
Strange Carnival

Vlad Yazykov, a young man who has been trapped in a broken body for fourteen years finally dies. That seems to be it, the end, but just during this period of time, a dignitary of the dead Arch Shadow needed to perform some sort of ritual ...

uchiha_izuna97 · ภาพยนตร์
45 Chs

Chapter 21

Nightmare. Eleven dragons and a lullaby for my daughter.


Kroob Silverhammer was very pleased. It was just as the annals described. The foolish Oul turned out to be a walking storehouse of valuable ingredients.  All we had to do was dare! It's true what they say, fortune guides the hands of the brave. Kroob was not afraid of the fearsome fame of a dragon slayer, but seized the moment to realize his dream of the perfect blade and armor. When, the night after the council, he was visited by a strange guest with a bodyguard and offered the Valley and all its inhabitants, the prince could not resist. The mountains are rich in deposits of mithril and dark steel, as well as living walking ingredients of legendary quality. The blood alone, a sip of which can extend the life of a dwarf by an order of magnitude is worth all the risk and effort expended on the adventure. The kings may not be happy with his self-rule, but only until he forges a living sword and living armor. The dwarf watched as another Oul depressed and broken man was cut to pieces, rubbing his mighty hands together in anticipation. 




  Why did RaBo betray his people? What made him let the dwarves and dwarves into his sanctuary? How could he neutralize the magical power of over a hundred of the world's most experienced sorcerers? And how did he have the nerve to hurt his sister! To render her unconscious and hand her over to the grasping hands of the disgusting inferiors! Unfortunately, Suna would not soon learn the reasons why the tragedy began. RaBo died the most gruesome death possible, as did another hundred and eighty of his tribesmen, as did RaBo's wife and son. Suna could clearly feel the agony and death of his blood brother and enemy. As he made his way through the dark tunnels of Andedark he felt the death of each of his subjects and all their suffering. Only the brightly burning thread linking him to his daughter kept the king from going mad with pain and powerlessness. Every second, every step and breath he sent his daughter a message of calmness and reassurance, as if to say, "Everything will be all right, I will soon arrive and take you away from this terrible place"

Behind the King, a small gray-skinned dwarf was running at the limit of her strength. She struggled to keep Suna in her sights. Swinfy wanted to help the good King, but she didn't know how. So she hurried after him and was ready to help in any little way she could.

-Just a little more, just a little more. Daddy's very close.  Just a little more, just a little more. - Whispered SuNa to himself. He had lost a lot of time getting out of the third level of the Underdark, but he was making it so far. The children were still alive and Leia was still fine! The Dwarves haven't touched them yet and it's Suna's duty to save and guide them through life. He must still raise his daughter. Make her a Queen worthy of her mother. 

-Just a little more, just a little more. The inferior will pay, we will avenge our family and friends. I will learn the truth. Just a little more, just a little more. It's not far. - Without stopping, Suna chopped through the Dwarf Kingdom's border guards in a few swift movements and headed toward his daughter without slowing down. The string of her soul guided the King. Swinfy galloped behind him as an inaudible shadow.




The Diamond Forge is a sacred place for all dwarves. It is guarded by an elite force of three Blacksmith Kings. Seven hundred of them are shrouded in a specially designed set of armor, enchanted with the most complex runes. These warriors are invincible, they are strong fast and cannot be wounded. 

The forge itself consists of three floors. The first, the top floor, is where the ingredients are cut and prepared. It was here that ReAs was cut into pieces, and her blood was fed through special funnels to the second, middle, floor. This is also where the dwarves directly forge blanks for legendary weapons and armor in the white flames of the magical source. The blood flows into special barrels created to cool the blanks. A fully forged, say, sword is lowered on a special elevator to the last third floor. A hall, the walls of which are invisible, and the floor is inscribed with the most complex pentagrams and runes. Five experienced enchanters give the billet life using various organs and herbs as a conductor of magic. 

