
Chapter 16

It become clear at some point that Athena needed Rita to actually begin this plan. It come as a surprise to see not just Xeno terrified expression while standing in front of her but Rita's own dumb stare while looking at the Xeno.

'' I missed something.'' Athena said when it become clear that neither would say a word

The three of them meet in a secluded alcove with a missing window, where there was a clear view of any incoming students and where it was empty enough so any steps where heard. When Athena first suggested that there would be need of another person, to be at least Plan B before they could begin anything, she never excepted that the two would hate each other.

Well. Hate was a strong word but they sure looked more than uncomfortable with being beside each other.

'' Any of you want to elaborate?'' she asked getting a fast reply from both

'' No.'' it was disturbing how both of them spoke calmly before smiling pleasantly at her

'' Both of you want to help?'' she asked not showing how disturbed she was by them. Truthfully speaking, Athena, at some point excepted to be disturbed by either of them. Especially while knowing what type of adults they could become.

'' No problem.'' Xeno said turning to his purple eyed friend before leaning on the nearby wall

'' Give me an interview after the fight.'' Rita said looking with an eye at Xeno and another at her

'' Deal. I need a specific type of dog fur before we could start.'' Athena said leaning on the nearby wall trying to remember what type of dog was Sirius Animagus

'' We doing it now?'' Rita said confused

'' Hagrid has a bag collection of dog fur, don't ask, I can take whichever you want using my methods.'' when both girls just stared at him concerned he added '' I just ramble about Nargles and he would give anything just so I can go away.'' he said rolling his eyes

'' Huh. I need Deerhound fur. A pretty big bag too.'' Athena said waving at a retreating Xeno before turning to Rita '' What about now? It's no time like the present.'' she said shrugging walking

'' Shouldn't we ... I don't know plan this? So it could actually work.'' the blonde asked making the purple eyed one blink confused

'' Why should I wait weeks to plan mindlessly when I can just do it now?'' she asked back smirking when Rita looked even more confused, before patting her shoulder '' Get ready to interview one Sirius Black about his art from the second floor. '' she said before jogging towards the kitchens.

If Athena was right, and she was, then right now most of the students were going to dinner, those making the kitchen bustling with little house elf's and the Hall with the hungry students. With light, fast steps she arrives in the kitchens, smuggling the honey with non the wiser before yelling a short goodbye at the confused elves. She snatched a piece of armor before transfigurating it into a crystal wine glass.

Athena catch up with Xeno who was returning with the bag of fur, giving him the glass.

'' Go towards the Gryffindor tower and wait till there are no more students before approaching the Fat Lady. Tell her that this is a magical made glass so nothing can break it, beside the human voice. She will caught right in and while she screams just leave the glass down and enter the Common Room. In and out. There will be nothing to disturb you.'' she said before clapping his back, both of them going in different direction

Athena wasn't sure if she should be disturbed of Xeno grin or not. But at last it couldn't be worse than Rita stares when taking an interview. That look never changed at last.

After arriving on the third floor, a floor below Gryffindor Tower, Athena begin her magic. And no it wasn't much more than spreading honey and rearranging the fur how she wanted, before transfiguring it to look like paint. It was Madam Malfoy, ten years of trying to make Athena be more like a Lady and the other years of his Da spitting over the Marauders name.

It was a picture of pure spite.

Athena walked in the Great Hall and plopped directly beside Rita Skeeter, who was scribbling away in a notebook. She took a quick glance at the book before standing in a state of disbelief for a full five seconds.

'' Are you writing a fighting between a divorced couple that want's to kill each other?'' she asked reading the lines flowing on the paper

'' It calms me down.'' Rita said before putting her pencil down '' I have no idea what your plan is or what you want to achieve from it but if it's doesn't work, we never talked.''

'' Sure-'' Athena said confident, before checking out the lions table and upon seeing that neither of the four boys or girls were looking at them she leaned closer and said Rita lines. The blonde nodded before taking a small notebook and walking, skipping almost towards Sirius Black. Like excepted, both tables quieted down upon seeing a Slytherin seeking a Gryffindor, no matter the motive.

'' Skeeter.'' Sirius sneered at the girl but before he could add anything else Rita smiled, a little crazy and eyes a little too hungry

'' Tell me Black, what was the inspiration between your creative painting? Did any of the animals have any signification? What about the animals variety? What not just remain in the well, canine family and expand towards forest animals and rodents?'' she said not showing any different expression when seeing the brief split of terror on Lupin face

'' What?'' Sirius said faintly trying to get up.

The Hall, slowly begin to quite even more, all eyes on the two.

'' The painting on the second floor. Really beautiful, a piece of art if I say so myself, though the dangerous beast imprinted on the wall is rather unpleasant.'' then she leaned a little closer for effect before adding in a concerned tone. A true actress in making, in Athena opinion. If the girl wasn't so crazed overtaking interviews and writing articles than she wouldn't be surprised if she become a famous actress.

'' I'm not sure how the little firstie would react upon seeing the painting of a werewolf mauling those poor animals.''

The next second after she finished her words, Lupin was out of the Hall running full speed towards the second floor, Black, Potter and Pettigrew after him. And after them, exactly how Athena know they would the rest of the students body, who at the same time was blocking the teachers path.

The few students that weren't running after the four lions, where Athena herself, Severus and his group of friends and Rita Skeeter that was walking back to the purple eyed girl bewildered.

'' I didn't except this.'' she said stopping beside Athena '' Are you not going after them? Wouldn't it be better if you make sure that they are actually fighting?'' she said looking at the mass of people trying to squeeze out

'' Don't you see that crowd? There's no way I can fit there.'' Athena said before taking a bite of her food '' -beside if they see me there, those guys would surely jump on me and mess everything.'' then she leaned back relaxed before sighing '' I just show up at the end if things don't work out.''

'' And what things should work out?'' a voice said beside them making the girls turn around just to see the piercing gaze of one Severus Snape

And somewhere, in a smaller corner of Athena mind, where her small self was locked, Athena knows she fucked up somehow.