
Ch44. Bad Faith

As Dora finally straightened herself, her laughter dying down, she asked teasingly.

"Do you really not know Who?"

"Of course I do not know any Who. Never met anybody named Who either. I also do not know if the person You-Know-Who you are talking about is the same person I think You-Know-Who is, or if you are referring to someone only You-know-Who it is. And I do not know Who you are talking about." Harry summed up with a straight face, making Dora hold her head.

"Uh, you are confusing, you know that?"

"Rotten luck then, you are stuck with me." Harry smiled at her in a good mood. "By the way, I do know who."

She nudged his shoulder with a roll of her eyes.

"Really now... that was not nice, was it?" Dora teased when the door to the compartment went again wide with a 'bang'. Her expression darkened in annoyance as she whipped her head at the intruding idiot.

In the middle of the door now stood a completely different boy.

Pale blond hair, greyish eyes, and noble features with pompous body language.

Behind him, two oversized, fat eleven-years-olds tried to appear as menacing as they could and Hadrian had to give it to them. They would probably scare any six-year-old quite easily.

He also marveled at their figures. It is needed to be said, wizards and witches have a very hard time getting far. Magic is keeping their bodies in an optimal state, after all. Aurors are more often than not very fit and sporty even though they do not exercise a lot. Some kids may be slightly chubby but that goes away quickly with age.

The size these two sported though... they must be quite over-fed indeed.

"I heard there is Harry Potter in this compartment." The pale boy sneered as he looked around until his eyes fell onto Hadrian. Unfortunately, his scar was uncovered because he forgot to cover it after showing Ron. The boy reached his hand out, his expression contorting in disgust when he saw what Hadrian wore. "I am Draco, Draco Malfoy." He condescendingly said.

Hadrian was sure what is currently happening. Draco wanted him to be one of his flunkies. Hence the condescending, I-am-better-than-thou attitude. He did not come asking for friendship. Far from it. He wanted to be in charge of the Boy-Who-Lived.

It kinda irritated Hadrian and made him stare at Draco a second too long.

The boy, seeing Harry didn't jump at the opportunity and took his offered hand, looked around, and spotted scowling Nymphadora.

"Ah... the result of the disowned disgrace of Black and mud-blood dirt, I see." Draco sneered at her. "Just you wait till I get the Lordship over the Black family. My father said we may even let you get back into the family if your abilities prove to be enjoyable. Make sure your cunt is pleasurable enough!" He exclaimed proudly, shocking everyone in the compartment bar Crabbe and Goyle who just looked as out of it as always.

Hadrian was about to punch the little shit.

He did not only proclaim the intention to steal HIS Lordship but also insulted the member of HIS family, calling her a common whore! Alas, Draco's expression stayed his hand.

The boy was just that. A boy. His expression showed he had no understanding of what he said. He just repeated what he heard his father saying.

Dora was on the verge of hexing the boy, consequences be damned! Nobody insults her like that!

Before she could spring onto her feet and jab her wand in Draco's direction, however, Hadrian stood up and took Draco's hand, confusing and disappointing Dora. She felt betrayed as tears started to well in her eyes.

Draco, on the other hand, felt as if he owned the world. The Boy-Who-Lived acknowledged his kindness and will shortly become his minion n1!

Before he could relish at the thought some more, he heard Hadrian's voice.

"Oh, nice to meet you, ferret." His blunt insult froze Dora and Draco in their tracks. Draco couldn't believe what he just heard and checked Hadrian's expression but could see only a welcoming smile.

He was about to open his mouth to question if he heard right when his pants got suddenly down and Hadrian's expression turned into astonishment.

"Eh, Mr. Malfoy. I think... you should buy more fitting pants. Trying to wear the adult ones would do you no good." Hadrian commented with a regrettable undertone as he glanced at Draco's trunks with dragons printed all over them, making the already embarrassed Draco speechless.

Draco quickly bent forward, trying to pull his pants up when suddenly a ripping sound filled the compartment and the eyes of Crabbe and Goyle behind Draco bulged out.

Dora couldn't help herself and started to laugh into her palm at Draco's bewildered expression when he realized his trunks just split on his arse.

Hadrian gave him a weak chuckle.

"Mr. Malfoy, it is a show of Bad Faith to come knocking into the compartment and start insulting everyone. I am sure your current predicament is a righteous punishment from God." He preached, trying to sound priestly. "Fear not though, lost sheep. Unless you live your entire life under the influence of Bad Faith Sr., you may yet gain your redemption and join the ranks of common wizards, becoming the sheep of light!" Hadrian spread his hands magnanimously and firmly proclaimed. "Sever the bond of unfaithful one from you and become the light of the new generations of unthinking and useless! Become the Dra-, cough, Ferret, cough,-gon you were born to be!".

Both Dora and Draco looked at Harry, blinking in shock.

"Wha-?" Draco finally asked, completely confused, still bent forward trying to get his pants up.

Hadrian came closer and put his hand on his shoulder, smiling as if on a naughty child.

"Forgive and forget, Draco. Only through a real commitment of love and snuggles can you be freed from the clutches of the wicked ones. Mud rolls true in your blood, dear Draco." Harry's eyes peered at Draco with concern and pity. "Squib bore you, and your father pure of shit lied to you. For the Dark one is approaching." Hadrian exclaimed. "Fear for his arrival, young Draco! For pain is coming with him as the witless followers bully the sheep on the order of the noseless and you, my dear ferret, are a sheep. Understand little Draco, it is all for the Greater Good!"

Hadrian ended his speech with a pitying sigh while stopping his telekinesis affecting Draco's pants.

Draco quickly pulled his pants up and ran away, partly from shame but mostly from being spooked as he shouted.

"Potter is barmy!"

His two book-end followed him and with blank uncomprehending expressions closed the door with a 'thump'.

Hadrian, completely unconcerned, walked to his previous seat and sat down, giving Dora who was looking at him with her jaw hanging open a winning smile.

"What was that!" She screamed.

"Oh... I pulled Luna on him." Hadrian explained as if it was obvious.

"Lu-... what?"

"Well, in an even simpler manner of speech," He said, getting a scowl in return, "I wonder, how will Heir Malfoy appear to his political allies and friends when he comes to Hogwarts and starts loudly declaring that 'Potter is barmy' without even confronting me first..." A devious smile formed on Hadrian's face. "Especially when it comes from the Heir of NOBLE House to the Heir of Most Ancient AND Noble House in front of, let's say, the entirety of his class? Well, that is basically a slight on the honor of House Potter, did you know that? Hehe, it would give me some political... leeway... in dealing with the ferret and his father, perjury, as they would say." Hadrian's smile twisted into a vicious grin and Dora shivered.