
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

Chapter 23 Plot changes again

"Indeed, it's a troll!"

"There's only one here, there should be two more."

"However, trolls in the plot should be very afraid of the sun, and they basically don't appear during the day."

"What's the reason for showing up in the forest now and stealing the expedition horse?"

"Is it because of the rain?"

"Is there any other reason?"

Seeing the tall troll monster from a distance for the first time, all sorts of doubts flashed through Morgan's mind.

The plot world in my memory is just a movie after all.

Morgan now exists in this real Middle Earth.

In the real world, anything can happen unexpectedly.

How can a movie that lasts a few hours represent a plot that lasts months, years or even decades?

If you fully trust the order of events presented in the plot of your memory.

Then, sooner or later, Morgan will surely die in that so-called "dramatic experience".

Since Morgan has always been cautious, how could he not care about these changes?

Like the sneak attack last night, like the trolls that appeared in the heavy rain today.

This is something that has never appeared in the fabric of his memory.

These would all be "accidents".

"Quick, there!"

The dwarf next to him shouted hurriedly, and the group ran quickly towards the troll.

Morgan didn't think much of it, and immediately followed.

As he approached the troll, Morgan grabbed the longbow from his back and drew the arrow.

The dwarf Bofur hurried with a short hammer when he saw a huge dead tree trunk whistling in his direction.

He quickly rolled to the side, accidentally filling his mouth with mud.

"Bah ah..."

"Damn, what kind of monster is this?"


"We don't know either."

"We can't get close at all, is Morgan here?"

The dwarf Fíli flexibly avoided the troll attack, while constantly provoking the opponent.

"I'm here!"

Morgan let out a loud shout, his voice dropped, and immediately the bowstring in his hand emitted a muffled sound.


An arrow shot hastily out of Morgan's hand towards the troll in the distance.

In the next second.


The troll let out a high-pitched scream.

The arrow suddenly pierced the troll's bald head.


The troll let out a cry of pain, and the other hand immediately let go of the horse that was trapped, found the arrow in its head and pulled it out.

Staring at the blood-filled arrow, the troll turned its head to look at Morgan and roared, "You damned human!"

"I'm going to eat you alive!"

The pain-fueled troll didn't care about the horses that fell to the ground and escaped, or the other dwarves, and ran towards Morgan with such a roar.


Morgan sneered, and the bowstring in his hand made a muffled sound again.


The arrow shot out.


The shrill cries returned.

Morgan's arrow struck the troll's bald head on the wretched, funny, upturned little nose.

Looking at the troll in the distance, he reached out and touched the arrow to the tip of its nose, quivering with pain.

Morgan curved her lips, she wanted to shoot him in the eye.

"Damn human, dammit!"

The troll exclaimed in pain.

About to run at Morgan again.

But he found a movement not far behind him.

Morgan looked up and it turned out that all the dwarves in the temporary camp had approached.

Then came the image that disappointed Morgan.

The troll looked at the dwarves running behind and looked at Morgan, and immediately gave up, turned around and left.

"I still want to run!"

Seeing the troll trying to escape, Morgan refused to let it.

It's a good chance, if you run away, it will disappear.

"Hey, big guy, here I am!"

Morgan stepped forward quickly and shouted, without drawing the longbow in his hand.

Raising his hand with another arrow.


The troll exclaimed again.

The arrow struck the back of the troll's bald neck again.

The troll seemed to sense danger.

It did not speak again, it did not even pull the arrow from the back of its head, it simply ran into the depths of the forest with its head lowered.

Trolls are large in size, they cover a great distance with each step and their running speed is not slow.

It was very easy for him to distance himself from a group of dwarves.

Morgan is faster, his agility has been strengthened to LV2 and his movement speed is now more than twice as fast as before the upgrade.

But seeing the trolls fleeing, Morgan just wanted to curse.

That monster has rough skin and thick flesh, and if it doesn't hit the fatal point like the eye, even if it shoots the opponent and turns it into a hedgehog, it won't kill the opponent.

If you can't kill the troll, don't think about the treasure and sword hidden in the cave.

Morgan chased it without thinking.


At this moment, Thorin's voice came not far away.

Morgan stopped and looked at the dwarf prince who was surrounded by a group of dwarves.

"Don't chase him anymore, he has escaped, we don't need to go up there to take risks..."

Thorin looked at Morgan and shook his head.

"But, we've hurt him, what if he comes back?"

Morgan knew Thorin was right.

Such a huge monster is powerful and not easy to kill.

If the expedition team rushed to deal with it, there was a high chance of casualties.

But Morgan did not want to give up.

There are treasures and elven swords hidden in the troll hideout, but he can't tell.

"Don't worry, we won't stay here for long."

"As soon as the rain stops, we'll leave..."

Thorin's voice dropped.

Morgan thought, indeed, The story of the hobbit has changed again.

But can this rain last all day?

Morgan looked up at the sky, which was still pouring rain.

"No, look over there..."

At this moment, the dwarf Fíli suddenly made a sound.

Everyone looked in the direction where he was pointing.

In the heavy rain, the huge troll that had just fled in a hurry reappeared.

But this time not just one, but three.

There is also an arrow stuck in its nose.

Followed by two taller and stronger trolls with thicker trunks.

The other party was obviously coming for revenge.

"It is not easy for us to leave now..."

Bilbo spoke suddenly and quietly.

Morgan agreed.

"Kíli get ready!"

Thorin's complexion changed, and he quickly threw down the longbow and arrow he had taken from Kíli earlier.

"The others are separated, fight in groups of two. Don't fight head-on and concentrate on jamming and hindering."

"The rest we'll leave to Morgan and Kíli..."

Thorin reacted quickly, and when he saw the three trolls appear, he knew this battle was inevitable.

"Can you do it?"

Thorin finished his instructions, looked at Morgan and asked.

"Of course!"

Morgan smiled, affirmatively.

"Quickly quickly..."

"Everyone spread out..."

Thorin shouted, and the dwarves immediately scattered.

Morgan and Kíli stood in the corner behind everyone with their bows, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Battle was imminent.