
Star Wars-Nature of the Force

Zelon a park ranger at work, is relaxing on his break surfing through his phone. He gets a text message, that’s probably spam. The message asks if he could; would he be a park ranger in Star Wars. Our bored hero decides to entertain this idiotic message and replies yes. Zelun then finds himself in the Star Wars Universe; on a god given quest from Gaia to create an Empire that delivers the wrath of natures fury. “For a park ranger, this is some kind of promotion!” I don’t own the picture used if the owner wishes for me to take it down please let me know. Thank you.

Vaekyr · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs

Ch.14 Something’s not Right

Narwuvar and Migura moved through the city, making their way to a government facility.

When they arrived at the building, the guards let them inside with no problem.

Narwuvar removed his hood then walked up to the receptionist at the front desk.

"How can I help you Master Jedi?"

Narwuvar moved his hand into his pocket and grabbed a disk.

He turned the disk on, which displayed a hologram image of 4.

"I'm looking for the location of this family, can you give me their address."

The receptionist reached for the device and connected it to a computer.

The computer scanned the faces of the family then began searching a database. After a while, some information appeared on the screen.

"On our file, this family has a home about an hour out west from the city."

Narwuvar nodded his head then walked out with his padawan.

They commandeered a speeder,then made their way out of the city.

Back at Zelon's house, Tiamat was still sitting around relaxing.

Out of nowhere, someone connected mentally to Tiamat.

"Northor? Is something happening on planet?"

"Tiamat; I've been keeping watch over the Jedi since he noticed Tielia."

"For a while, he hasn't made any move to approach the family, however it seems he's gotten impatient, he's now on his way with his padawan to the house."

Tiamat's eyes rose, then she quickly stood up.

"I'll go check on Tielia and make sure she is ready."

Northor stayed silent then the connection was cut.

Tiamat ran out of the room and made her way downstairs. She walked over to the kitchen, seeing Tielia helping with the cooking.

Luna noticed footsteps and turned her head.

"Oh, hey dear did you want to help us finish preparing dinner for tonight?"

Tiamat inside of the Zelon clone, shook her head.

"No I'm good; it looks like you two have it handled."

Tiamat then turned her head and looked at Tielia.

"Hey sis; I need to talk to you real quick, it's important."

"Uh, okay give me one second."

Tiamat walked over to the hallway and waited. While she stood there, she sent out a mental message to every dark elf hiding in the area.

"Everyone be on alert, an enemy is on the way to the house, watch them closely but do not engage."


A group of voices responded , then went back to silence.

Tielia then appeared walking around the corner.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Some people will be coming to our house soon, they noticed you are force sensitive and wish to train you as a Jedi."

"Isn't that a good thing then, if someone wants to train my powers further?"

"No; not with these people, they will take you away from us, we will never get to see you again."

"These people do not believe in keeping family connections, it is a weakness that can be exploited, and can be used to corrupt you."

"They will teach you to lock away your emotions of fear that you will become a danger to everyone."

Tielia's face began to frown up.

"I don't want to live a life like that, it sounds too lonely to bare."

Tiamat smiled then placed her hand on Tielia's shoulder.

"Don't worry, we've already made a way for them not to notice your powers."

"If everything goes right, their test will fail and then they will leave us alone."

"What I need you to do, is to be strong, remember that your big brother has your back."

The worry on Tielia's face disappeared and was replaced with annoyance. She placed her hands on her hips then stares at Tiamat with anger.

"Your barely my big brother, we were born minutes after each other it doesn't count."

"I'm more mature than you, so you should call me big sister."

With pride and her nose held up high in the air she looked at Tiamat like a queen watching her minions.

Inside Tiamat's head, she was getting annoyed by the little girl before her.

("If you weren't my master's blood sibling I would leave you to be taken by the Jedi, see how your ego gets you through their endless training and monk lifestyle.")

Tiamat's inner self cooked up all kinds of ways she would deal with this little girl later.

After giving Tielia the news, Tiamat went into the living room and sat on the couch waiting.

A little ways away from the house, the Jedi's were quickly making their way to the home.

They passed by many small communities along the way, until they came upon a street off the main road. The road went down a path, along side a huge forest, then at the end was a two-story house with a speeder in front of it.

As they went further down the street, they spotted the house.

"This should be the place up ahead."

Migura looked at the house after checking the information they got from the receptionist.

The speeder parked in front of the house, then the 2 Jedi's got off.

Narwuvar looked around the house, noticing the swings and a garden on the side of the house.

He then looked to his padawan and nodded.

They then slowly walked to the front door.

Invisible to everything, a group of dark elves stood at different spots around the house watching the 2 Jedi's.

Fanion stood upon the roof of the house, watching intensely.

"Everyone hold positions and ready your weapons, watch their every move, we will leave the inside of the house to Lady Tiamat, Horthedir, and Laineth."

The elves all pulled out their rune infused swords and a small blaster pistol on their waist.

Narwuvar got to the door then ranged the doorbell.

When everyone heard the doorbell, Tiamat's focus perked up, Tielia began to worry again, and Luna was surprised they had a visitor.

Luna walked out of the kitchen.

"Zelon I'll get the door, you never know what strange people could be standing out there."

She walked up to the door, unlocked it, then opened it.

When the door opened, she saw a man in a robe and a little girl in a similar robe standing before her.

Narwuvar bowed slightly to Luna then began to talk.

"Hello ma'am I am Jedi Knight Narwuvar and this is my Padawan Migura."

Luna got surprised.

