
Ch43. I Know Who?

Hadrian quietly sat in his compartment, reading the first year Charm book when suddenly his door flew open and a girl walked inside. Her glistered face was strained by tears as she sat down with a 'huff'.

Hadrian suddenly felt a deep regret not learning silencing, notice-me-not, and locking charms from Narcissa.

Only when he shuffled his legs did the girl realize the compartment was not as empty as she hoped and her eyes bulged out in unveiled surprise.

"I-," She lowered her head, deeply ashamed. "Sorry."

She was about to stand up and storm out of the compartment when her blond hair went pastel red and Hadrian realized exactly who was just sitting in front of him.

Nymphadora Tonks. Someone belonging to his family. Someone, he had a responsibility to protect.

"Stay." He told her with a silent sigh when she grabbed the side of the door. "There are enough seats for two here."

With a barely visible nod, she sat down, trying to wipe her tears.

"So... a firstie right?" She asked, giving Hadrian what could be said to be a poor attempt at a cheery grin. It came out kinda broken though and that's not counting her tearstained face.

Before answering, Hadrian reluctantly called his family magic out, marking everything that happens in the compartment a family secret. Nymphadora was still able to talk about it, the family magic would just make it so she won't have any urge nor need to reveal anything to even her closest friends.

"Yup... so? What got you so sad?" He asked firmly, subtly applying a bit of black family magic to his voice.

When she heard his firm, ordering question, it was as if a dam broke, Nymphadora started openly sobbing yet again, trying to stop as she brokenly told him the story.

As Andromeda hinted, little Nymphy was delighted to sleep with her boyfriend, Charlie Weasley, at the end of their summer vacation. She did her damnedest so the prick enjoyed himself. She even changed her appearance to what he wanted.

It was only after they both laid on the bed in post-coital bliss that he sprung the entire spiel on her.

How he was sorry for dumping her but it just would not work.

How he adores dragons too much.

How he got a spot in Romania.

Yadda, yadda, yadda...

Well, Hadrian could see why Nymphadora cried rivers right now. Her rebellious side is but a mask. She is, in fact, a very fragile girl with everyone making fun of her due to either her name or her ability.

He realized he is witnessing the verge of a very big life-changing decision of Nymphadora. This must be when she decided to be strong and started to pursue her career as an Auror.

Andromeda always claimed her daughter will become the best Potion Mistress in Britain, no matter how Snape tries to hinder her.

Hadrian resisted the urge to roll his eyes in annoyance, he stood up and patted the seventh year girl on her head. If she decides to be Auror, that's her decision. But emotional support, he will provide nevertheless.

"It will be fine. One idiot should not make you feel so down." Hadrian started to caringly wipe her tears with his sleeve. "You will meet a fair share of those just yet. Do not get all teary because of them. They will come and go."

Nymphadora's face bloomed into a genuine smile at his attempt to cheer her up and giggled at his exasperated eye-roll. This barely eleven-year-old boy was giving her a piece of life advice. Her pride felt a bit insulted but her heart felt warm and oddly giddy.

"Thank you for trying to cheer me up." She said, her voice happy. "Oh, I am Tonks, by the way."

She beamed and reached her hand out to Hadrian who took it and smirked.

"Is that your first or last name... Tonks?"

"Eh..." 'Tonks' promptly showed a difficult expression.

"Nymphadora Tonks." She whispered and cutely pouted.

Hadrian's eyes sparkled in amusement as his smirk grew.

"Sure thing, Dora."

Dora's expression lit up at not being called by her first name, granting Hadrian an appreciative grin.

"So... what is your na-" She started her question when the door forcefully flew open.

A ginger-haired boy with dirt on his nose and scruffy robes stood in the middle of them, inquisitively looking around the compartment.

Dora was about to scowl and give the boy a piece of her mind but stopped herself abruptly.

Was she really about to curse at a firstie?

Her eyes grew horrified. She... was! Her mind flashed through various reasons for it in a slip of a second when her eyes landed on the raven-haired boy sitting opposite her.

It was because he didn't make fun of her either due to her name nor due to her hair changing color. She felt oddly okay and comfortable in his presence and now someone interrupted her time with him!

She looked properly at the boy in the door and froze. Ginger hair, poor-looking second-hand robes, and dirt on his nose.


Dora's eyes narrowed and she saw red, still angry at Charlie, she was about to vent her anger on the small ginger in front of her when Hadrian's hand patted her knee, stopping her short.

Looking into his eyes, she saw amused glint with a hint of danger as he winked at her, earning himself a curious but grateful look.

"Hello." Hadrian greeted Weasley.

"Hi." The boy said and flopped next to Dora who quickly changed her seat to sit next to Hadrian. "I am Ron Weasley, and you?"

"Dora." Nymphadora quipped, surprising even herself how easy it came out. She never liked any form of her name but... this would do. It sounds oddly... nice. Her lips twisted into a wry grin.

Hadrian, watching Dora with the corner of his eye, was pleased. Using his family magic to make her more 'accepting' of her new nickname, letting her put to the grave some of her hate for her name was not an easy task. He instinctively knew how to use his family magic on the members of his family but affecting 'acceptance' was almost impossible. Anything other than giving her a comforting feeling when hearing her new nickname was far beyond his capabilities.

"I am Harry Potter." Hadrian uncaringly said, making Dora's eyes go wide and Weasley's jaw hit the floor.

"So it is true, then" Ron exclaimed in a breathless whisper and leaned forward. "Do you have the..." He nudged his hand, not-so-subtly gesturing at his forehead.

"The?" Hadrian raised his eyebrow.

"Scar." Ron let out as if he was telling some deep secret, making Dora roll her eyes in exasperation.

"Which one?" Hadrian flippantly answered, earning himself a snicker from Dora and an awkward expression from Ron. As he saw Ron again about to open his mouth he shrugged and raised his raven locks from his forehead. "Oh... sure."

"Do you remember it?" Ron tactlessly asked and Dora scowled at him, protective of Hadrian while not being sure why exactly was she feeling like that.

"What?" Hadrian asked, trying to appear puzzled.

"You-Know-Who." Ron asked with barely hidden anticipation and fear in his gaze.

"I know who?" Hadrian's upper lip twitched in amusement.

"Yes! You-Know-Who!" Ron, not getting it, again asked with a nod.

"Who?" Hadrian quipped, trying to appear puzzled.

Ron's expression soured and he loudly exclaimed.

"The Dark Lord!"

"Oh... yes." Hadrian tried to appear pondering as Dora tried to sniffle her laughter. Ron's expression started to glow at Hadrian's acknowledgment.

Now that just would not do, would it?

"Which one?" Hadrian deadpanned and Dora let out a chuckle.

"You-Know-Who!" Ron shrieked, irritated.

"And I tell you, I don't know any Who." Hadrian carefreely told him.

Ron went cross-eyed and his face morphed into determination.

"V-v-vo-v-vol-vold..." He stuttered until finally. "Voldemort!" He exclaimed.

"Oh... him." Hadrian gave a sagely nod, making Ron happily nod along.

Then Dora saw Hadrian's eyes flash yet again.

"Who?" He turned to her and asked, innocently blinking, appearing genuinely baffled.

Dora couldn't take it anymore and burst out in hysterical laughter reverberating through the compartment, making the Weasley's face redder than his hair when Hadrian started to chuckle along.

Ron angrily stood up and ran out of the compartment, realizing he is being made fun of by the Boy-Who-Lived.