

Carmila who had her head bowed as she was looking at the steps she was taking so as not to fall.

She looked up as soon as her feet touched the ground floor and caught Damien's smile which made her blush unconsciously, she greeted him with a smile "Dr Vaughn it's good too see you again, when did you return?"

Damien was in a daze for a while till he came back to his senses and responded quickly "You can just call me Damien no need to be too formal Carmila, I just arrived this morning and decided to come see how you were doing, seeing that it's almost a month since we last saw each other" he continued to smile.

Carmila looked away shyly and said whilst she took a seat opposite from Damien "I've improved, my Doctor says I should continue with my medicine and in a weeks time I'll be able to return to work". At that moment her brother Micaelo came downstairs as well, whilst heading out he heard his sister conversing with someone so he walked towards the living room and came across a site he hasn't seen in weeks, his sister was smiling warmly to a stranger and having a nice conversation, as though all her pain had vanished and she was moving forward, his curiosity led him towards them as he said "Oh Mila, I'm just about to head out do you want me to get you anything?" He smiled and went on to say "Oh excuse me, for rudely interrupting both of you, I didn't notice you had a guest... Who's your friend Mila?" Carmila looked at her brother and said "This is Dr Damien Vaughn, he is the one that took care of me in The Maldives and Damien this is my younger brother Micaelo Jonathan Avoca", she went on to say "He just arrived back today from The Maldives and came by to check on me, I've invited him to stay for lunch since it will be served in half an hour or so".

Micaelo smiled as he said "It's nice to finally meet you Dr Vaughn, thanks for taking care of my sister. Please do stay for lunch I was going to head out but I'll stay for awhile and keep you both company" Damien nodded to him "Nice to meet you too Micaelo, thanks for invitation".

So they peacefully continued their conversation, when Micaelo mentioned "Mila seeing that Dr Vaughn is your friend why don't you tell him about your recurring nightmares, maybe he could recommend a psychiatrist to you?" He said with great concern, Carmila was a little uneasy, well as for Damien he was a little shocked "Carmila why didn't you tell me this before? Had I known earlier I would've called a good friend of mine to help get through this traumatic ordeal, it's the least that I can do to help".

Carmila just looked away as she responded "I'm fine, my Doctor prescribed some pills for me you don't have to worry about me" she simply brushed them off, at the same time the housekeeper came to announce that lunch was ready and invited them to the dining room table, Carmila gestured that Damien sit beside her and her brother sat opposite to them.

There was quite a few dishes served such as succulent roasted beef ribs, mashed potatoes, tuna sandwiches, fried rice, stir fried mixed veggies, a fruit salad and some fruit cocktail drinks which were non alcoholic because Carmila was still on medication.

They enjoyed the hearty meal as they conversed in between and laughed from time to time, whilst they ate Carmila's parents had just come home from an important business meeting seeing that they worked in the same company.

They heard the on going conversation and wondered who came to visit that the house was in a merry mood, entering the dining room they saw their children and a young man sitting beside their daughter, they were wondering who he was because apparently his presence changed the dull mood of the two children that sat at the table.

Noticing their parents coming in Micaelo who was seated facing the dining room door smiled as he greeted his parents "Mom, Dad you're back already, please do have a seat with us" he went on to say "We have a a guest, this is Dr Damien Vaughn, Mila's friend, he was the one who took care of her in the Maldives" Damien stood and greeted them "Mr and Mrs Avoca it's wonderful to finally meet both of you, I just arrived back today from the medical professionals conference and thought to pass by and see how Carmila was doing" they both smiled warmly to him and John said "Thank you for coming by it's wonderful to finally meet you too, please make yourself at home. You're always welcome to come visit us, please take your seat and continue", the parents sat down and accompanied them. After lunch Carmila invited Damien to the garden whilst her brother prepared to go out, her father went to the study and her mother to her room.

Whilst strolling in the garden the two talked about life and what there careers were about, Damien took this chance too convince Carmila, "Carmila I'm really glad to see that you're doing your best, I'd like to come again soon to see you, as soon as I'm free but I'd like to encourage the idea that you see someone to help you with your restless nights, this will definitely be beneficial to your health. I won't force you but I think you should consider it and besides you have a caring family I'm sure they'll support you all the way" he looked at her and added "I know it's rather awkward that we became friends in the most crucial way but I'm willing to help you and seeing that I'm back I want to help you improve, there is nothing to be afraid of" he stood there waiting for her reaction, she turned around with her back facing him as there was a surge of emotions in her eyes and tears fell drop by drop and she wiped them. With a choked up voice she said "I don't know how to lie anymore but it's been really hard I've been putting up a strong front this whole time so that people would stop pitying me, I'm tired of it all every time I see Jessie in my dreams dying in different plane crash scenarios, I even saw myself die in some of them"

Damien came to stand in front of her and hugged her subconsciously reassuring her that everything was fine at that time neither of them noticed the bodily contact, they stood like that for five minutes which felt like forever, for some reason it was comforting and after awhile Damien let Carmila go and scratched the back of his head, at that time it was kind of awkward for both of them so Damien coughed to clear up the awkwardness "Umm sorry about that I acted out of instinct— " before he could finish Carmila interrupted him "It's fine, actually I feel much better thanks for coming today, it's very heartwarming" her face brightened with a smile as she added "I'll take it into consideration, I'll seek help. Running away from my fears won't help so I'll have to confront them" this made Damien more relieved for some reason, just when he wanted to say something Carmila's Mother stepped out "Dr Vaughn will you be joining us for dinner?" She asked as she saw the two just standing there smiling to each other, he turned to face Mrs Avoca, "Mrs Avoca I would love to but today I'll have to take a rain check and maybe join you next time, because I have to be at the hospital at half past three to see some patients for consultation" he said reluctantly, Mrs Avoca only smiled and nodded to him "That's alright, but do let us know when you come by next time so we can prepare many more dishes" she smiled and waved goodbye to him when she was done.

Carmila walked him to the entrance of the manor and saw him off, she waved towards the car until it completely disappeared from sight at that time Carmila's parents were standing behind her smiling.