
Strongest Inheritance

John Foster who had lived in only mortal world come to know about cultivation for first time when he got his Inheritance. Why does his father didn't told him about it? Why he got strongest inheritance? What is purpose of his life ? Follow our MC John Foster in his journey to gain strongest inheritance and become the greatest responsibility bearer of the world.

DOOM_HALO · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Joining The Academy

When he got inside, there were already a few thousand people waiting in line to join the academy. There are not only people from the human race, there are even people from different other races.

When humans first entered interstellar traveling, they tried to be very friendly with other races but they soon realized that there is no friendship between different races and only benefits exist.

People could kill each other if it involves their benefits. They didn't even care if the person involved was their friend or foe. From then on they realized the cruel facts of the universe and they also started increasing their strength and began their colonization journey. 

As of now after 300 years of war with other races, humans have successfully conquered the Milky Way galaxy and formed a Cosmic alliance with all the races living in the Milky Way galaxy.

However, they now needed a breakthrough point if they wanted to continue their journey in the neighboring galaxy. That is the why Alliance has jointly opened different academies in different living places in the galaxy so that they can increase their strength and continue their journey.

After John joined the line he immediately started hearing murmurs of different participants. Their voices were shaking and it was clear that they were extremely anxious and excited.

Although starting cultivation and becoming a warrior is an extremely dangerous job and they may lose their lives any time. This life is full of excitement, glories, and riches. They were respected and adored by the masses and could also have earth-shattering power. In addition to that they can also get a long lifespan. Who doesn't want to live longer? It is also said that if one continues to cultivate and become stronger they can get eternal life at the end.

After John joined the line, Immediately there is another man joined the line. The man has a humanoid-shaped body with skin completely red with hands like a spear. On top of his head, there are two goat-like horns. His body is muscular and his legs have ox-like hooves. His face is long with fangs-like teeth. He has a leaf-like ear that seems to be folded.

After joining the line the man immediately extended his hand and said "Oh! Hello friend! I am Sanli."

John glanced at the man but didn't extend his hand and said plainly "John Foster".

Unknown to John, after his first awakening his mental state has subtly changed and he begins viewing every living form beneath his own and seems like keeping his distance from them. The system's job is also to help him be more friendly with other living beings.

The man awkwardly took his hand back scratched his head and replied, "I came here to join Shadow Academy. My Father is a captain in the Alliance military. He told me that this academy is good in this locality."

John looked at the man and thought for a moment. Although he came to join the academy at Blackie urging he did not know anything about the academy nor did he know what kind of test the academy would take. So he decided to ask him since the man had already started the conversation.

John asked, "Umm I am new here and do not know much about the academy can you please tell me about the academy and what kind of test they would take."

Sanli looked at John with a strange gaze. The man looked handsome and from a well-off family how come he did not know anything about the academy.

Still, he did not ask anything and replied " Mm Shadow Academy is the largest academy in the surrounding solar systems. It also comes in 4th position among the top 5 academy in the entire alliance so you can also join the top academy of the alliance from here."

From Sanli's explanation, he understood that the top academy of the alliance, Federation academy, does not directly take cadets and select from the top 10 academies after students who shows special talent after joining any academy or are good in cultivation. 

After being selected by the academy, the students can learn cultivation techniques and if the students successfully cultivated the first level of their cultivation technique then they can officially join the academy. From there they can solve various questions related to cultivation as well as learn different knowledge about the universe and various other things according to cadets' preferences.

As for testing, academies use special testing stones that check if the cadet body is suitable for cultivation or not, if it is suitable then the student passes the primary test. Then different academies set different testing exams and if they can pass then they can join that academy otherwise they have to join other academies.

In those tests, academies check their mental state whether they had heart and loyalty to their race or not, and if their fighting instincts are good or not ,etc.

After that John and Sanli discuss few more things and come to know different general knowledge that he was unware of. He did not know why but his father did told him anything about these things.

At this moment academy's main door started to close signaling that the academy test is about to start.

Outside the academy building Blackie figure suddenly vanished as if he was never there. 

<Ding! System is back to host comaand>