Twenty-four hours, that was how long it took the King to reach the heart of the possession of the Foothill people. Everyone he met was slaughtered in passing. But SuNa did not touch the children. His dash was swift and the war machine had no time to react to the threat. Had Kroob not relied on the dragons to see for himself that SuNa was dead, or reported his scheme, celebrating the death of the Dark Goddess, to his father and brothers. If he hadn't rushed to cut all the Oul adults down to size, and questioned under torture, he would have learned many new and interesting things. But Kroob was not noted for his intelligence. All he could do was send the other princes away and use the army for his own purposes. Foolishness and ambition had robbed the Dwarf race of the chance to become masters of the world.


King Oul sped through the capital, ran through tunnels that the Dwarves had built over millennia, and found himself in a spacious hall, and before him was the sacred place of the golden-skinned Dwarves. But that was not where he needed to go. His daughter's string led the king below the Diamond Forge. The Diamond Guards saw the intruder and moved in tight formation toward him. Many of them had drunk a lot of Dwarf beer, but that wouldn't stop them from stomping the intruder into the rock. A horn blared. The wheels of war began to spin, the resting guards quickly donned their armor and ran toward the gathering. The tunnel slab behind the intruder's back fell with a rumble, cutting off his escape route.

But the Dwarfs were of no interest to the magical cat.  He needs lower, several hundred meters of rock separating him from his daughter. And so the king, looking down at his feet, opened his mouth and shouted.

A cone-shaped sound wave slammed into the stone floor, creating a cloud of dust and scattering stone chips. Swinfy covered her ears and stepped into the cloud without fear. 

One hundred meters were covered in a matter of hours. Suna squeezed all the juices out of himself and strove for his daughter and the rest of the children. 


A ginormous-sized hall, the intricate runes on its floor glowing with blue light, and five gray-bearded dwarves reciting a recitation over an object lying in the center. 

A black breastplate made of a machined alloy of black steel and adamantine with words carved into the dark steel in the divine Dwarven language of runes, glowed slightly in the darkness. The ritual has been in progress for ten hours now, with only the ingredients left to be sacrificed to finish enchanting the armor.  The old men finish reciting the spells and, each turning in their own direction, walk along the clearly defined lines of the pentagram. When they come to the first five victims, children of different ages, from three to fifteen years old and belonging to the same race of human-cat Oul, they synchronously raise the sacrificial knives and, without listening to pleas for mercy and crying, begin to cut out the organs. The Oul are survivable and even without bones and almost all organs will be conscious, it is the life force of the children of this race who have denied, unlike their parents, the magical form and became fully material will give the armor and sword life and reason. For half an hour the old dwarves mocked their victims and leaving them to die an agonizing death made the next step each on his own line of the pentagram. Eleven victims remained. But something interrupted the concentration of the elders. An extraneous sound broke the tranquility of the ritual hall. Stone chips sprinkled from the ceiling and, a second later, a shrieking shriek hit the dwarves' ears. A piece of the ceiling collapsed, and a swift shadow emerged from the hole. 


Without a second's hesitation, Suna landed next to an elderly, gray-bearded dwarf and ripped out his insides, punching his stomach with his hand. After dodging a few spells, slow for the Oul King, he caught up with the next victim. He ripped off both arms of the bald dwarf and broke his knees with a kick, leaving him writhing in pain. The remaining three finally reacted and a hail of magical arrows rained down on Suna. Nine thousand arrows didn't do a single bit of damage to the magical creature.  Without being distracted by the enemy's attack, Suna jumped up to the largest of the old men, and with a quick sweep of his arm, he opened his chest. The mighty, square old man fainted from the pain.


Fireballs, lightning bolts, and melph arrows were ineffective against the black-haired King with the half disfigured face. The next SuNa ripped out his genitals and knocked him out with a blow to the back of the head. The hook-nosed dwarf tried to escape and was stripped of his lower jaw and nose as punishment. 


Without another second's hesitation and without being distracted by the half-dead enemies he would deal with later, the King ran up to the children and freed them from their shackles. The children cried and yearned for their savior. The King freed six girls and five boys and gathered them into one group and began to comfort them. He smiled, tried to distract the children and kept the little ones from looking at the bloody corpses of their peers. The disrupted ritual had killed those who had been "conjured" by the dwarves. The king smiled, but inside everything froze. His daughter was not among the eleven survivors


The string of her soul shone evenly and led SuNa further into the darkness. 


