
Strongest Inheritance

John Foster who had lived in only mortal world come to know about cultivation for first time when he got his Inheritance. Why does his father didn't told him about it? Why he got strongest inheritance? What is purpose of his life ? Follow our MC John Foster in his journey to gain strongest inheritance and become the greatest responsibility bearer of the world.

DOOM_HALO · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Test Begins

At this moment five people appeared on the platform in the middle of the testing ground. Among them, two were middle-aged men around the age of forty. They wore black colour warrior robes with violet-coloured academy emblem on their chest. They were instructor of the academy. They were emitting terrifying mental pressure by just standing there though to John it just felt like a gentle breeze.

Behind them stood two very handsome teen boys and a very beautiful girl. They just stood behind two middle-aged men respectfully.

Seeing them appear on the stage everyone immediately quieted down. After waiting for a few moments one of the middle-aged men glanced at one of the boys standing beside him and signalled him to start.

Then the boy stepped forward and said, "Welcome Everyone to the Shadow Academy. As you all know we are going to select only five thousand cadets from this planet so we cannot select all of you. We have divided the test into one primary round and three testing rounds. The top five thousand cadets would be selected. Now the primary test starts. All the best everyone!"

Immediately after saying this the boy immediately backed off on the stage and took out a sensitivity testing stone. The remaining boy and the girl also took out the testing stone. The two middle-aged men returned to the side of the platform and sat on the chair placed there.

After that, the management team arrived and divided the original line into 3 different lines. After that, every participant started going on stage to test their sensitivity toward energy.

The testing stone is a special tool that humans acquired from the dwarf race after starting their interstellar Journey. Only dwarf races can make these kinds of stones. These kinds of stones are used to check if a person can cultivate or not.

Dwarves are a short race, as their name implies, standing between 4'3" and 4'9" on average. What dwarves lack in height they make up for in bulk; A dwarf can weigh anywhere from about 160 to 220 lbs. Dwarves are a tough, tradition-abiding folk known for their strong martial traditions and beautiful craftsmanship. It is said that dwarves are the best tools builder race in the Universe.

It is said that the Dwarves in the Milky Way Galaxy are only one of the side branch of the race and one of the most ancient races in the galaxy. 

The line in which John is standing has around 10 thousand people. The one testing their line is the beautiful girl. 

When the first person went on the stage she immediately said indifferently," Place one of your hands on the stone."

The human boy nervously put his hand on the stone with his eyes closed and lips pursed. When the boy put his hand on the stone, the stone immediately started glowing bright violet colour.

The girl immediately said "Deric, Violet talent-pass!!"

The boy was immediately filled with joy and started laughing with a drop of tears in the corner of his eye. Then he went on to stand on the right side of the platform. Those who will not pass will go to the left side of the platform.

The person's talent tested by testing stone is divided into 6 colours: Red, Green, Blue, Violet, Silver, and Gold. With red being no talent and will not pass the test. Shadow Academy does not take those with green talent. Gold ranking is given to those who have talent higher than silver and cannot be measured by the current testing stone. 

All those powerful figures in the alliance have Gold talent. Generally, those with gold talent cultivate very fast and improve their cultivation quickly so the academy normally puts special focus on those with gold talent. 

Normally it is extremely difficult to find gold talent in other academies as every gold talent is generally put in the Federation academy. So remaining academies pay special attention to grooming those with violet and silver talent.

The testing continued when suddenly there was a loud chatter in the first line. John is in the second line with Sanli.

When John turn to look at the stage on the first line he saw a beautiful girl with baby face standing there with her hand pressed on the stone. The boy in charge there had his eyes wide open and a flattering smile on his face as he was chatting with the girl. The stone is glowing bright silver.

"Wow, she is the first silver talent to appear in this test."

"Do you think there is other silver talent present here?"


"I know her. She is the daughter of the in-charge of this planet. Her name is Dana Korchoff."

"Do you think there will be gold talent appearing here?"

"I don't know...."


The participant chattering continued to happen. John shifted his attention and waited for his turn to come.