
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

Chapter 17: The Great Harvest

The cooperation between Morgan and Gandalf can be described as a powerful combination.

Under Gandalf's cover, Morgan, who was a LV2 archery expert, was definitely the fastest and fiercest assassin in this battle.

Every time he shoots an arrow, he represents an orc soul returning to hell.

Together with the united group of dwarves, this scouting team of more than 20 orcs, along with more than 20 fierce direwolves, were slaughtered in less than half an hour.

Seeing this, the few remaining orcs dared not go any further and hastily fled from the darkened camp.

If it was just the group of dwarves with their swords, battle axes, and hammers, maybe it's really impossible to stop the group of wildly fleeing orcs.

But thanks to Morgan's presence and his archery, it's not that easy for these orcs to escape.

Seeing that the remaining four or five orcs hurriedly escaped from the camp into the dead of night.

Morgan climbed onto a rock and yelled, "Gandalf!"

Gandalf understood immediately and raised his staff high.

The next second, the staff burst out with a strong dazzling white light, illuminating the night sky.

Morgan quickly reached out and touched the quiver on his back. This time, he drew three long arrows.

Unprecedented three arrows!

The light on the cane went out

But for Morgan, it was enough to see the fleeing orcs for a moment.

Placing three arrows on the bowstring, Morgan made a crescent with all his might.

"buzz buzz"

Three arrows instantly shot out into the dark night.

Soon, everyone on the battlefield heard screams coming from outside the camp one after another.

"Two Fugitives"

Morgan jumped off the rock and said with a hint of regret in his tone.

Every time an orc dies, he is likely to gain soul power. And of course, it is a pity that they escape.

Of course, the other people do not understand the true purpose of Morgan's words.

"Morgan, don't be discouraged, you did very well today"

Sure enough, thinking that Morgan was blaming himself, a dwarf immediately comforted him.

"Yes, Morgan this time you saved me."

The dwarf Glóin also said in a dull voice.

Right in the battle, he got distracted for a moment and was nearly cut down by the orc running towards him. Fortunately, Morgan shot the orc and killed it in time.

Although it sounds a bit embarrassing to be rescued on such a small battlefield, the truth is that Morgan saved him.

Glóin has great self-esteem, but he doesn't bother lying about this sort of thing.

Seeing Morgan blaming himself, he immediately spoke up for Morgan.

"With the bow you can shoot three arrows at once. I've only heard that elven marksmen can do this kind of maneuver."

"Morgan's archery is now..."

The white-bearded dwarf Balin also said with a smile, but he did not finish his sentence.


Suddenly, a deep and terrifying howl came from outside the desert.

Everyone's expressions changed, and Gandalf immediately said, "The orcs are calling for reinforcements, we must go!"

Thorin's complexion also immediately sank. He and the orcs are old enemies, and he also understands what that howl means, especially since there was a battle at this time: "come on, come on!"

"Kíli and Fíli look for the horses"

"Bombur picks up the dishes and the others pick up."


Gandalf and Thorin spoke at the same time, and the group immediately knew the seriousness of the matter.

Pack quickly.

Soon, the group led their horses and ran wild in the dark desert.

Obviously it is dangerous to travel at night.

Fortunately, the expedition team has a large number of people.

"Quick Don't Stop"

"Damn, come back, you went the wrong way"


"It's too dark, I can't see clearly"

Time passed slowly, and I don't know when the moon came out again through the clouds.

The misty moonlight shines on the earth

Amid rolling hills

A group of people is running.

"How long have we been running?"

"I dont know "

"Are the Orcs still following us?"

"I dont know"

"It seems like they don't see us often, I don't hear anything."

"Keep running, don't stop, those direwolves have very powerful noses"

"This way, hurry up and go"

The expedition party just escaped a sneak attack by scout orcs not long ago, and they didn't dare to stop at this point.

time passes slowly

When the eastern sky begins to show a trail of white clouds

The expedition members who had been running wild for most of the night finally couldn't take it anymore.


"It's almost dawn, the orcs shouldn't be able to reach them."

"Can I rest, can't I really run?"

"Very Hungry"

"I also"

Watching the panting, chattering dwarfs

Thorin looked at Gandalf

"Orcs don't like the day"

Knowing what Thorin wanted to ask, Gandalf said casually.

"Then take a break"

Thorin nodded and stepped aside.

A group of dwarfs obtained the consent of the dwarf prince,

they immediately relaxed

Just lie down and rest on the spot.

But then Thorin shook his head again and said, "It can't be here, it's too open and not safe enough."

Gandalf, who had just taken his pipe out of it, stopped, looked up and looked left and right, pointed to the forest in the distance and said, "Go there, it would be much better to be covered by a forest."

Thorin looked over and nodded quickly, "let's move to that place."

thirty minutes later

The expedition team reached a forest in the middle of the mountain.

Thorin soon saw a long-abandoned wooden house and the surrounding clearing that appeared to be quite flat.

"Right here"

"Kíli, Fíli go feed the horses"

"Bombur prepares the fire"

Thorin gave an order, the team has a clear division of labor

Soon, the group was busy again.

It didn't take long for a handful of fire to burn brightly.

Of the four spotted deer that Morgan and Kíli shot last night, they still have three left.

Like after a battle and running wild in the middle of the night.

Balin, the white-bearded dwarf who manages food logistics, decided to reward everyone

Then, with quick movements, he placed on the grill one by one the remains of the three deer they killed yesterday.

After Balin had been busy, they all began to sit around the fire, bandaging themselves and chatting.

As the MVP of this battle, Morgan is naturally the center of attention in everyone's commercials.

But Morgan had little interest in chatting at the moment.

He waved his hand and sat directly on a rock not far from the fire.

Closing his eyes, Morgan thought

brush brush

One after another, the virtual data immediately jumped and flickered in front of him.

[Time Traveler: Morgan]

[Race: Human]

[Biological level: Level 1]

[Soul Power: 6]

[Attribute: Strength+; Constitution+; Agility+; Spirit+]

[Skills: common language; muay thai LV2; Swordsmanship of the White Raven LV1; archery LV2]

[Talent: Intimacy (Special Ability)]

[Current world exploration progress: 0.35%]

[ ]

One after another of data keep popping up

Morgan stared at the column of soul power.

When he saw the number behind the soul power, Morgan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He actually has a full six points of soul power!

This is a great harvest, a truly great harvest