-Swinefi can you hide the kids for a while? I need to check something. - Looking somewhere in the darkness, the handsome King asked her.

-Yes, yes. He'll do it! Swinfy will hide it so that the little ones won't find it! - The little dwarf nodded. The sound of marching Dwarf Khidr could be heard.


Sitting down next to the more or less calmed children huddled around each other the great Oul smiled softly and used his bardic abilities to speak.


-Hand in hand and do not let go of your neighbor's hand under any circumstances. You Mio and Sio, as the eldest, take the hands of this brave gnome and follow the others. You Mio as a responsible future sorceress lead the boys, and you Sio as a future protector protect the girls. Don't worry, I'll check something and be right back. Swinfi, take them away and here you go.

Suna quickly slashed himself across his wrist and grabbing the small gnome by the hair gently but demandingly made her drink his blood. The blood of an almost god. The dwarf swayed, but did not let go of the boy's and girl's hands, to which the King only nodded. 


-I'll be right back. - And turning around, with a coldness in his soul, he took the first step toward his daughter. The darkness of the frequent sacrifices made it impossible to see what was beyond, even to the King's true gaze.


Something is about to happen, and she must hide the children. The king is relying on Swinfy. The hypnotized little ones were calm and obeyed the mighty elder's instructions exactly. All except Mio and Sio, on whose fourteen-year-old shoulders today fell the great responsibility for the duration of the king's absence. They clung to the little arms of the brave dwarf like a lifeline, pale and frightened.

SuNa walked slowly, and then darkness engulfed the image of the mighty King. That was the last time Swinfy saw him. And she would regret for the rest of her days that she hadn't gone with him then, maybe something had changed.




  A step. Silence all around. A step. The faint smell of something sweet all around. Step. The string burns steady and quiet. A step. A foot steps on something squelchy. A puddle of Blood. The cold inside intensifies. The emanations of misery make it impossible to see anything beyond a couple steps. Step. A horn trumpets in the distance, dwarves descending into the hall. Step. Another pedestal on which the bastards were conducting enchantments. Step. A blow shatters the cursed stone. A silent sound obliterates it to dust. The runes disappear from the floor. Step. As the pentagram line begins to disappear, the daughter's string comes into motion. A step and another and another, he runs, and the echoes of the pain of eleven children reach him. Step. He sees a mountain of piled chopped meat mixed with internal organs and bones. The line around the bloody sculpture disappears. The pain in his soul grows and a grave chill fills his entire being. The last step. He reaches out his hands and begins to search for something inside the piled remains. A hand clings to something. The string of his daughter's soul wriggles and the memories of the last twenty hours begin to enter the King's mind. The hand emerges from the mountain of bodies and a faded green eye stares back at him at his daughter's broken native and tenderly loved head.  Memories and pain fill the God-King*.


The girl is locked in a cage, she can't understand anything. The dwarves only shake their heads at all her questions, and the cellmates are taken away one by one. The pain of her mother's death fills the little girl's soul, she wriggles on the floor of the cage and calls to her father for help, but her father doesn't answer. He couldn't leave her and her mom!

Days of constant pain and waiting for death had worn the girl down and when they came for her and ten other children, the girl only humbly accepted her fate. 

Chained to a smooth stone, Leia begs her father to end it all and find her and save her. But all is in vain, during the ritual she was cut with a knife and not allowed to go beyond the edge. Her uterus and intestines, tongue, spine, lung and eye were cut out. Even with her head separated from her body and her brain ripped out, the little girl's soul was in pain and could not escape into the gray aisles. Her fate, and that of ten other children, was different from what the Oul adults had been condemned to. They were simply killed and let their souls go into the circle of rebirth.

  Leah can neither speak nor moo, she only calls to her father for help time after time. But he is deaf to her call. He's abandoned her. 

