
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

Chapter 21 Trolls

"What do you mean?"

Gandalf lowered his voice, Thorin startled and asked immediately.

"It is likely that they are looking for you, or even your entire Turin lineage."

"Otherwise, the orcs would never have come to the gate in such a hurry."

"As for the reason, you yourself know better than I..."

Gandalf spoke in a deep voice and Thorin's heart sank at once.

If what Gandalf said is true, the entire bloodline of Durin's dwarves is searched, and the orcs can rely on the taste of the same bloodline to find their tracks.

This also explains why the orc scouts were able to find them quickly soon after entering their range.

There is only this possibility.

As for the idea of a coincidence, it is impossible.

After a moment's silence, Thorin said in a deep voice, "If so, we must leave at once. The orcs may come at any moment.

Gandalf looked at the sun hanging outside and said nonchalantly: -Probably they will not for the moment. The orcs do not like sunlight."

"Then it's time to leave, at least they have enough distance before it gets dark..."

Thorin shook his head and was about to walk towards the resting crowd.

"We just went through a battle last night and ran for most of the night, do you think we'll be able to continue on our way now?"

"Even if we can, those horses sure as hell can't."

Gandalf continued speaking and Thorin stopped immediately.

After being silent for a moment, Thorin turned his head and looked at Gandalf, "What are you trying to say?"

"It is very close to the Hidden Valley..."

"We can continue through the valley, so the orcs will not dare to overtake us..."

Gandalf continued speaking, but Thorin interrupted him decisively, "No!".

"I told you long ago that I don't want to be near that place!".


"We're going there, not only to avoid the orcs."

"The elves will help us too. We can replenish our food, rest very well and listen to the elves' advice."

Gandalf was always a little puzzled, and it was a matter of great benefit and no harm.

"I don't need your advice!"

Thorin refused without hesitation.

"But King Elrond can help us decipher that map!".

"Don't forget that there are very few people who can interpret that map in all of Middle-earth."

"And now we have a chance. If we enter the hidden valley, all our present difficulties can be solved."

Gandalf spoke quietly.

"Help us?"

"Did the Elves help us when the evil dragon Smaug attacked Erebor?"

"Did the Elves help us when those damned orcs sacked Moria and desecrated our temple?"

"No, they watched from the sidelines!"

"Now do you really want me to plead with those who betrayed my grandfather, those who betrayed my father and all of Durin's family?"

Thorin turned to look at Gandalf, shook his head with a firm expression and said coldly.

"But you are not them!"

"I gave you a map and a key, not for you to live with hatred in your memory forever!".

Hearing Thorin's extremely stubborn words, Gandalf's expression turned cold and he shouted.

"That is the key to the Lonely Mountain, and you have no right to keep it."

Thorin continued, as stubborn as the hardest granite.


Seeing Thorin's stubborn face, Gandalf became very angry.

The team was attacked last night, and now the orcs are coming back for them. The food is almost exhausted, and everyone in the expedition team is sleepy and tired.

And the biggest problem: the secret passage to the Lonely Mountain hidden on the map has not been solved.

The whole team faces many difficulties.

Obviously, as long as they enter the hidden valley, they can get all the solutions.

Thorin stubbornly turned a blind eye out of hatred.

This is nothing but a sad joke.


"I hope you don't regret it..."

Gandalf laughed angrily, snorted coldly, turned and walked away.

He knew dwarves were stubborn, but he hadn't expected them to be this stubborn.

This was no longer being stubborn, it was being unreasonable.

Gandalf stormed out of the house.

A group of dwarves resting outside immediately looked at him.

They had all heard the argument between Gandalf and Thorin.

"Are you all right, Gandalf?"

"Where are you going?"

Looking at Gandalf, who was hurrying out with furious steps, Bilbo immediately stood up and asked.

"To find the only rational person on the team!"

"Who is it?"


Gandalf stormed out.

The originally relaxed atmosphere of the camp was immediately muted.

The team had just been attacked by orcs the night before.

Now, the leader Thorin and the wizard Gandalf were starting to fight.

The group was a bit worried.


At that moment, there was a deafening roar of thunder in the sky.

Everyone was taken aback.

They immediately turned upwards.

I saw that the sky that was sunny not long ago was now covered with dark clouds.

With such a cloudy sky, heavy rain was forecast.

"Damn, it scared me..."

"How can the sky change so fast..."

"Come on, it's going to start raining, let's set up a tent..."

"Wait a minute, it shouldn't fall so fast..."

"No, it's already falling..."

"Quick, pitch a tent, I don't want to get wet in this weather..."

Bean-sized raindrops fell quickly.

The temporary camp filled up immediately.

In the forest clearing not far from the camp.

Morgan's training also stopped.

The discomfort caused by strengthening and improving attributes no longer affected him.

The white raven sword skill has also improved a lot after the training.

As for archery, he has reached level 3.

Next, he absorbs and trains slowly.

"Splash Splash Splash Splash Splash Splash..."

This autumn rain came very quickly.

It was less than half an hour from storm to rain.

Just as he brought the water bottle to his mouth, the crackling raindrops fell frantically.


Morgan cursed and didn't continue drinking water, put away his longsword and ran back to camp, not far away, bottle in hand.

This temporary camp had no tents to shelter from the rain.

Morgan hurried back to camp and watched as Bilbo struggled to open the tent.

Morgan immediately stepped forward to help.

When most of his clothes were wet, Morgan and Bilbo finally opened the tent that belonged to him, Bilbo and Gandalf.

"Why don't I see Gandalf?"

Taking off his leather armor, Morgan asked nonchalantly.

"I don't know either."

"Gandalf and Thorin had a fight and then parted ways...".

Bilbo shook his head.

"Gandalf and Thorin had a fight?

"When did it happen?"

Morgan turned his head to look at Bilbo.

"Just now, before the rain..."

When Bilbo finished speaking, Morgan thought of something and stepped outside with his shirt off.

Then, he saw an abandoned, ramshackle wooden house in a corner of the camp, not far away.

Looking at the abandoned wooden house, Morgan squinted slightly, and the memory of the plot flashed quickly in his mind and he muttered, "Troll..."