
Chapter 3

She opened her eyes and immediately tried to take off. It didn't work. Her legs were still trembling, she was leaning down on a soft bed, wearing a hospital gown. The fact that it was silent in the room made her stop and think.

She was alone in a hospital and apparently not death. Ah right, Harry.

She lifts her hands to her chest and feels the scars. There were tiny scars on her arms, pink marks on her pale skin and on her chest a bigger one that after a closer look, they looked more cigarette burns gathered together. She had one on her tight because of Draco, he had the habit to let them on the Common Room sofa.

Before she could inspect herself any further a door opens and a plump woman dressed in white robes enters. She had a small smile and a calm air around her, a healer.

It was at that moment she realize that her wand nor her belt of potion were with her. But she wasn't a Snape for nothing and without hesitation she dived in the woman mind. Her strength wasn't that great but it was enough to realize that all this includes Unspeakables and the Department of Mystery.

She fainted again.

The time when she wake up an Unspeakable was on a chair beside her bed. It wasn't a pleasant sight to wake up with.

" You were quite violent with our Healer so it was better for me to seat here. You also can't enter any mind for the time being." They said upon seeing her awake " Your protection shields are most impressive though."

Her Occlumency shield are one of her greatest pride, beside Dueling and the fact she can down half a liter of cider or wine in one go. The nights were the Slytherin students got themselves smashed were the happiest in that House. She worked on those shields after second year and finding out that soul eating diary's. If you looked in her mind to climb a never ending wall, just to realize that the wall itself holds all her memories and thoughts. Her Da was very proud of it.

'' Why I'm here? What business has the D.O.M. and the Unspeakables with me? What happened with Hogwarts?'' Athena asked not even trying to find this person name, they never reveal their real one.

The Unspeakable hums and say ''You are here because you needed healing. We, the Unspeakables want to help you and monitories you until we are sure you have a stable life and no change of suicide. And the last time I saw Hogwarts, she was still standing waiting for the next year batch to come.'' they say quite amused

'' Standing..?'' her last memory of Hogwarts was the walls painted in blood, pieces of rubble falling apart and body's filling the ground. It wasn't a pleasant sight.

'' Let me begin then.'' they get up and stand in front of the bed, maybe they wanted to intimidate her with their height. But she was sure if she could stand up there would be at last 5cm between them. '' My name, for you at last, will be Roy and I'm in charge of looking, healing and helping you accommodate with this time period. And -'' he continues before she could interrupt ''- you Miss, are a Time Jumper. A Time Jumper is a person that can go back or forward in time without breaking their own timelines. Essentially, you are in a parallel timeline. Everything depends if you want to change who you are or any significative events. And I'm telling you in advance that there's no way for you to go back where you come from. That doesn't mean you need to root by yourself in a corner of your mind.'' they finish in a gentler tone

Athena tried to wrap her head around it all. The fuck did Potter do to her? Did he know about this? Did her Da? Does that mean Potter is fighting a war back home and I'm just stuck here.. what should she do now...she need to do something, anything..Maybe..?

'' What year is it?'' she ask trying to straighten her back, voice void of emotion

'' Oh.'' they mutter then continue in a normal tone '' 1977. Exactly a month before school year starts once more.''

Beginning of sixth year..

'' I see.. '' she say the same emotionless voice

'' I will go and bring you this year newspaper. There is a Calming Draught right there-'' they point towards the drawer ''- we can discuss later w-''

'' I'm going to Hogwarts.'' Athena say burning purple eyes '' I'm joining Hogwarts as a sixth-year.'' a smirk tugging at her lips

The Unspeakable sighs dramatically ''Thanks for making my work harder. Can I have a name at last? You can change it though, but if you want to remain with the same one than the Headmaster will be notified and the arrival of a Time Jumper will be announced.'' they said warning her

She tildes her head to the side and just now realize that her hair was cut above her shoulders, the same length with her Da. The slowly knot in her chest grows larger. Despite that she doesn't falter, not in front of whoever this person was exactly. She smiles her fanged grin and with her mind turning and breaking apart searching for a plan, something, anything she answer

'' Athena Snape. Tell the Headmaster that another Snape will join Hogwarts this year.'' and more confidently than all this situation happened she say '' There is a spot in Slytherin waiting for me.''

The Unspeakable smiles and can't be sure if they should be happy that this one doesn't want to destroy the world or themselves. The chaos that will follow this girl will make this world tremble for the time being.

After they left, Athena curled in the bed and with soundless,breathless sobs she mourned her father. Her foolish best friends,that were either death or who knows what Potter was doing. Her second home that was falling apart. The student body's, from the small eleven years old to the seventeen ones, that was scattered on the ground,lifeless body's trampled over.

For a timeline,a life that was stolen from her.

She cried without stopping for two days, then she stared with empty eyes at the white walls felling like she was going crazy for another one. She never once touched the Calming Draugh sitting on the table. How could she trust other potions that her father didn't make.

When Roy come back at the forth day she cursed herself for actually being happy to see them. It was clear she wasn't the first Time Jumper they ever meet.

Strangely enough that made her just more angry.