The girl's entire flesh, every cell of her cut-up body ached against all logic. Leia was piled in a heap with the other remnants of the children and began some kind of manipulation. All the previous pain turned out to be just foreplay. Her soul was ground up and ripped from the world and dragged somewhere. 


The king's consciousness was being grinded by the memories of his eleven children and his daughter. He sat staring madly at her head and made no sound.  Simultaneously with these memories, he had a dream where another, weaker version of himself sacrificing everything to save people who were not strangers to him. He from the dream dies having done his duty, unlike him from the present. Sun's soul, body, and mind couldn't take it and shattered into a thousand shards. He stood up, looked around the mountain of flesh with expressionless eyes, and spoke in a strange, muffled voice to the head he held in his hands.

-Have you seen my daughter Lea? -Hello. I'm Suna, and I'm looking for that naughty girl.

Tilting the transparent head to its shoulder, the creature cracked open the skull and began to run its hands over the mass of bones mixed with brains.

-Not here. Where are you hiding, you rascal? - The creature scrutinized the crumbled bones in its hands and shifted its gaze to the mountain of corpses. Its daughter's brains, blood, and skin were absorbed into the creature's transparent body.

Tugging at his daughter's writhing string of constant pain that went nowhere, the Creature thought for a moment. It took a step and began to break and grind corpses and organs, picking through and setting bare bones aside.

- Not here either. Where are you hiding, you rascal?

The creature's appearance began to change, losing its transparency. The camisole fell away, revealing the creature's muscular figure. The skin turned blue, and tattoos of eleven dragons of different colors and shapes appeared. They came to life and lunged at each other with a grin. The tail became bald and scaly, and at its tip the flesh parted and a maw full of needle-like teeth appeared. The ugly burn on his face healed and his eye stopped burning with red flames and became its usual black color. The braid had unraveled, and her hair began to flutter in the nonexistent wind, glowing red. The cat's ears also changed color to purple and glowed in the darkness of the ritual hall. 

The creature stood pensive for a while, twitched the string connecting him to his daughter some more, and looked down at his bare, blue-gray-colored feet in tattered black pants. 

- Not underneath.

Looking around, the creature looked up. Right above him, marching through the tunnel, were selected Dwarf units on alert. 

-Have you seen my daughter Lea? -Hello. I'm Suna, and I'm looking for that naughty girl.

Having said that, the creature jumped. 

The Dwarf Khidr is the most successful solution to tunnel warfare. Mighty, broad-shouldered dwarves, clad in thick metal and holding rostral shields and one-handed axes are an insurmountable obstacle in the way of the enemy. They can fend off attacks from many directions and even from the ceiling. But not from beneath the monolithic stone beneath their feet. The swift and deadly creature burst out of the ground and with a single strike of its long and sharp straight claws began to kill the invincible warriors one by one. The poison that oozed from the small holes at the tips of the claws was magical and possessed some semblance of intelligence, this poison playfully adjusted to immunity and passed the defense with only one purpose - to kill as painful as possible.

The creature danced its dance of death, grinding up select parts of the shortlings. The dwarves tried to reach the enemy, but their axes only passed through the creature as if it were immaterial. The jaws at the end of its scaly tail had a life of their own, biting and chewing, spitting acid and uttering a scream that drowned the mind in horror. 

But the dwarf commanders were professionals, and even after losing an entire Hird in a couple minutes, they didn't panic, but unleashed berserkers against the creature.

- Not here either. Where are you hiding, you rascal?


Said the creature amidst the torn bodies and with a wave of his hand opened the way for the shadows to enter the world.

The power of the Orb, no longer contained by Mystra's weakened web, flooded everything within a ten kilometer radius of the Diamond Forge. Meanwhile, the Forge Kings in the capital city, drunk as hell, were alternately awakened by a report of an attack on the forge. 

There are currently seven billion Dwarves living in the World.




Swinfy glanced once more in the direction of the departing king and turned her determined gaze to the children. She would fulfill his last request, no matter what it cost her.

Squeezing the palms of the children in her small but strong hands, Swinfy made her way towards the cave she felt with her sense of depths*.