"A Jedi, what could a Jedi want with our family?!"

"About that ma'am, do you mind if we come inside and sit down?"

"Sure, come on in."

Luna moved out of the way and allowed the 2 to enter.

When they walked in, they saw the furnished living room and Zelon sitting on the couch looking at them.

Narwuvar gathered his senses on Zelon, but didn't sense any force sensitivity.

While Narwuvar was sensing Tiamat, she had to try with all her might not to jump and swing her fist at this Jedi.

("Perverted Jedi like him should die."

To Tiamat, Narwuvar senses felt like someone was ogling her body, stripping her naked with their eyes almost.

"How are you doing young man, I am Jedi Knight Narwuvar."

Not trying to break cover, Tiamat answered back in kind.

"Nice to meet you, Mr.Jedi what are you doing here?"

"Well that's what I was about to tell your mother."

Luna closed the door, then walked to the hall way.

"Mengil! Tielia! Come here we have guests!"

The Jedi sat on the couch next to Zelon then waited for everyone to get here.

After a while, Mengil and Tielia appeared coming down the stairs.

"You said we had guests, who might it be?"

As Mengil came around the corner, he noticed the robed figures sitting on the couch.


His eyes grew big, not expecting Jedi's in his home.

"What do we owe the visit, Master Jedi's?"

Narwuvar looked up then stared at Tielia for a long second.

"Well it's about your daughter, I have sensed that she is force sensitive."

Mengil and Luna were surprised.

"Wait your saying my little girl can use the force?"

"Yes sir, I also wish to take a small sample of her blood to make sure, if that is alright with you?"

Mengil looked at Luna, she thought about it for a second before reluctantly nodding.

"Very well, we will allow it, how do we do this?"

Narwuvar reached into his pocket and pulled out a small device.

"This will make a small prick on her finger, it won't hurt to bad."

He passed the test to Mengil, letting him see the device.

Mengil looked up at Tielia.

"Sweety do you want to take the test?"

Tielia with a worried look on her face looked at Zelon.

Tiamat nodded her head giving her reassurance.

Tielia turned back to her father and nodded.

"I'll take it."

She walked over to Mengil and stood next to him.

"Okay be strong for me, this won't hurt too bad."

He gently grabbed her left and placed the device against her index finger. He pressed the button and a small needle pierced into Tielia's finger drawing a small drop of blood.

Luna ran to the back and returned with some ointment and a bandage.

Mengil then returned the device to Narwuvar and waited.

After a while, Narwuvar noticed the device giving a zero.

"That's strange the device says she has no midichlorians inside her blood."

His frowned his face. Not believing he had made a mistake.

"Either I sensed wrongly that day or something isn't right."

Narwuvar put the device back in his pocket then looked at the family.

He used his senses to sense any connection within Tielia, but like a mirage in the desert nothing was there.

"Hmm, it seems I might have made a mistake."

Narwuvar stood up and bowed to the family.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time, it looks like I sensed wrongly."

Him and his padawan began walking out of the door and made their way to their speeder.

"Master are you sure you made a mistake, it's not usual for a trained force user to miss the connection of another user, especially one not trained to hide their connection?"

"I do not know, something about this doesn't feel right. I clearly sensed a strong connection to the force from the little one."

"Her presence in the force was bright the day I noticed her, it rivaled Qui-Gon Jinn when he was brought to the temple."

The 2 Jedi's got on their speeder and speed off back to Truval City.

Once the Jedi's left, everyone calmed down from this unexpected episode.

Tiamat went back up to Zelon's room then contacted Zelon mentally.

"Zelon the Jedi's have left, the plan worked Northor's blood was able to hide Tielia's connection to the force."

"Good, thank you for taking care of my family while I'm gone."

Out in space, while communicating with Tiamat, Zelon was having a sparring match with his men, trying to improve his combat skills.

Him and 2 silvan elves danced around the room, striking at one another with swords.

"Master stay focused, if you move your attention away from the battle it will be the death of you!"

Nauthrien rushed towards Zelon, while his focus was off, and began a flurry of swings.

Not ready for such a barrage, Zelon was slightly cut at multiple areas, only being able to block a small amount of the incoming attacks.

Ninnien ran between the 2 and stopped their battle.

"That's enough, let's get our Lord healed up, you will have time to spar in the future."

Zelon then collapsed on the floor tired from his training.

Ninnien used the force to lift him up and moved him to a sleeping spot they created for him.

All of Zelon's Royal guards sat around his unconscious body.

"We must continue master's training, there will be many formidable opponents in the future. He must be able to defend himself and conquer his enemies without relying on us."

"Just like Lord Elrond, a great leader is someone who can lead his people to victory, create a great society for his subjects, and still be the inspiration that drives his soldiers to improve their strength."

Everyone nodded their heads.

While his guards, made plans for hid future training.

Zelon began to have a dream or vision if sorts.

He saw a world, filled with yellowy fumes,a giant tree overlooking a battlefield of elves, dwarfs, and another group of people.

Many lives lay dead in the dirt, blood soaked the green grass. A forest of death stood before his eyes.

The vision then moved to a disfigured looking tree and a set of dilapidated ruins.

A/N: I was supposed to drop this yesterday, but I fell alseep after playing ffxiv. Also, I might slow down a tad when releasing my chapters, I just got an internship down at the city hall in my state so ya boy trying to get that job looking right. But I won't stop posting chapters so don't worry about that.

As always thanks for reading, and let me know if you saw something I could have did better or need to fix.

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