

A week had gone by after the funeral and Carmila was slightly adjusting to this new life without Jessie. Her injuries were now much better, she could move around without the use of a wheelchair and was using a crutch from time to time but everyday she still dreaded any improvement because she constantly had nightmares that were all related to Jessie's death.

She hadn't spoken to anyone about the nightmares she mostly brushed them off but one night she woke up shouting and drenched in tears and sweat, her younger brother who's room was next door heard the noise and came rushing in.

Seeing his sister in this state aggrieved him a lot, he sat beside her and comforted her. He grabbed a glass of water from her bedside table and handed it to her "Sis, are you alright why were you screaming?" She drank a mouthful of water and anxiously looked at her brother, "I had another nightmare, it's been happening frequently for the last week" she said in an exasperated tone, her brother looked at her in utter disbelief, "How's that possible? You look rather normal during the day and besides you've never mentioned it to us before, also this is the first time you scream at night too" he said with worry laced in his voice. She took some more water, "I.. I didn't want to worry any of you, so I'd asked Dr Merlon to prescribe me some sleeping pills and others for anxiety, but please don't tell mom, dad nor the others I don't want to worry anyone". Eyeing Carmila, he didn't understand why she was hiding this from her family, they are her support system and have always been there for each other.

He held her hand gently caressing "Mila, listen, you need to seek professional help, you're not alone in this! Our family greatly cares for you, we look after each other. I can't hide the fact that you've been going through this difficult time alone and haven't even shared it with mom or dad, it would break their hearts if this continued. Tomorrow morning I'll speak to them both if you feel uncomfortable to do so, they need to know too."

Carmila didn't know what else to say, she thought for a while before nodding at her brother.


At 6 AM at the airport a flight coming from Maldives touched down on the runway, awhile later passengers started to get of the plane and headed to collect their luggage and checkout.

At the pickup area a black Mercedes Benz S-CLASS was parked, once the driver saw Damien he walked towards him and greeted "Good morning Dr Vaughn your mother has sent me to pick you up", Damien looked at Stephen Grant and replied simply "Thanks Steph".

Stephen opened the rear passenger seat door for Damien and got in, he then proceeded to close the door and put the luggage in the trunk.

Along the way they made small talk as Stephen told him of the things that had happened in his absence.

45 minutes later they arrived at a vintage style manor, in the middle of the entrance ground was a water fountain with a cherubim pouring water out of its jug, on the side were beautifully tended roses. At the entrance of the manor were big pillars holding the front frame of the manor steadily.

The car stopped at the front entrance and out stepped Damien as he started to walk in, Stephen collected his luggage and followed suit. Inside the hallway that led to the living room were family portraits on one side and on the other side was a side table with a bronze coloured vase that held white and yellow daisies. Damien heard some footsteps on the stairs as he walked into the living room he turned around to see his mother and younger twin sisters coming down smiling at each other.

"Damien you're home already, it's good to see you" Mrs Lee-Anne Vaughn said as she came to hug her son. His sisters greeted him too and they all sat down on the sofas and chatted away. "Bro how did things go in Maldives? I heard there was a plane crash... I'm just glad that you're fine and luckily weren't on that plane." Molly one of the twins said with relief laced in her voice, "Yes it was quite hectic, I helped some survivors but there was one in particular that I became fond with, over the period of time that she was there. By the way later I'll go and see her before going back to my place, she is from Vianden too." He said thinking of how he last saw her, hoping she'd improved.

The three woman looked at him in curiosity, "Damie is there something you're not telling us?" his other sister Emily asked with a smirk. Damien plainly rolled his eyes and said "I'm going to my old room first I'll see y'all in a bit" saying so he got up and left the living room and headed upstairs.

His mother and sisters looked at him in bewilderment and wondered 'Who is this woman, that she has affected him this much?'

Later that morning

"Mom I'll be heading out now I'll come see you again soon.." Damien said aloud whilst heading out of the front door. His mother quickly followed him "Son, why are you in such a rush to leave, you haven't rested much?! Please stay a little longer" she pleaded with him, Damien looked at his mother with warmth in his eyes "Mother it's already half past eleven and I have lots to do. I promise I'll come tomorrow evening for dinner, is that alright?" His mother wanted to completely object but she knew her son was a very busy person and she couldn't keep him too long, so she reluctantly agreed and waved goodbye as he got into the car.

Damien was looking back at his home as he told the driver to go towards the Avoca Hills manor, they took the freeway as that was a shorter route to get there.

20 minutes later they arrived at a grande manor that stood practically on a hill that's how the place got its name. It was a simple but a Royal Victorian style look from the outside with statues on both sides of the driveway entrance along the driveway was hedges with wild flowers scattered here and there that were growing on the hedges.

They arrived at the entrance of the manor and Damien got off. He walked up the steps and met the butler at the door "Good day sir, I'm Dr Damien Vaughn, a good friend of Miss Carmila. May I know if she's home?" He asked politely with a warm smile on his face. The butler nodded and led him to the lounge as he said "Miss Carmila is currently upstairs taking her medicine, I'll let her know of your arrival" he bowed and headed up the staircase.

The living room was decorated in royal blue sofas with grey and yellow scatter cushions. There was a glass table in the middle that held an oval shaped silver vase with blue, white and yellow flowers, the walls where covered in a plain ivory matte paint where there was family pictures on one side and the other side had a 60 inch Samsung Q LED plasma screen TV. It was a simple but sophisticated design, awhile later some footsteps were heard coming down the stairs Damien stood up and turned around to see Carmila coming down in a lovely knee length floral dress and black sandals, she had simple makeup on and her hair tied in a bun.

Damien didn't take his eyes off her for a second as his mouth curved into a bright smile.