
Starting life in another world

This is just fanfic I'm very lazy to write something like a disclaimer or anything like that so I will just leave a word here "if you're the owner of the original story and doesn't like my story please tell me" Synopsis: "A sick boy felt brokenhearted and died. That's not the end because he will go to another world!" That's your synopsis boy! And this story is free so I just use Grammarly Application to assist me so if you can't accept my bad grammar please leave as fast as possible because I will not responsible for your brain cells that get burn by reading my book. Pat reon. com/FallenCat

FallenCat · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
85 Chs

Chapter 024: Preparation Before The Conference Arc

"Arthur, the one who come is Felix Argyle who act as a palace messenger" Emilia comeback to her study room after the conversation with Felix is over only to found out if the room is empty so she comes to Arthur's room when he still writing something on his book "Sorry, Am I bothering you?"

"No, it's fine. There must be a good reason for you to become impatient like that, right?" Arthur look at Emilia who is worried if he will angry because she barges into his room without asking for permission first

"Mmm... you see, he is coming to relay a message from the capital if all of the queen candidates need to present at the castle two days from now, and as my knight... I hope you can come with me"

"Of course I will go with you, but today I need to meet with someone" he already makes a plan to meet with Anastasia

Although he has a business in Kararagi too she has an advantage as a local businesswoman so there will be something that she can acquire easily, for example, a talented slave.

"Oh... that's really unfortunate..." Emilia is crestfallen when she heard it, it's been a long time since she can spend time with her friend in the outside of the mansion

"Who will accompany us?"

"At first it was just Rem, but Subaru said he wants to thank everyone who helped him in the capital previously and he needs to receive treatment from Felix so he will come too, there is a problem?" Emilia tilt her head

"A problem or not it's still unclear..." Arthur thinks although Emilia's knight position is already being taken by him why Subaru still want to follow Emilia everywhere? This is must be what they called as main protagonists setting "how about you make Rem and him go to capital today so they can clean the place where we will stay in the capital? I will take you to the capital personally"

"Then why Rem and Subaru need to drive the dragon carriage instead you taken them with you?" It's not a secret to everyone in the mansion, except for a certain servant, if Arthur can use some sort of teleportation magic.

"We still need dragon carriage for entering the castle, I didn't want to create a trouble in your important day" he never try to use Hiraishin no Jutsu to enter castle directly because he didn't know if there is some sort of mechanism that can prevent teleportation and another reason because he didn't want to make trouble for Emilia because as her knight what he is doing with or without her knowledge is will affect her image in the public eyes, although she didn't have good image in the public eye in the first place.

"Oh, you're right! Then I need to make a preparation for tomorrow, bye Arthur"


Inside a spacious room, Otto looks at Arthur who is reading a report of the trading company nervously, he didn't know why although Arthur didn't do anything to him his intuition told him to never antagonize the person in front of him.

"How about the magic ore business?" Arthur flipping the book and just look at the report briefly before he asks Otto, it was faster than reading it himself.

"The purity of the magic ore is very high so our buyers mostly is from noble circle and some elite, although the amount of money involved in the transactions is huge the number of transactions itself is not much, I never seen such monster before it was really frightening monster" every time he remembers his first encounter with that monster his body is trembling unconsciously

What Otto referred to is a rathalos, this was a monster with dragon bloodline, although it's not a purebred dragon it has some resemblance with the actual western dragon-like three sharp horn on their dragon-shaped skull, with shining gold eyes, and their bodies were cover in black armored scales, they also had Wolverine-like sharp claws, and a sawtooth covered tail.

Unfortunately, rathalos species didn't have wings so they can't be classified as a dragon, not even wyvern or drake. That's why Arthur can buy them from the system for five thousand system points.

The rathalos specialty is for war steeds, although their body is huge they will not lose to speed of a regular horse, protect by their hard scales rathalos is similar to tank in the modern world. The one that runs out of ammo of course.

The specialty of rathalos is not for war but it was for mining because it has a natural talent for searching rare ore and that's including magic ore. Using their sharp claw rathalos can dig out a tunnel to reach the ore that they sense, Arthur didn't know how their digestive system was working but rathalos will swallow the magic ore they found and after several hours pass they will release it again through... there.

The size of magic ore they release has the same size with just a little different but the amount of mana inside the magic ore is very high and it was pure mana so it can be used for any kind of thing different with specific magic ore. In other words, what they sold for high prices to the noble is a poop of rathalos.

"That's fine, the purpose for magic ore business is just for our background story just store it in the underground storage. How about the school project?"

"We already buy land and build the classroom in every place and with the help of Duchess of Karsten we successfully acquire the trust of people, what we need now is the teacher. With just our trading company ability it's quite hard to get so many talented slaves"

In his last meeting with Crusch, Arthur tells her about his plan to build schools for commoners and how important knowledge is for the prosperity of the country and after a long conversation she said she will support it and asking for where the school will build.

After getting the information she sends her subordinate to inform the authorities in the area to assist in the building process and the safety issue.

Because of that nearly everyone in the country knows if the two candidates of the new queen are building schools for commoners in a whole kingdom and Emi-Life trading company is contracted to make the school and searching for teachers.

Although not many people know about Emilia, they know about another queen candidate, Crusch Karsten, so many people are happy because these two candidates really care about the commoner's situation despite the school isn't start yet.

Well, despite the two camps is working together for the education and security of the kingdom but the alliance is not formally established because Emilia and Crusch are still meet even once. Arthur just a knight and can be said as representative of Emilia's camp so the true sense of alliance is not formed yet but it does not make Crusch feel offended because there will be a time they can meet face to face.

"How about the plan to meet with Anastasia from the Hoshin trading company?"

"She agrees to meet with you, but she wants to do it in one of her restaurants as a requirement" Otto feels strange why she wants to talk about business in the restaurant if she didn't feel safe why not just meet with Arthur in her headquarters?

"She really a businesswoman" Arthur laughs when he heard the requirement that given by Anastasia


"Send someone to that restaurant and booking the whole restaurant, tell them if I want to use the restaurant to meet with a very important person to conduct a business"

"What? What the meaning of this?" Otto feel confused with this strange order

"You still not greedy enough as a merchant... just follow my order and when you going there with me to meet her you will understand"

"Well..." Otto leave the room to instruct one of his men to follow Arthur's order

"Charles" Arthur talk to no one but not long after he called out a name there is a man in his forties in butler uniform appear out of nowhere ready to accept his order.

"Yes, my lord. Do you need anything?"

Charles is one of the new spirits that he summons after successfully make a contract with Baal and sezan, there is another spirit aside from him but Arthur gives them a job and except for the lovey-dovey couple just Charles who is free.

"From this day onward I want you to oversee this trading company until I can find your substitute, you can leave the business things to Otto except there is something you think is wrong just let him be"

"I understand, my lord"

"You're too rigid..." Arthur smiles helplessly to Charles personality before he walks to him and patted his shoulder "I will leave this trading company in your hand"

Now there is no need for Arthur to make a trip personally from one warehouse to another because Baal and Sezan help Arthur successfully build a teleportation platform that connects every trading company he has. Of course, it consumes a lot of magic ore but it was not a problem because there is a lot in underground storage. But he didn't plan to make it known to public that's why until now he just uses slave in headquarters to ensuring his secret, although they're slave but their livelihood is better than commoners because except for work-related things they're free to do anything in their free time and of course Arthur give them salary too of not he know Emilia will angry and give a several hours of sermon.

Now after taking care of everything he can focus on another thing, for example, his meeting with Anastasia.