
Strange Carnival

Vlad Yazykov, a young man who has been trapped in a broken body for fourteen years finally dies. That seems to be it, the end, but just during this period of time, a dignitary of the dead Arch Shadow needed to perform some sort of ritual ...

uchiha_izuna97 · ภาพยนตร์
45 Chs

Chapter 29

Peru-Peru puzzled.


Peru-Peru looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. Her last memory was of the cat, and then only some fragments.  She remembered exactly how the cat had touched her with its forehead, and then how the lights had been turned off. Remembering the black-haired man caressing her, remembering the tight embrace and the sea of pleasure. 

"Nice dream," Blank decided to herself. But it was impossible to continue the thought. There was a thought lurking at the edge of her consciousness, but she couldn't catch it. Peru-Peru also noticed that for the first time in a long time she didn't want sex. 


The baffled girl finally snapped out of her thoughts and turned her attention to the surrounding reality.  At first glance everything was the same as before, the same forest, the same world, the same man-cat nearby, but he seemed close and dear. The girl shook her head, shaking off the obsession. Trying to understand herself, she almost listened to the cat's question.


-How are you? I'm fine, nothing hurts? - The tone of the question was strange. There was something in his voice that was hard to describe in words. The surprised rabbit shrugged her shoulders; she felt fine.


-Her stomach hurt a little, and her butt was sitting up. - Before she could say anything, the cat flew over to her and put his hand on her belly, injecting a warm and soft reatsu. Her body relaxed, feeling light and wanting to dance.


-I'm sorry about that punch. If you feel any pain or discomfort, tell me immediately, because the baby must not be abnormal or miscarried. - Peru-Peru was about to lie that it hurt a little and that she was very unhappy when she realized that she didn't understand what kind of child she was talking about! 


-That's-- What baby? What are you talking about, kitty cat? - Blank gave her a very strange look.


-Don't you remember? I see you don't remember, I guess it's too shocking for a crippled soul....


-Hey! -Who's maimed? I look great! My breasts, my ass, my face, everything's perfect! - The girl was insulted. Her appearance is almost perfect, and here they call her "crippled", no tact whatsoever.


-Phew. - The cat exhaled with relief


  - Too bad you forgot, but due to the commitment I made, I have fulfilled the contract. Your wish has been granted. Congratulations, you're pregnant. Be very careful, because the baby is not only yours, it's mine too. And I don't like it when someone harms mine. Is that clear? - Froze a look empty to the place cat.


Several things happened in the next second: 

Peru-Peru, as soon as she realized her position, exploded with a wild pink reatsu, so much so that the girl's silhouette disappeared from view. Now her reatsu was finally throwing off the shackles of regression. 


Not far away, Dia heard her lover's words. The dark purple reatsu inside the girl boiled, but she didn't let it out. No, she put all the bitterness and pain into creating the poison. But once the poison was created, the blank calmed down. Whereas before she was still doubtful of her plan, reluctant to go to extreme measures, after Yasun's words about the child, everything changed. The first phase of her plan was going into effect. Yasuna would become hers, by all means....


Bringing his two paws together in a prayerful gesture, Botsom prayed for the Overlord...




-Fallen woman, what do you want from the Lord? -What do you want? Get off me now!


-Foo-foo-foo. You've had plenty of time to seduce, now it's my turn. Yasuna, kitty cat, pet your pussy, pet it, purr, purr. - Peru-Peru pressed her breasts against my back and started rubbing - Don't be so cold to your wife, honey.


-You're not his wife, you're just a walking incubator! Get off the Lord, you're interfering with his plans and his thoughts, you damned dowager! - I felt the pleasant heaviness disappear from my back, and there were sounds of fiddling.


-Fuck off, you little brat, go for a walk, you're in the way. - The sound of the struggle intensified-- No! Not by the ears! Oh! - I continued to ignore the fuss behind me. Good thing the rabbit didn't remember any of our time together. I blurted out that I'd just mixed our reatsu in her inner world and then placed it in her womb.