-What about the king- Mio perplexedly asked the strange babysitter.

The gnome's face turned to the girl and all the words and questions stuck without ever coming off her lips.

The Twelve Minds were leaving the still-unbroken kingdom of the Dwarves. Their journey lay far to the south, through the caves of Underdark, across the Valley of the Ice Wind and the shore without a name to their future home, and three hundred years later, the friendly and ever-joyful elves would take the eleven matured Oul into their own, giving birth to strange blends with gray skin and low for elven stature. 

The story of the little deep dwarf, however, will be lost to the ages, but travelers will occasionally see a strange, slightly shorter than a man dark figure* sitting atop a larger stone tree with eleven branches.

Brave Swinfy is still waiting for her handsome and kind King.....




The former capital of the Dwarves, Mirheim. A city of the dead, and in the square of that city sat a Being the likes of which the world had never seen before. The creature held the head of a Dwarf boy in his hands and picked curiously at his ear with his index claw. The child's glassy, cloudy eyes reflected the surprised face of his killer.

- Not here either. Where are you hiding, you rascal?

The creature clenched its fist and its head burst like a pumpkin, splattering everything in the area.

The creature rose to its feet and wandered off in a direction it knew only to itself, all the while turning its head and asking the void the same questions. 

The headless corpse of the dead child twitched, the joints turned inside out, and a worm's head emerged from the severed neck. The monster squealed, and went looking for food. The creature's strength granted another monster a parody of life. In the early days of the invasion, such monsters led by the Creature had destroyed two-thirds of the Dwarf self-defense force and decapitated the country, depriving it of its Blacksmith Kings.

The creature still hadn't found Leia.

  It wandered through the darkness of the dungeon asking friendly locals where his daughter was. The creature was well-mannered, it was supposed to introduce itself, and if the questioner didn't know the answer, it just looked deeper with the corner of its eye. Could the prankster Leia be hiding somewhere inside?

It was the tenth year since Char's death and the beginning of Mystra's healing sleep, Ao was as oblivious to the world as ever. The Age of Godlessness continued. It was in this year that humans came into the world.




For a hundred years, the Dwarves have reaped the fruits of the stupidity and greed of one of their own. Because of his vanity, hideous monsters now roam the underground corridors of the once beautiful country. There are no more wise blacksmith kings, and the Diamond Forge has been lost. The mithril halls of Mirheim will no longer be pleasing to the eye. The genocide has caused a rift in the people and some of the golden dwarves have gone to the Underdark to hide from the hordes of blood thirsty monsters. Those who remained split into two camps. The first was in favor of continuing the traditions of their ancestors, albeit cruel in places - they called themselves Golden. The Shield Dwarves decided to reject the unnecessary and concentrated on honing the art of combat.  There are no more than two million Dwarves left in the world.

But the Creature was not interested in politics, it was looking for its daughter. The Creature wandered the dead realm, following the winding string of her soul, which gave it direction. One happy day for the Dwarves and a tragic day for the Dwarves, the string brought the Creature to the surface. Straight to the cities of the plains dwarves. The search continued.

What could the dwarves' pathetic attempts to defend themselves do? Deprived of magic and dwarf support, the dwarf leaders chose the tactic of escape. It had no effect. The creature always found hidden villages, and always slaughtered every last dwarf. Monsters were born from the corpses, and the creature continued its search. It traveled south towards the lands of the young human race. The search continued.




A village on the bank of swords. A little girl was looking for her brother Tyr, the children were playing hide and seek. Six-year-old Tyr himself was only amused, sitting in a tree and watching Tari's efforts to find him. Her twin sister was making funny faces and twirling her head in concentration. There was a pop and a beautiful humanoid froze in front of the surprised girl. Tyr was frozen to the tree by the fear emanating from the creature. The fearless girl, however, did not run away, but came closer to the strange fairy tale creature. Tyr tried to warn her, but his mouth was full of water, and all he could do was mumble. The hyperintuition of the gifted did not allow the boy to take a suicidal step and show himself.

-Have you seen my daughter Lea? -Hello. I'm Suna, and I'm looking for this naughty girl.

