
Start with Lord of the Rings

-With Gandalf in Middle Earth; -Walk with the mother dragon in the world of Game of Thrones; -Dancing with liya in the dragon nest world... This is a story about walking in an infinitely magnificent fantasy world. It all started with The Hobbit...

Daoisty62 · ภาพยนตร์
32 Chs

Chapter 15: The Clash

When nightfall comes.

Temporary Rest Camp: A wild, rocky wasteland.

The members of the expedition team are busy.

Today, Morgan and Kíli caught four spotted deer, an absolutely bountiful harvest.

Spotted deer are not small in size.

A spotted venison, along with various dried vegetables and wild vegetables harvested in season, can be a delicious meal for all members of the expedition team.

Of course, if it is cooked that way.

If roasted, two spotted deer will suffice.

After traveling through nature for a month, all the team members now have a big appetite.

"Crack, crunch, crunch..."

On the simple stove made of several stones the fire crackled.

Over the fire, a large pot on a tripod boiled and swirled.

White soup of fresh meat, dried red carrots, green wild vegetables, purple wild onions...

This pot of fresh speckled venison soup looks good and smells just as tempting.

It's been a boring day in the arid mountains.

This is definitely the moment that all team members look forward to, the most relaxed moment.

Of course, this speaks of physical relaxation.

In fact, as the expedition team moved away from the Shire, step by step they moved closer to the east.

The journey has become much more dangerous than before.

Because they have entered the home of one of the most evil monsters in the world: the territory infested with "orcs".

Right now, on a rock not far from the temporary camp.

Morgan lay on top of him, feeling the cool autumn wind.

[Time Traveler: Morgan]

[Race: Human]

[Biological level: first order]

[Soul Power: 0]

[Attribute: Strength+; Constitution+; Agility+; Spirit+]

[Ability: common language; muay thai LV2; Swordsmanship of the White Raven LV1; Archery LV2]

[Talent: Intimacy (Special Ability)]

[Current world exploration progress: 0.31%]


"It's been a whole month..."

"Not only did I not get any soul power, it's still zero."

"Even the progress of global exploration is also growing very slowly."

"Before the departure it was 0.3% and now it is 0.31%. The one-month trip only increased by 0.01%."

"This is still with the protagonist's expedition. If it's just me, I'm afraid there isn't even 0.01% progress..."

Looking at the data in front of his eyes, Morgan was a bit helpless.

In the last month, due to his excellent archery skills, he covered almost all of the team's hunt.

That's for honing bow and arrow skills, and more for killing prey with soul power.

It's a shame, except for the bear he killed the day he met Gandalf a month ago and gained some soul power.

Morgan has so far failed to win a single point.

Even if he killed a large number of boars, wild goats, spotted deer, and even a ferocious leopard.

However, there is no trace of the second soul power at all.

If it wasn't for the 0.01% progress in the exploration world, he would have thought the system was broken.

Of course, this month I have gained very little in terms of progress in the system.

But in terms of strength, especially in archery, Morgan's progress can be called rapid.

In other respects, by his own strength, and also by his teachings to Kíli.

Morgan's status on the expedition team has improved a lot.

Now, if the expedition team members are ranked in order, it should look like this: Thorin Oakenshield ≥ Gandalf > Balin = Morgan = Dwalin > other dwarves > Bilbo.

In general, except that the system does not progress.

Much has been gained in other respects.

Since I don't have much to do day to day, I reflect on my body system.

Morgan now also has a new understanding of "soul power".

However, these understandings will only be known after experiments.

"It seems like killing ordinary creatures can't get soul power anymore. Now let's see if the orcs can give me some surprises."

Morgan waved the data in front of him, looking up at the dark sky and thinking to himself.


At this moment, a scream came from not far away.

Morgan turned his head and saw that dinner was ready.

Morgan quickly jumped off the ten-foot-high rock and walked toward the camp.

He walked over to the fire and took a bowl of fresh venison soup from the dwarf "student" Kíli.

Morgan had just sat down when he heard the dwarf Glóin shout loudly over a bowl of steaming broth: "Come on, to thank Morgan and Kíli for bringing us such a good meal, let's toast!"

"Hey, that's not wine, the poor thing thinks he's drinking..."

"Haha, poor Glóin..."

"Although this is not wine, you can imagine that it is wine, and you can imagine the taste of wine..."

"Come on, let's toast..."

"That's a good idea, maybe you two can still get drunk..."


The dwarves laughed and laughed, and habitually argued among themselves.

Entertaining everyone.

Over a month of wild rides.

Since everything is mountains and valleys, there are no villages or towns on the way.

The drinks the dwarfs had brought were long gone.

Now there are only many dry foods, such as dried vegetables, potato flour, and dried meat, which are easy to transport and preserve.

As for the drinks, imagine them.

After dinner, night fell completely.

A cool early autumn wind is blowing.

Morgan and Gandalf were sitting side by side under a rock, smoking a pipe.

Morgan smoked, to be exact, a Gandalf pipe.


He lit the small hole in the cigarette filled with chopped tobacco and took a deep breath.


Feeling the acrid smoke enter his lungs, Morgan felt inexplicably relieved.

As a boxer in his previous life, Morgan did not smoke.

But in this world, on a boring adventure.

In the days when there were no women, no alcohol, no fights, just smoking could make him less bored.

"It's not bad, pipes are a good thing..." (Don't smoke, it's bad, it damages your health)

"I didn't expect you'd never smoke"

Ignoring Gandalf's mutterings and watching Bilbo approach, Morgan gestured with his pipe, "Would you like a drink?"

"No thanks, I have..."

Bilbo refused with a smile, took the pipe from him, shook it, and sat down beside Gandalf.

"I was right..."

Gandalf continued speaking, Morgan took a sip of the remaining tobacco, cleaned the pipe, handed it to Gandalf and said with disgust, "Okay, you can shut up."

"Ha ha..."

Gandalf laughed and immediately took the pipe from him and filled it with chopped tobacco.

The night is getting darker.

The crescent moon on the horizon is not known when it hid in the clouds.

At the temporary camp, only the bonfire is still burning.

In front of the fire, except for the night watch dwarf Bofur, who fell asleep as if he was pecking rice, the other dwarves had already fallen asleep and were lying on the ground.

The surroundings were silent, as if everyone had fallen asleep.

Holding the sword and sleeping against the rock, Morgan suddenly felt an extremely dangerous heartbeat.

He suddenly opened his eyes and saw: a group of more than a dozen orcs in armor and ugly figures were infiltrating the temporary camp with weapons.

Morgan looked terrified, he grabbed the longbow next to him and shouted loudly, "Enemy attack!"

Remember what I put in the author's comments in the first chapter....

Also, personally out of many Chinese fan-fic novels I've read, I liked this one because it avoids many of the things that ruin them and if, like me, you've read those novels, you'll know what I mean. . And if you haven't, I can tell you that if you think the MC's translation, personality or development (seems acceptable to me) is bad, I'm telling you there are many, much worse, and although the plot of them is attractive and interesting the same authors ruin them.

I hope you like this one, as I liked it. And for those wondering, this story covers the entire plot of the LOTR movies.

Daoisty62creators' thoughts