
Strange Golden List: From One Piece To Naruto

Warning: This fanfic is absolute chaos, logic is not found, prepare to lost some brain cells after reading this fanfic. I'm testing the water if people here interested with this kind of fanfic or not. Synopsis: A consciousness named Shenwu, born from the cracks in time and space, transforms into a magical big screen descending on the Ninja World and the Grand Line. The oddities recap begins to play in both worlds! Recapping deeply hidden awesome identities: Is the demon fox Naruto actually the son of the Fourth Hokage? Ace is actually the son of Pirate King Roger! Doflamingo is a Celestial Dragon?.. Recapping brother-obsessed brothers! Uchiha Madara & Senju Hashirama: I established Konohagakure village for my brother! Ace: I blocked Red Dog’s heavy punch for my brother! Sabo: No matter where my brother is, as long as he needs it, I will rush over! Uchiha Itachi:…I killed the entire clan to give my brother a boost! Why is your style so terrifying when you fight seven alone?.. When Konohagakure ninjas appear in the Summit War, when all the Straw Hats cross the Fourth Ninja War, both worlds collapse!

Gustina_Kamiya · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
65 Chs

Chapter 38 Deidara: Tobi, you really love him!

[Tobi:Don't worry, senior still has a powerful Sharingan, even if you has less essence, you can easily defeat those mobs.]

[Deidara:Hmph! I hate Sharingan the most, when I have time, I want to go to Konohagakure and blow Kakashi away! That would be very artistic.]

[Tobi:Deidara, be careful not to blow yourself up.]

[Deidara:Tobi, whose side are you on? You like Kakashi so much, why don't you go to Konohagakure?]

[Tobi:Ah, senior, don't be angry, Tobi is just stating the facts.]

[Oonoki:Deidara, you traitor! Why don't you roll back to the village?!]

[Prize Pool: 2. Wood Release Body Modification (No Side Effects)

3. Kekkei Genkai Dust Release

4. Kekkei Genkai All-Killing Ash Bones

5. Three-Types of Haki Experience Pack

6. Famous Blade Ame no Habakiri

7. Natural Devil Fruit Goro Goro no Mi

8. Flying Thunder God Experience Pack (Jointly produced by the Second and Fourth Hokage)

9. Big Rasengan Experience Pack (A mirror version of Sage Art: Wind Release: Rasengan, capable of destroying the entire Konohagakure village in one hit)

10. Body Modification to Accommodate Two Devil Fruits.]

As soon as this prize pool came out, it immediately shocked everyone.

Looking at it this way, the first prize is the weakest.

Which of the following prizes isn't scary?

There's actually Wood Release?!

People in the Shinobi world all showed fanatical expressions.

Many people started to think about who to challenge in order to get the reward.

[Orochimaru:Wood Release without side effects, splendid~]Orochimaru showed a fanatical expression for this reward.

Looking at the button to apply for the challenge, his eyes were eager to move.

[Oonoki:My Kekkei Genkai Dust Release is actually among them.]

[Kurotsuchi:Does this mean that you can learn it if you get the reward?]Kurotsuchi also wanted to learn such an awesome Kekkei Genkai Dust Release.

[Hatake Kakashi:It seems so, not only is there Wood Release, but also Flying Thunder God?]

Flying Thunder God is a Space-Time Ninjutsu, it's a super convenient Ninjutsu, but... the difficulty of learning it is at the S-rank level.

He glanced at Naruto, if Naruto could get this Ninjutsu, it would be pretty good, after all, it's one of his teacher's specialties.

Plus the Rasengan, Naruto is likely to fully inherit the Fourth Hokage's stuff.

[Donquixote Doflamingo:Accommodate two Devil Fruits? Fufufufu, oh come on~]

[Vegapunk:The physique of two Devil Fruits, I did this research a long time ago, but unfortunately, every time it ended in failure, I didn't expect to see such a miracle here.]

[Tashigi:Ame no Habakiri? That's one of the 21 Great Swords! It's said to be held by the samurai of the Land of Wano, a famous sword, I really want it!]

[Izo:That's Oden's companion sword, right?]

