
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

Chapter 30 Attack

"Over here..."

"Damn, it really stinks in here..."

"I can't open my eyes..."

"Is there really a treasure here..."

"We're at the end of the cave, why is there nothing?"

"Wow, look what we found... those big pieces of shit, the dirty stinking straw and the bones that were eaten.... is this the treasure we're looking for?".

"Where did Morgan go..."

"Damn it, I really can't stay here any longer..."

"We're already here, so we'll have to look for it..."

"Wait, there seems to be another way..."

The sound of chaotic footsteps and the confused voices of the dwarves were loud in the silence of the troll's lair.

Morgan listened only for a moment and then stopped paying attention.

The entrance to this troll nest was very large and there were many signs of activity around it.

If the expedition team wasn't stupid, they would have found it.

The difference is only the time it takes to find it.

Morgan had spent some time at the end of the lair.

It had also taken some time to pick out the various gems from the exquisite treasure-filled chests in one corner.

The expedition had arrived here a little earlier than Morgan had expected.

He was not surprised.

His eyes returned to the great elven sword in his hand.

The sword was as good as new after a simple dusting.

Morgan was very pleased.

He took off the sword, which he had been carrying at his belt for more than two months, and threw it on the ground.

Then he hung the Sword on his belt.

"At last."

Morgan patted the sword with satisfaction and looked back at the armorer, pulling out a second single-edged longsword.


Morgan opened his mouth and blew.

Only after a thick cloud of dust flew around him did Morgan see that the sword in front of him had an elegant single-edged shape, it is also silver-white in color.

The color is darker than the one hanging from Morgan's waist.

It was also full of elegance and sophistication.


Morgan unsheathed the sword with a jerk.

There wasn't a speck of dust on the gleaming blade.

Just by looking at the blade.

Morgan didn't need to taste it to know it was incredibly sharp.

It was a weapon, but also a work of art.

"What a sword!"

Morgan exclaimed.


The sword was returned to its sheath.

Just then.

The other members of the expedition finally found their way.


"What are you doing here..."

"So Morgan is faster than us..."

"I told you..."

As soon as the expedition team entered the cave, the first thing they saw was Morgan with a long sword in his hand, and they immediately screamed.

The second thing they saw was the gold and silver coins scattered on the floor and, in one corner, a whole box of dazzling gold and silver treasures.

"I don't think it's a good habit to leave this lying around..."

"I think so too, it's a waste..."

"Then let's pick them up for the owner of the place..."

"Well, that's a good idea..."

The dwarves muttered as they looked at the gold and silver coins covering the ground.

Immediately, the dwarves began to bend down and pick up the scattered gold and silver coins with unparalleled speed.

In front of them, a group of dwarves was still digging in the ground in search of coins.

Several leading members, including Gandalf, Thorin and Balin, who followed, entered.

Morgan was not surprised by the dwarves' behavior.

If one saw so much gold for the first time, one could not calm down.

Gandalf and Thorin were obviously not in this case.

A quick glance at the whole lot and his eyes immediately fixed on Morgan.


Glancing at Gandalf as he entered, Morgan raised his hand and tossed the single-bladed longsword he held in his hand.


After tossing one sword, Morgan pulled the last, slightly shorter one from the dusty armourer and tossed it to Thorin.

"This doesn't look like a weapon a troll could forge..."

Thorin caught the short sword and held it in his hand for a moment before speaking immediately.

He was a man of high birth and knowledge, and he could easily see that the sword Morgan had thrown at him was no ordinary object.

"Nor does it appear to have been forged by a human smith..."

Gandalf nodded and looked at the single-edged sword for a long moment before slowly unsheathing it.

Then he slowly withdrew the blade.

"They were forged in Gondolin..."

"Forged by the High Elves of the First Age..."

Gazing at the mark on the hilt of the sword, Gandalf slowly told where the sword had been forged and who had forged it.

Gandalf looked at the two men as he spoke.

But he did not expect Thorin heard his words and immediately put the sword back in its scabbard.

After the morning's quarrel, Gandalf did not bother with Thorin's reaction and quickly said in a deep voice:

"This is the finest weapon in the world, there is no finer weapon!".

Hearing Gandalf's words, Thorin's face showed obvious hesitation.

At that moment, Morgan picked up the sword hanging from his waist and gestured to Thorin.

The first thing you have to do is to make the most of it. Thorin then completely disregarded the fact that the short sword in his hand had been forged by an elf, and pulled it out.

The blade was sharp, clean and new.

Looking at the sword like that, the knowledgeable Thorin could see it. Only then did a smile appear on his face.

"This is the biggest win of all."

Morgan approached the two men with the elven sword in his hand.


Gandalf smiled and put away the sword, which Morgan handed him, looked at it carefully and handed it back to him after saying a few words.

The dwarves had already collected the gold and silver coins that were scattered on the floor and put them into the exquisite treasure chest.

"How are we going to distribute..."

"That's easy, we'll divide it equally..."

"That's a good idea, but should we divide it now?"

"We have a long journey ahead of us, it's not convenient to bring all this stuff with us, why don't we bury it and come back for it later...".

"It's really not convenient to bring them with us, and we don't need them now..."

"Yes, I think that's fine..."

"Then let's do it..."

The group of dwarves discussed the distribution of the treasure.

Seeing that none of the key team members were commenting, a decision was quickly made.

A decision was quickly made to bury the treasure chest.

When the expedition team completely ransacked the lairs of the three trolls.

On the way back to the temporary camp.

Suddenly, a low, terrifying howl sounded again.

The faces of all the members of the expedition team suddenly changed.