
Stranger In My Home

What if one day your life suddenly changed? what if everything you've ever believed on was a lie? what if your soul mate, your lover , the one you called your best friend was not the person you thought he was? *preview* "I should have noticed that something was wrong, I should have realized that something was off. If I did they'd still be alive . They'd all be alive . I should have known , I should have noticed..... he wasn't my husband"

chelsearaenavy · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Pillow Talk pt 2: Business is good-Opportunities

Her voice broke off as she let out a quiet sob, her fists clenching and unclenching with each caress travelling towards her body.

Stephanie was a mess, a real mess and Sungjae had barely even done anything to her. Nothing but showering her with fake praises and the attention that she needed

It was quite a sight to see.

Her had escaped from her originally tidy bun; her glasses had been discarded somewhere in the room.

Her buttons were open just as wide as her legs as Sungjae pressed his knees in between them his own body, hovering quite close to her body yet not enough to enable them to have actual contact.

His hands were roaming ,touching and teasing.

His voice dipped low in alluring and addictive way which caused her to lose her mind with every word he said

"-Good girl" he cooed at her, looking how her body convulsed at his administration.

"-You have been so good to me" he said continuing to heighten her senses, leaving her to wish for more and to gain frustration with the limited touches

"- You have been so good, for me sweetheart , just so so good. You did exactly what I asked you. Getting rid of those people must have been so easy for you isn't it? You did so well, do you want your reward?" he asked her, his tone obviously condescending.

Stephanie or rather MS Currie nodded her head vehemently wanting nothing more than the man in front of her to devour her.

The man chuckled at her , she really was pathetic in a quick motion he gently quieted her murmurs as he barely grazed his lips against hers, before finally detaching himself from their intimate position causing her to let out a loud gasp as her eyes sprung open , and her body jerked forward in attempt to gain the contact which she so much craved for.

But Sungjae was not having it.

He gingerly gave her his back as he stared out of the large glass windows which made up part of his voice. The view of the busy city facing him as he contemplated

"You've done a great job indeed" he said his voice sounding too serious all of a sudden which caused Stephanie to straighten her back

" and you do deserve a reward for it " he continued "-however it's not enough" he said

Stephanie's heart dropped at that

"-I know what you want and I can give it to you but first you'll need to finish the job " he said just as he turned back towards her ,making his way ever so slowly ,in almost a predatory way .

"- Are you willing to do anything needed to get your reward? Are you willing to be good for me?" he asked just as he placed himself back in between her legs, his knees now pressing over her clothed folds, causing her to shiver and whimper at the contact as her eyelashes fluttered.

She almost seemed drunk, her gaze was solely on him, yet it was as if she was in some sort of weird trance

Sungjae smiled at her.

His breath was now fanning over her face as he gently nibbled at her lips before muttering a "-Good girl" which only caused the young woman's convulsion to increase in intensity.

She did not even notice at first the paper that Sungjae had brought out of thin air as he continued giving her instructions "-Find this man for me" he said gently pecking the sides of her face.

"-Find him and bring him to me, once you do then everything will be yours " he said seductively , just as he added slight pressure to her neck, partially cutting of the air being supplied to her lungs

"- I will be yours " he said gingerly just as he increased the pressure before quickly releasing her neck.

Stephanie was still rolling on her pressure when a strong knock startled them out of the moment.

A mature lady voice was heard behind the door

"-Sir, you have a visitor. May I let them in?" she had asked politely

Sungjae gave Stephanie a quick glance over before he mentally smirked,

"-Come in '' he said whilst he swiftly and precisely placed himself back at his desk, his face impassive and serious just as if he'd just been talking about work. Which in a way.... he had .

In seconds Stephanie had recomposed herself, she had safely kept away in her piles of files the piece of paper that Sungjae had given her, her hair had been tidied up and her clothes were all back intact, she had even managed to locate her previously lost glasses, which she adjusted just as the staff and the guest came in.

"-If you'll excuse me " she said, her tone formal as she made her way out of the room.

Just as quickly and as precise as Sungjae had done earlier.

Sungjae nodded at his other staff member in dismissal and watched her follow Stephanie out of the door. Before he turned his attention towards the intruder .

The guest looked shabby and utterly and completely out of place there, under normal circumstances he would have not made it past the security front gate, but the familiar and recurrent appearance of him had made most of the staff recognize him hence how he had been brought up so far without needing prior confirmation from Sungjae.

Sungjae mentally rolled his eyes at the fact that he could not entirely ignore the presence of the man in front of him, Whilst the brown tall skilled guest who had entered with her grinned at him.

The man in question swiftly crossed the room and leaned in greeting obviously wanting to attain some skin ship. As he raised his right hand in a motion of forming a fist bump.