[Kaido:Hmph, damn Oden.]

[Nami:Goro Goro no Mi, I remember that's Enel's fruit.]

[Monkey D. Luffy:Who is Enel?]

[Nico Robin:The one with the long earlobes.....]

[Monkey D. Luffy:Oh! Him.]

[Successful Challengers: Tobi, Sabo, Uzumaki Naruto!

Reward selection begins, start grabbing!]

[Congratulations Tobi for grabbing 100 Kakashi Chakra]

[Congratulations Uzumaki Naruto for grabbing the Big Rasengan Experience Pack]

[Congratulations Sabo for grabbing the Three-Types Haki Experience Pack]

[Deidara:Tobi, you really love him, you had to grab something of Kakashi's.]

[Tobi:Ah, Tobi just thinks it's very interesting.] Tobi played with the bead in his hand, his eyes dark and unclear.

As long as this bead is embedded into a person's forehead, it can instantly increase their chakra by 100 cards.

Unfortunately, he has Wood Release, so he doesn't need this thing.

As for why he wants to grab it.

Tobi doesn't know either, his hands are faster than his brain, it's something that can't be helped.

[Hatake Kakashi:No, thank you.]

[Marshall D. Teach:He didn't even grab the double Devil Fruit physique...]Teach is both proud and contemptuous.

In this way, he is the only one left with this physique, hahaha.

[Sabo:Physical skill suits me better. I'm not interested in Devil Fruits... But have you been unbanned yet? You should pay attention to your manners, you're already black, fat, and ugly, if you're so vulgar, it's hard to find a girlfriend.]

[Marshall D. Teach:You! Go to hell!]

[Uzumaki Naruto:...It's so cool.....]

Konohagakure Village.

Naruto also got a transparent bead, without thinking too much, he embedded it into his forehead.

A mini Big Rasengan was actually condensed in his hand.

"Wow, it's so cool, Pervy Sage, look!"

Jiraiya saw the black Rasengan in his hand, his eyes widened, "There really is the power of Sage Art here." No wonder it's said to be a mirror version of Sage Art: Wind Release: Rasengan.

Jiraiya stroked his chin, thinking that this technique is probably learned by Naruto in the future, as for why it's a mirror version, that's unknown.

"But why didn't you choose Flying Thunder God, that's the Fourth Hokage's ultimate move, it's super powerful."

Naruto pouted, "Ah, I still think Rasengan is more powerful."

He still feels a bit awkward about the Fourth Hokage, seeing the words "Fourth Hokage" behind Flying Thunder God, this reward was subconsciously excluded by him.

Kakashi sighed lightly, "Flying Thunder God is a speed type, Naruto doesn't have this kind of combat style, maybe it's better not to choose."

He was wrong, Naruto is Naruto, the teacher is the teacher.

Hearing this, Naruto scratched his head with a hehehe, his Rasengan learning has entered a bottleneck period.

Seeing that there was a Rasengan in the reward, he decisively took it down.

It's really useful!

After using this move, he knew how to break through the bottleneck and learn Rasengan!

"So, what's your other reward?"

Kakashi saw Naruto grinning, showing him the original version of Rasengan that he had just successfully condensed.

He couldn't help but sigh that Naruto's luck is really good, not only did he win without a fight, but he also got such a useful reward.

"So, what's the other mysterious reward?"

"I don't know? Ah! Here it comes!"

Naruto's eyes lit up.

[Mysterious reward is being issued.]

A card appeared in Naruto's palm again, "This is..."

It's the same as the previous card, but the back has become, "2/3".

He scratched his head in distress, "What does this mean."

On the other side.

Tobi and Sabo also got almost identical cards.

Completely clueless.

[Now start applying punishment.]

[Marco:Watch the show.]


[Portgas D. Ace:I'm looking forward.]

[Congratulations to the loser, Marshall D. Teach, for being stripped of Armament Haki.]


Teach lost all his strength, the feeling of being forcibly drained of power, it's really uncomfortable.

Lying on the ground panting, as miserable as a dog.

[Monkey D. Garp:Just this?]


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