  Memories of sex with her bring shame, because I cheated on my wife. Yes, of course the child needed a mother, but you could have just impregnated an empty one quickly, without caresses or foreplay. Not only that there would be problems if she remembered everything, but also the child is really her and my son or daughter, which imposes certain obligations on me, the kinship of the creator of this world will manifest itself only on one tenth. 


It took me a while to explain to Peru-Peru her current situation. She calmly accepted the fact that she was now my slave. According to her, after I had managed to make her a child and give her hope for the future, to pull her out of the clutches of regression, she would literally do anything for me. And it wasn't a lie or a half-truth. I could clearly feel all her emotions and motivations. 


While the subordinates were figuring out who was higher in the hierarchy of our small team, I was sorting out all the messages that had accumulated. There were quite a few. First of all, I was busy with the evolution of skills and abilities. The most important choice was to determine the evolution of Recognition. Since it had reached level ten, I needed to either just make it harder by adding one of the hundreds of available bonuses, or change it completely by choosing an ability or skill that would replace Recognition. I decided to get something of higher quality than a simple skill. As practice has shown, even with improvements it doesn't always work and often I just don't have time to use it. So, having opened the changes tab, I delved into reading. There were three additional tabs in the list: Body Part, Ability, Skill. 


"This is going to be tricky. Nine hundred choices! Why so many?" 


Time flew, I explored my options, the girls argued, and Botsom practiced with his weapon.


Of the three tabs, I found body parts to be the most promising.  If abilities and skills were improved by the number of uses, then body parts were improved by infusing reatsu and essence. Of course, the cost of leveling up is prohibitive, but the bonuses are greater. 


I had several dozen new eyes to choose from (allowing me to copy techniques and movements, see through obstacles, etc.) and ears that would hear the level (whatever that meant). I twirled the list this way and that until I settled on one option. These eyes had all the benefits of the skill, as well as some additions. 


Attention! Are you sure you want to change the skill [Recognition I] to eyes [Digital Eye]?


Congratulations! You get an improved body part: eyes [Digital Eye]!


[Digital Eye] level 1 first form:

These eyes were one of the three treasures of the Planet-God Er Alpha. They were created to counter the threat of the Reapers, but unfortunately, they did not help the cyborg race win due to the weakness of the host. Perhaps you can unlock their infinite potential? 

The type of organ is the eyes

Number of forms - not set

Activation - active all the time, full visual masking is possible when using less than 25% of eye potential

Conditions for the evolution of the form - not established

Level increase conditions - constant reatsu drink for 100 hours; level increase requires 10% of all available mental power; complex math calculations

A-World Requirement - Spiritual world or High world or Presence of world weaving in the world or material world of at least medium order




Data cognition of a soulless object (resistance to receiving information is completely ignored) - The spiritual or magical potential of the object does not exceed 75% of yours


Data cognition of an object with soul (resistance to receiving information is completely ignored)- 100% information if the object is 25% below you in level

75% of information if the object has 76 -100% of your level

50% of information if the object has 101 -125% of your level

25% % of information if the object has 126 -130% of your level

5% of information if the object has 131 -135% of your level

when the object level is above 136% of yours, information acquisition varies widely


Direct connection - the eyes allow you to connect to any object of a synthetic-digital nature in the focus of your vision


Understanding a number - you realize what a number is.

The math is much easier for you.



Warning! Eye mutation will end in 102 hours.



I don't know where their improvement will take me, but the eye bonuses are already quite useful. The same mathematical calculations of rituals will be easier with the new organ and OverMind, which is important if I want to create a divine ritual.


After a while, having finished choosing improving skills and abilities, I moved on to the next most important message. 


Congratulations on reaching level 100!


You can choose your path to becoming a Vaster Lord. Choose wisely, not only yours, but also the fate of your faction depends on it.


Want to check out the list of available options?




