
Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun

He doesn't know how it happened or why. But before he could understand what was happening he found himself living an entirely new life, in a galaxy far far away. As a member of a prominent force-sensitive family to boot. Which comes with a set of problems all its own. Still, he will not waste this second chance that was given to him. He will rise, and carve his name into the history books. For the Scion of the Sun isn't someone to be taken lightly.

ArifuretaForever · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
148 Chs

Chapter 48.5 [R-18]

A/N: Ok you degenerates, here is the first smut/sex scene of this story.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved writing it.

Remember, bonk is a lie, and let the horny flow through you.

Hope you enjoy.


Once the door to my bedroom closed I walked over to the bed and tossed Yennali on it.

I then climbed on it alongside her.

Closing the distance between us I planted another kiss on her lips before breaking it. I then looked Yennali directly in her eyes, a serious expression on her face.

"If you truly want to me to stop this I will. So, do you?" I spoke.

Only a few seconds passed before Yennali gave me her answer.

Grabbing my face with both of her hands she pulled me into a deep, rough, and hot kiss.

"Mhm~ Mah~ Uhm~"

Moaning into each other's mouths Yennali and I didn't beak our kiss and come up for air for five minutes.

The benefits of Jedi training.

Some Force powers work great for sexy time in the bedroom. Like Breathe Control, which we both just used.

Panting we looked into each other's eyes and we got to work removing our pesky clothing. Which took us both only a minute to do.

Completely naked, Yennali and I looked each other up and down. Taking in each others body's in.

As I did so I came to find out Yennali was even more beautiful than I thought. Pure white unblemished skin, full pink and round nipples, a clean shaved pink pussy, a tight and taught belly, and finally D-cup breasts.

Realizing all of this was mine and mine alone, something that had been chained up inside of me broke free.

"Yennali." I whispered.

"Van." She replied.

Reaching out I pulled her close and began planting kisses along her neck. Peppering her lovely skin with kisses I sucked in some areas and gave her hickey's. Finishing with her neck I started working my way down.

Upon reaching her breasts I gently squeezed them both using both my hands.

"Yah~" Yennali moaned.

The sound being music to my years I continued kneading and playing with her breasts. Squeezing them I had Yennali moaning, and squirming under my touch.

"Nh, no more Van~ No!" Yennali cried.

But I ignored her.

Squeezing her left breast harder, and making her erect nipple stick out, I moved my mouth to it and began sucking on it like a newborn baby.

*Suck Suck Suck*

Sucking sounds filled the room as I helped myself to Yennalis' left nipple. Her body squirming under me. When I felt her left nipple had had enough punishment I switched my mouth over to the right.

I then went back and forth, sucking Yennali's nipples to my hearts content.

Ignoring her cries for me to stop.

Since I felt through the Force she was loving ever second of my actions.

Pulling my mouth off Yennalis' left nipple once again I got an idea.

Pushing her boobs together I took both of her nipples into my mouth, and sucked.



Yennali cried, her entire body shuddering.

I soon felt the sheets of my bed get wet.

'She didn't.' I thought.

Removing my mouth from Yennali's nipples, and my hands as well, I tooked down at her pussy and saw it was drenched, as were the sheets directly in front of it.

'She did.' I thought.

Yennali just had her first orgasm of the night.

Realizing this I gave myself a metaphorical bat on the back. I then got ready to go back in and give her more pleasure.

Only to stop when Yennalis' right hand took hold of my dick.

Which is a cool eight inches long.

"Ah!" I moaned, as Yennali began squeezing my dick harder. "Hey Yennali, that hurts." I told her.

But she ignored me.

"Hehehe, it's payback time." Yennali whispered.

Then before I knew it she controlled me by keeping a tight grip on my dick, and soon I was on my back and she was slowly moving her right hand up and down my shaft. Looking me directly in the eyes, with a sultry look on her face.

