
Stranger In My Home

What if one day your life suddenly changed? what if everything you've ever believed on was a lie? what if your soul mate, your lover , the one you called your best friend was not the person you thought he was? *preview* "I should have noticed that something was wrong, I should have realized that something was off. If I did they'd still be alive . They'd all be alive . I should have known , I should have noticed..... he wasn't my husband"

chelsearaenavy · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Pillow Talk: Business is good pt1

"-My baby!" had exclaimed Lorraine as she walked through the door ,catching the little toddler who had flung himself onto her .That house was soon filled with laughter, as Lorraine did not waste time in smothering her little one's face with kisses, Giving she had spent the entire day without him she also contemporaneously checked his temperature toaster she was happy to see that the little one had gotten better. She had just returned home after getting Sohee out of her after school club. She did not know what to expect with the current Sungjae, but she was pleasantly surprised that the house had not burned down and that her little one was actually doing fine.

She looked up at Sungjae with Louis still on her arms as she went on her tiptoes to give the man a peck, before she giggled away Change your song to the playroom so she could go and change her clothes. Once again, she had missed the look of horror on the Man's face after she had pecked him on the lips.

Little Sohee was still standing there and she had witnessed the whole ordeal, she tilted her head in confusion looking at her dad confused before she shrugged her shoulders and made her way to her own room . She Was just six she could not understand most of the expressions of the adults so she did not dwell on it; What was important for her right now was to get to her open closet were her little prices outfits were on, so she could put on one. She had just recently learned how to change herself, and yes most of the ties she did come out with one shirt or more being worn the wrong way around ,however she was doing quite a good job at it.

Sungjae watched the little girl bounce off before he made his way to their matrimonial room, Lorraine was already stripping out of her clothes getting ready to head to the bathroom and have a well-deserved bath before she said.

"-Ah did you see Mandy today, she mentioned she had left her jacket out here?"

At the mention of the girl's name a flash of anger had made his way in Sungjae's eyes, Lorraine did not notice the little tick on his left eye and the slight frown that had adorned his way as she had already given him her back as she hastily made her way to her designated destination

Sungjae calmly made his way to their en-suite bathroom were Lorraine had started filling up the bath with water, he calmly scanned over her naked body before leaning at the door frame and crossing his arms as he replied

"-No one came over"

Lorraine who was looking through the cabinets for her bath salts exclaimed

"-huh? Oh, really I tried to call her back to see if she had indeed made time to come but I couldn't reach her"

"-Found it !" she had exclaimed before dumping the contents of the little scented sachet into the water, as she followed suit and placed her body in the water.

Lorraine released a sigh of contentment as she lowered herself into the waters.

She could already feel all of her muscle relaxing, the tension and cramping that was previously there melting away as her body adjusted to the hot yet relieving temperature of the water.

It took her a couple of minutes to zone back into the conversation as she had momentarily blacked out , her mind drifting away as she left herself be lulled away by the soothing of her bath.

Lorraine who had her eyes closed finally cracked one open. Gazing at the white tiles of their large bathroom as she continued their talk.

"-Mm mm but did you see a pink jacket anywhere in the house? It could be that she might have been caught with some other business and she might come back for it." She finally said not thinking much about the situation

Sungjae agreed with her without batting an eyelash "_ She might have actually been busy; however, I did not see any sort of pink jacket, it could be that she has simply misplaced it somewhere else "

Lorraine tilted her head as she thought about it.

"-It is plausible" she commented after a few seconds

"-By the way " she continued "-How was it today? Was it hard? Louis seems to be doing so much better already, I am really glad"

Sungjae did not smile nor change expression with the same monotone voice as before he replied

"- The little man is doing just fine; he did not give me trouble" he said

Lorraine nodded before smiling away

"-Ah… my brother called by the way"

Sungjae, who was just about to leave the bathroom stopped, raising an eyebrow as he crossed his arm , silently urging her to continue.

"-yeah….well To talk to you apparently he had some sort of business idea or so he said I'm not sure what that is about he did not give me any details however he said that he's going to stop by your office tomorrow, that will be fine by you right ? If not, I can quickly text him that you are busy "

Sungjae was slightly intrigued

'Brother huh?' Don't care about the extended family members Boo payoffs the dude would have a good idea or some sort of meaningful plan it was worth giving it a shot.

"-Oh, I'm assuming this is not the norm right "he said avoiding bringing the name of the guy up given he did not know his name either way, nor could he remember his face no details of their existing or non-existing relationship as in laws.

Lorraine Huffed and puffed before splattering water away as she suddenly made a sharp turn towards him, her body still submerged in the water bath.

"-I just don't know what is wrong with him to be honest, Larry is just being weird this time, he keeps on jumping from one thing to another. It just! I don't know ,he is my twin and I love him but sometimes I wish, he was a little more useful…he keeps on stressing our parents out. Talking about parents, your mum texted me , they're currently in France, she said they might stay there 2 more months. It's crazy because they were literally in Hawaii 2 months ago! " She exclaimed going on a long ramble

"-I mean I know you guys are used to this kind of lifestyle but still….oh should I stop by the office tomorrow-

Sungjae cut her off abruptly "-It's fine " he said. "-I 'll see what he proposes and deal with it as I see fit"

Lorraine was not impressed by that response

"-but still… he's my brother, I know how to placate him the best, you know how he gets sometimes" she added on ,leaving it at that


Sungjae did not know, how the man gets , but it certainly was not something he could not handle nor something that would overwhelm him. He was sure and confident in one of his main skills.

Handling people.

Worst case scenario he'd just have to make the disappearance less…noticeable.

"-By the way..." he said whilst stirring around to make his way out

"-When you speak to my parents next. Tell them I say hi. I am looking forward to their coming back"

He finished up before striding away.

Lorraine was not observant.

If she was, she would have noticed the tension in the man's shoulders, the fisted hand on the side of his hips and the sarcastic yet irritated tone that his voice had taken edge to.

If she did ,she would have questioned his strange reaction to the mention of his family.

But she did not. Instead she smiled at his back as she called back to him as she gave him an adoring look, her feelings not yet distorted despite the slight rockiness that had transpired in the last weeks.

"I will tell them . I will definitely tell them. I am almost done, just wait for me and I will be out very soon, we just need to put the kids to bed and we'll have some time to each other"

Her happy tone was ridiculous.

Utterly, completely ridiculous.

She did not know what was coming her way.

Things always look normal..... but are they?

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