-No uncle I haven't seen you, and who are you? - Tari eyed the fighting dragons on the creature's blue-gray skin with interest.

All Tyr saw was the creature swing its tail and then his sister fell apart, and the creature, with a surprised expression on its face, picking at her remains with its hands, said disappointedly.

- Not here either. Where are you hiding, you rascal?

Tyr, covered in cold sweat, did not move from his seat, he froze like a stone statue, breathing heavily. And the creature wandered off to the village. Only twenty-four hours later, when the monster his sister had turned into had fled, did Tyr allow himself to cry softly....





Battle. The people who resisted their fate tried to fight back the invasion of monsters and were led by a Hero in full armor and a long sword shining with holy light. A woman with cat ears and tail, transparent and divinely beautiful watched the unfolding spectacle. For several long centuries she had waited for such a chance, a chance to become a True Goddess, on par with Mistra and Char. And the best weapon possible, was now fulfilling her ambitious plan. The nephew would never fully realize who had brought death to their race. Deprived of his mind he was walking exactly on her leash and feeding off the misery of the inferior races, he was almost reborn and had already taken Char's place, but Sae would not let that happen. Using her other weapon, she will use her short-lived hands to put to rest a relic of the past and absorb all the divine power of her kin. 

The hordes of creatures came in waves against the slender ranks of human knights defending their home, the great Holmgrad. Leading the men was the mature Tyr, who had honed his fighting skills to unprecedented heights and had obtained living weapons, seeking a meeting with the one who had killed his sister. It wasn't revenge or anger that drove him. During his quest for the holy sword, Tyr met a strange deep dwarf who told the knight the whole story of King Oul SuNa. He visited the ancient Palace of Ten and was deeply impressed by what he discovered there. After all, the one whom Tyr hated with all his soul was actually a victim. If the Dwarves, believing in their impunity, had not destroyed the Oul who were not bothering anyone, there would be no monsters, no mothers mourning for their sons, none of this would have happened! So Tyr at that time promised himself to build a society where Justice would always punish evil, where a criminal would think a thousand times before committing a crime. But in order to do so, SuNa must be defeated and survive.

The sword of the Hero of Men fluttered across the battlefield, slashing monsters and crushing the undead. By his mere presence, Tyr inspired the warriors. There was a clap and the creature appeared in front of Tyr. It hadn't changed a bit in so many years. The same surprised face, the same running black eyes.

Raising his shield, Tyr prepared himself. He concentrated to the limits of human strength. He had to get there and do it quickly, Tyr wouldn't get another chance. He soberly assessed his strength.

A calm and beautiful voice spread over the battlefield.

-Have you seen my daughter Lea? -Hello. I'm Suna, and I'm looking for that naughty girl.

Before the creature could speak, a holy blade pierced its chest. 

The hiding woman prepared for the end of the performance, she was already anticipating how she would command and rule, how she would become a Goddess.A drop of blood fell to the grass, and the creature turned a surprised look to the sword in her chest. The shockwave swept everyone around it, even Tyr was thrown back a couple of meters and forced to let go of the blade.

-Oh, Leia! Leia, I found you! - With these words, the creature put its hand on the sword and it crumbled to dust, and the surprised Tyr saw a ball of eleven pieces fused into a round mass. 

-Come home, mom made delicious dragon meat, just the way you like it. Why aren't you talking, Leia? Did you fall asleep? 

A woman arose behind the creature and reached for her nephew with anticipation. The coveted divine power was already practically in her beautiful and graceful hands.

-You're in the way. Shh. Don't make noise, my Leia's asleep and you're making noise. -The creature said with a finger to its lips.

Everyone was frozen as statues, unable to move. No wind blew, no leaves rustled, people and monsters were frozen monuments to themselves. All except Sae, who ran her hand over her nephew's head and began to absorb his power.

-You're in the way. You woke up Lea, and it took Reas so much work to get her to sleep. Reas? Reas! Where are you? Leia's awake, sing her a lullaby. Reas? You're staying late at your institute. Well, I'll have to do it. - With a wave of his hand, the creature crushed Se's overrated head and sang in a clear voice a song to the balloon falling apart.