"Yen-Agh!" I hissed. Yennali tightening her grip on my dick when I tried to speak.

"Don't speak." Yennali commanded.

"Yes." I replied.

"Excellent. Now be a good boy and don't say another word. Otherwise you won't get release you desire." Yennali told me.

Acting like a sadist, when just a few moments ago she was acting so submissive.

Telling me Yennali is a switch.

Which strangely only make her hotter in my eyes.

Moving her hands up and down my shaft she moved her mouth to my balls and softly blew on them. Causing my dick to get even harder.

Yennali continued teasing my balls with slow and sensual blows, before she finally stopped. Then once she did she took her nuts into my mouth.

Bracing herself with her free hand she worked her tongue along my balls, while her right hand continued pumping up and down my shaft.


Letting out moans of pleasure I enjoyed her hand job combined ball blowing with a smile on my face.

Sucking tightly on my balls Yennali bit into them slightly, sending a wave of pleasure through me that made me buck my hips for the first.

A triumphant look in her eyes Yennali removed her mouth from around my balls. Then gave them one slow, sensual lick.

A lick that moved up to my shaft, which tip was licking pre-cum.

Licking all the pre-cum up Yennali worked her way up to the tip of my dick. Then when she did so she took the tip into her mouth.

Putting me in cloud nine.


Slurping sounds filling the room Yennali worked her tongue around half my shaft, while she used her right hand to pleasure the other half. Her spit and my pre-cum mixing to turn my crotch area and her mouth into a complete and utter mess.

Before I knew it I was getting a super hot sloppy top.

Breathing and moaning heavily I let myself succumb to the pleasure. The pressure building and building until it couldn't build any more.

I came.


My hips bucking I unleashed load after load of hot sticky white stuff in Yennali's direction. Completely coating her face, hair, and chest.

When it was all over she was drenched in cum.

Taking a moment to recover I watched as Yennali used her hands to collect my cum and then swallowed every last drop.

Finishing up just as I recovered from my first orgasm of the night.

Neither of us needing to say a word Yennali got on her back, and then used her left hand to open her entrance wide, and show me her soaking wet pussy.

Not wanting to reject her invitation I crawled across the bed and lined up my tip with her entrance.

Then just as I was about to enter her Yennali wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me forward, causing me to enter he fully from the start.

"Ah!!!" She cried at the top of her lungs.

Beginning to move her hips on her own.

But not wanting to be left out like earlier I started pucking my hips in unison with hers. I also started giving her a hot and heavy kiss involving tongue.


Moaning in pleasure Yennali and I pounded our hips in unison.

*Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Loud slapping sounds filling the room I pounded Yennali, and she pounded me. Our bodies and tongues locked in a battle for dominance.

Wanting to take the lead I moved my hands to Yennali's ass cheeks and gave them both a hard slap.

"Mhm!!!" Yennali cried.

Her pussy getting tighter after I slapped her ass cheeks.

So I did it again, and again.

Pounding both Yennali's pussy and ass I gave her both pleasure and pain, increasing her pleasure past its limits.

Breaking our kiss Yennali moved her mouth to the right side of my neck and bit me. Drawing a bit of blood.

"Yes!!" I cried in pleasure.

Enjoying the pleasure and pain she decided to give me like I gave her.

Feeling another load about to blow I told Yennali.

"I'm close!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Me too." Yennali replied. "So let's do it together."

"Right." I replied.

Yennali and I then picked up our pace even further. Slamming into each other harder and harder, until finally we both reached our limit.


Letting out cries of pleasure that overlapped we both came together, Yennali digging her nails into my back and scratching it in the process.

Which only increased my ecstasy.

Telling me we're both switches.

But that's just fine with me.

Coming down from our orgasmed we disconnected our bodies.

The two of us then used the Force to recover our stamina before going back in for another round. Then another.

Not allowing each other to rest until the sun came up over the horizon the following morning.

Neither of us regretting what we did.