His voice was loud and booming as he exclaimed

"-Yo Jae , how have you been man? It's been a while. I thought I should come and pay you a visit."

Sungjae was definitely not impressed.

" So, Larry, to what do I owe your honourable presence"

He asked as he looked at the man in front of him. Blatantly ignoring both his verbal and his fist-pump greeting.

The man in question grinned at him before replying

"-Oh, we're back to being formal huh? You are a funny one "

Sungjae suppressed for the 100th time the urge to smash the man's head into the floor. the smile ,the eyes, the whole bubbly demeanour and aura were definitely those associated with his wife...

Thankfully enough the man who had now taken the liberty to place himself on a seat did not look like an exact carbon copy of his wife. There were some major differences, the first and most obvious one was him being male.

It made his feature not as graceful, if you could even call it that. His skin was rough and his overall appearance really unkempt. If it wasn't for the fact that the front receptionist had seen him before they probably would have never let him in looking like that.

Sungjae mentally sighed, prepared to ignore the incoming useless conversation which was bound to happen. as he rested his chin up on top of his folded hands. He kept his gaze firm and cold, barely nodding at him as he silently asked him to go ahead.

The brown coloured smile let out a light laugh.

"-Oh" he exclaimed causing Sungjae to raise an eyebrow at his current antics

"Getting serious out here I see" he continued still highly amused

"-Aren't you going to offer me a drink? The little secretary of yours is really pretty... and I could do with something to drink.

Sungjae cleared his throat in warning before he replied "-Sure thing, but first let's cut to the case. You said you were here to speak to me about some new business proposition. So, what is it about ?"

"- Larry" he then continued leaving at that, the air now filled palpable yet mild tension.

The man before him did not seem to be deterred instead he seemed amused. He seemed confident almost like the little exchange they had just had right then had spurred him further into his convictions.

He gingerly outstretched his legs and placed them on Sungjae's desk, smirking satisfied when one Sungjae's brows visibly twitched.

"-What if I told you ,I could make you rich?" he said all proud

Sungjae looked at him as if he had 3 heads , wondering whether he was stupid or purposely trying to aggravate him.

However, he kept his composure and simply replied

"-I am already rich, if you didn't notice"

With a single sharp movement Larry's had shifted his boy so that it was now leaning on the same desk as he diminished the gap between him and Sungjae

Almost in a whisper he continued

"-I know but I mean trillionaire rich, the kind of rich that does not make sense anymore"

Sungjae gave him a questioning look. Calmly inviting him to continue with his statement.

" - I have a friend who can make good produce. He knows how to cook it, store it and distribute it .He also has people who can work on it. If we form an alliance, we can get up to 95% of the profits and trust me you'll be making money like flowing water"

Sungjae was slightly confused at the whole cryptic message so he decided to ask him directly

"What are you talking about exactly? " he said, his tone slightly harsh given the other man was beginning to overstay his welcome.

Larry pushed his body furthermore into the desk separating the two. Causing Larry to look at him in distaste but still ready to deal with the situation if the other decided to attack him for some reason.

But Larry did nothing of that sort instead he calmly whispered

"-I am talking about la coca, I'm talking about hard drugs"

It was time for Sungjae to become amused, Lorraine had mentioned how much of a bum her twin brother had basically become, but this was new, nothing he had never seen or dealt with before but still highly entertaining.

"-Oh really?" he said faking a tone on interest

"-And just how do you intend to do this " he asked Larry

Larry stood up sharply one again as he clasped his hands together in delight.

"-This is where you come in my friend" he said tone growing more excited by the minute

"-I have looked into it already, and that land that you gifted my sister when you first got married, well I remembered the name casually because you know she wouldn't stop talking about it at the time.

Yeah so, I looked into Shengyou and yes it has topography for our business, it also very secluded we will never get caught that way"

Sungjae had visibly frozen at the mention of the little town's name. His head was suddenly spinning. Was this man talking about the same documents that he had been instructed to search for.

Without wasting any time, he asked the man

"-Where are the documents "

Larry sighed and plopped down in the chair

"-This is why I came to you. You gave them to Raine, and I am sure if I ask her, she is not going to give them to me. Bust maybe if it is you... you don't have to explain why we need it, just make up some excuse to get them back that should do"

At the mention of his wife Sungjae thought to himself

'So, she is the one keeping them, but why haven't I found them yet then'?

Sungjae looked at Larry from head to toe, the guy was a bum, but he clearly had some useful skills. He could make good use of him for now.

He put on a gentle smile before he raised the handle of the phone that was at the right of his arm

"-hello Ms Currie, please bring up some refreshment and cancel my next meeting today. I am going to be busy."

He put the handset down then gingerly leaned forward from his seat.

"So, Larry, tell me more about this plan of yours ...."

When a new opportunity shows up, You should just grab it.


chelsearaenavycreators' thoughts