Leia, my little Leia

I sing this song and I believe

That she will bring peace to your sleep

Ten dragons will protect your sleep

The first dragon, Granite Marmo

Calm you down and protect you

After all, he's the toughest of the Ten


Leia, Leia sweet Leia

I sing this song and I believe

You're gonna be hot if 

And bad dreams the heat will bring

I'll ask the second dragon, Cold Prae.

Blow a fresh breeze on you 

After all, the Ice One is the purest of the Ten


My sweet baby, my Leia

With faith in this song

I'll ask for the third Dragon

To keep you warm in the cold

After all, Rogza is the warmest of the Ten


I'll ask the same 

For my beloved Leah with faith in words.

The Fourth Ross'll take you to the skies

I wish sweet Leia would grow up quickly.

After all, Emerald is the freest of the Ten.


If the nightmare strikes.

The Brave Fifth will protect you

The golden glow will drive away 

Dark dreams, for Engo Gold

The brightest of the ten


There's no need to be embarrassed or impatient

The bad odor will carry away

Swamp Ngu, Sixth Dragon.

The most honest of the Ten


Daughter, if thou hast heard evil in a day

Ask with faith in your words

Unhappy Kronto for those

He who exhausts evil with his mouth

For Seven will take all evil upon himself.


Beautiful dreams to come

Ask in faith

And if your faith is strong

He'll cheer up sweet Leah

Tarto, the most cowardly of the Ten.


If you're not feeling well 

If tears keep you from closing your eyes

Ask the Lord of the Waters

And even if there's no faith in your chest

Even if things are bleak around here

Birdo of the Deep will surface

He will punish the bad ones

And you will be rewarded

Because the ninth dragon

The fairest of the Ten.


If you're bored around 

And life is gray

My sweet Leia, ask 

Bane to pierce the sky

Because the Tenth Dragon 

The Strongest of the Ten


Sweet Leah, my daughter

If my song didn't bring peace

Then the Pope will take a bow

To the one who is free to dream

And she will ask with faith in her words

That Virta would be blessed with a dream

Leah, who didn't want to sleep.

Beautiful Leia, go to sleep soon.

Ten Dragons Waiting In the dream world

And Papa will keep watch over your sleep.



With the last word of the song, the balloon crumbled and Suna wept. The great king of the proud Oul race was seeing his daughter off.

Blood poured from the wound in his chest, so much so that it covered the entire battlefield. The sun was covered by clouds and SuNa began to absorb all the power of the orb in the world. Shadows from all corners of the world obeyed the lord's order and rushed to his call. 

The king's image became transparent and the dragons on his skin fell into eternal sleep. The great king raised his hands to the sky and cried out.

The shadows that filled the heavens rushed to the lord's mouth, and he screamed without ceasing. 

Deep within the Underdark, the decapitated body stirred. In its chambers, Mystra opened her eyes, waking early. Ao alone sat on his throne, waiting for the rise of a new god.

A huge pentagram manifested over the battlefield. 

All the power available to SuNa was poured into this spell. All his talent, all his desire. And when he was done, he turned into a withered mummy, his skin began to peel away, revealing bare bones, but with his last strength, the Great King put an end to his existence. A very fat end.

-Order of Force: Soul Reborn!

With the last word, Suna died, crumbling into dust. Many thought the creature had simply destroyed itself, but Tyr, with his special sight, saw something incredible.

Eleven souls flared up at the spot where SuNa had just stood. After hovering above the battlefield for a while, they flew into the sky. Eleven souls went to be reborn. The laws of the world had changed and Ao struck the souls with his power in a frenzy. But to no avail, the world itself protected them.

Just now, King Oul of the Proud Race sacrificed the chance to become a true god to perform a miracle beyond anyone's reach. He has resurrected a soul. 

Not wanting more of the same, Ao threw Sun's soul out of the world and, cursing it, sent it to the deepest hole of creation. He hoped to never see him again. Naive Ao...