Vaster Lord Legion type - Experience rate increased by 100%

The reatsu evolution speed is increased by 50%

Your faction will become a part of you

Faction personalities will be suppressed and changed

When your main body is destroyed, you can be reborn in a faction body

Factions will not be able to be on the same rung of the evolutionary ladder with you



Waster Lord type King - Experience rate increased by 50% + 0.5% for each faction

Reatsu evolution rate increased by 10% +0.1% for each faction

All stats will be increased by 0.15% * number of factions

Factions will not be able to be on the same rung of the evolutionary ladder with you

+5% to fraction characteristics


Vaster Lord type Emperor - Faction Characteristics +15%

The factions will deify you

All stats will be increased by 0.2% * number of factions

Characteristics Willpower and Charisma +1% for each faction

Experience rate reduced by 15%

Evolutionary speed reduced by 25%

Factions will not be able to be on the same rung of the evolutionary ladder with you


Vaster Lord type Lord - Experience rate reduced by 25%

Evolutionary speed reduced by 25%

Fractions are capable of evolving into Vaster Nobles 

The number of Vaster Nobles in a faction is no more than 5.

Vaster Nobles is absolutely loyal to the Lord.

+5% to all stats for each Vaster Nobles

+100 to Charisma for each Vaster Nobles.



I don't even have to think about it, the Lord's way is definitely closer to me. I know from the past that you can't carry the country on your shoulders, you need smart and intelligent subordinates. And I don't want to surround myself with a crowd of not particularly strong Adyukas. And here it is just possible to develop five of them to the level of Vaster Nobles, which as practice suggests is almost the same as Vaster Lord, with minor deviations. In particular, Noble's abilities will be enhanced by my direct command of the battle. 


I was just about to start distributing characteristics when I felt a weight on my knees. I turned my attention to them and saw two violet eyes looking at me expectantly. Turning my head to look for the rabbit, I see her in a cocoon, mooing and wriggling like a caterpillar. A check of her condition reveals that she's only immobile. 


-I sighed, ruffling Diya's hair; it looked like the girls had already sorted things out between themselves. Thank the ancestors Diya didn't start a fight, or I would have had to take certain measures. But the empty one was aware of the underlying situation. 

"It's a good thing no one ever found out what happened in the rabbit's inner world. I don't want any more scandals around here."


While Yasuna was in his thoughts, the rabbit, wriggling in her cocoon, was having fun. She had never experienced so many emotions at once. Rivalry, jealousy, joy, and finally, love. Void wasn't stupid, she understood where babies came from, and if the kitty decided not to make it public, she would tolerate it. He'd already tasted her anyway, even though she didn't remember it (which upset her incredibly), and sooner or later Yasuna would want it, and she'd wait, Peru-Peru was very patient. The girl didn't fear her rival at all, well maybe a little.

Feeling the strokes of her hair, Dia fell into a half-slumber, and a small colorless butterfly fluttered out of her hair, unnoticed by anyone, absorbed into the flesh of her lover. Dia's plan was moving forward.


In the training room, Botsom fought with his shadow. No one had told him about this kind of training, but for some reason the owl had a feeling of deja vu. It was as if he had already trained with this kind of dedication for someone very important a long time ago. Deep within his inner world, the crippled soul of the old knight was awakening from sleep. It would be a long time before it merged with the intelligent reatsu that was Botsom. Hundreds, thousands of years, but there would be no stopping the process. 


Hueco Mundo. The exact location is unknown.


A desert full of suffering and death. Pain and fear rule here. A cursed desert, but even in it there is an oasis of stability, a place where every rational being can feel safe. The name of that place is Las Noches. Proud is he who built it, this great city. Pride has overwhelmed him for hundreds of thousands of years, but it is what drives the penguin to create. The Proud Penguin Emperor Pamurail, the third most powerful being of this world, which makes him even prouder. He, this complete, who has the appearance of an ordinary little penguin, was the one who organized the sweep of the alien souls. He even managed to get the support of hunger and fear, the most inadequate higher fulls in the wilderness. 


