right? if so then you should just use your skills constantly like slash or dodge."

Jason didn't reply but a large path started to get carved in the forest in the wake of Jason training his skills.


Masuda and the rest of the gang heard of the news as did the rest of the world. The game WOW was really a full VRMMO game with a dive system. The worth of the MH company started to skyrocket and crowds of people started to buy capsules.

It was safe to say that World of wonders was becoming an international craze and was going to stay that way for a long time. Some people chalked it up to just a fad that was going to pass away in a bit but other smarter people knew the tremendous value in the game.

Masuda and the rest already had their capsules, courtesy of Luna, and entered the game as fast as they could to get even the smallest advantage.

Everyone had promised to work together even Jones. Arjuna was bringing skilled players with him into the game, while Perseus was almost yelling at a certain plump businessman to invest in the game. Everything was going as planned even when the world started to revolve around this one game.

The climb to the top had started.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

a_regular_studentcreators' thoughts