Pamurail was the first to sound the alarm, the first to realize the danger of the alien souls. They are all infected with Nemesis. A disease that drives you mad, distorts your essence, and enslaves you. 


-Now I'm about to exhale-dosu. -Now I'm about to exhale-dosu. We have to call a meeting.  Eh-dosu, no one's coming again-dosu. - The penguin walked briskly from one wall of the palace to the other. He, the proud penguin, the emperor, is forced to do this nonsense when what the penguin has lacked all his life stands alone! His treasure.


-Slap, slap, every slap of his feet on the floor sent shivers down the sparse, full-figured few who lived in the palace-city.  The small and funny creature, a penguin with a funny backpack, was a tyrant incarnate. If he showed even a shadow of displeasure to his subjects, something worse than death awaited them. Oh! The Pamurail knew a thing or two about punishment. It was rumored that thousands of menos had been embedded in the palace wall, just because of the chuckle of one idle man. Penguin didn't like laughter, not at all.


-Handsome-dosu. I'm so beautiful. I can't get enough of it, what wings, what a cool beak, oh, I'm in love with myself, I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you, I'm in love with you! - The penguin spun around in front of his treasure. He could stand by the mirror for several years, admiring his imperial body. 


-Hello, pengwi, can I admire you too? - Shadows thickened beside the penguin, outlining a dark female figure 


The penguin nodded to the figure, giving his permission - For you, miss, I might even pose for you. Taki decided to help our little business-dosu? - The penguin broke away from the treasure and looked at the woman.


The penguin's body cracked, he quickly averted his gaze from the Lord of Ugliness Marishka. No matter how many times he tried, he couldn't hold it for more than a couple seconds.


-Miss, you're still so ugly that my body would fall apart just to avoid seeing you-dosu. - complimented the penguin. -Could you move away from the mirror-dosu. It is still dear to me.


-The Emperor is as courteous as ever, as handsome and kind as ever. - The darkness moved and swam a few meters forward, away from the mirror. - Pinguy, where are the others? I want to meet Hunger, they say he's ugly.


-Cres is up to something in Sunshine World, so this sig is just on us four-dosu.


-Wow! -Who's the fourth? Is it the Critic? Maybe the Director? Or did you get a deal with the Theater of Madness? I'd love to get a glimpse of the ugliness of their souls. - The darkness flickered like fire in the wind.


-Dosu, that dumbass is busy with his productions, I don't even know what has to happen for the Theater of Madness to become whole again... dosu. My Imperial Majesty has persuaded the Green Man, only he and Fear Fibius won't come.'' - As pompously as possible, the penguin said.


-Ah, I've already seen the green one, I wish a yellow or red one would come. Or better yet, a white one! They say he's the scariest! - The smoke of darkness froze the outline of a short woman without any distinguishing features that would have made her stand out-she looked like a mannequin that had come to life.


The space cracked around her, and the walls, floor, and ceiling of the palace began to crumble. The penguin had been hit pretty hard, too, even though he wasn't looking at Marishka. If there had been someone weaker, he would have been killed by the ugly reatsu that had seeped into the world, causing it to suffer.


The penguin's wing split the air, and peace was restored. He shook his muzzle disapprovingly and strode back to the terrace, and the woman turned to black smoke and followed him.


-As usual I take the equator, you take the north. Phoebe has informed me that she wants to take the north. The green one, he's tricky, he's complicated. He wanted to clear out the largest forests of menos, so we won't even see the Seventh High in the next cycle-dosu. 


  The two mightiest beings of the three worlds stepped out onto the terrace-balcony. Down there, hundreds of thousands of empty ones swarmed about, happy in their ignorance. The Emperor's reatsu covering the city nourished them, preventing them from regressing. Many had found a home here.  The penguin only flicked its beak regretfully, then killed all the menos within its radius of perception. Exhale was coming soon, and he still had so much to do, so much to do. 


The great city has swallowed up another of its inhabitants. It has once again become the final resting place for crippled souls, literally...