
Aiden's Epilouge

I don't own star wars

"Mama! I want to see!" the tiny red-headed, white-furred, green-eyed cathar girl declared, trying to run for the doors that led to the maternity ward again only for her white-furred mother reach out and easily caught her, tickling her affectionately as the girl squealed in delight as she was easily lifted into her lap.

"The baby isn't here yet…" her mother replied, holding the young girl in a tight loving hug. "You have to wait."

"But mom has been in there forever!" the girl replied stubbornly, "And daddy said the baby was coming!"

The white-furred woman sighed, she really didn't want to explain this to her four, close to five, year old daughter. "The baby will come when the baby is ready." She replied patiently as her daughter frowned.

"But Mama…" she whined when the doors opened. But not the maternity ward.

"Calypso, did we miss it?!" a pair of twin women stormed into the waiting room. Green-eyed, red-haired, and beautiful, they scrambled over each other towards the cathar woman.

"Aunty Kavilla!" the tiny girl lunged from her mother's lap and charged one of the white-uniformed women.

"Hold it!" Kavilla replied, standing at attention. The girl adorably skidded to a stop and stood to 'attention' as best as a little girl could, "…Permission to hug granted…" she smiled and the tiny girl leaped into her aunt's arms, squeezing the woman tightly as they nuzzled.

"…No…" Calypso replied to the other twin woman, "Aiden is in there right now sweating up a storm."

The other twin nodded, she looked nervous and hesitantly eyed Calypso, "…So... do we know yet?"

"Nope." Calypso replied, "How was security?"

"What security? we landed behind your home and drove here. As far as Dromund Kaas is concerned I'm personally inspecting Kavilla's star destroyer…" she said in hushed whispers.

"How did you even know Yura was in labor, Tolara?" Calypso asked curiously, "I didn't send you a message until a few moments ago."

"Oh that… well…" she hesitated for a moment, clearing her throat, "…Newt told us."

Calypso chuckled slightly and sighed, "…I'll have to borrow Short-round's bug detector again."

"To be fair…" Kavilla began approaching Calypso with the little girl on her arm, "Circe sent us a message almost immediately after that." The little girl smiled at her name, squeezing her aunt's leg tightly.

"I am here!" came a proud wookiee roar, as a greying black furred wookiee carrying what looked like a care package of baby items, such as diapers and bottles. Burst into the room. "Am I to late!?"

"No. Not yet…" Calypso replied paritnely, helping the big wookiee with the things he carried and putting them aside, "And what are you doing here Caradoc you just went back to Kashyyyk!"

"I was speaking with Aiden when Yura went into labor!" he replied excitedly like a proud grandfather, "This is a time of celebration!" he frowned slightly, "Incidentally… how are the laws here on piracy? Not lax I hope."

"…Why?" Calypso asked.

"I may have commandeered a smuggler vessel to arrive on time." He replied with a growl and a grin. "They were very uncooperative…"

"Look Caradoc…" Calypso began, but then the doors to the maternity ward opened… and a redheaded man with a stupid grin on his face exited. He smiled at the collection of people and removed the cap on his head.

"…I'm a proud father of a baby boy…" he said simply and was immediately clapped on the shoulder by the big wookiee stumbling forward to be hugged by his sisters. Calypso kissed him as the tiny Circe hugged-tackled his legs.

"And his name?" Calypso asked, wrapping her arms around his waist as he ruffled his daughter's hair.

"Roland." Aiden said fondly, "…His name is Roland."

Just then however a disheveled Baleen and Scarlet crashed into the room carrying stuffed toys for the newborn. "Did we miss it?" Scarlet asked desperately, "Boy or girl!? We got a wookiee for the boy and a My Little Bantha for the girl!" she said holding up two stuffed animals respectively.

"Did you bring anything for me, Mama Scarlet?" Circe asked adorably as, if on cue, Baleen handed her a stuffed My little Bantha with a proud smile that Circe squeezed adorably in her arms, "I love you Mama Scarlet and Aunt Baleen!"

"Do not buy my niece's love with your propaganda toys!" Kavilla snarled indignantly, taking off her imperial cap and slapping it onto Circe's head as she giggled.

"Propaganda? Do you know how many My Little Bantha's the republic ships to imperial space?!" Scarlet replied indignantly as the inevitable shouting began, but it was nothing new, they often did this at family gatherings.

But just then, Xalbaia, dressed in a slightly stained smock kicked opened the maternity room doors. "Shut up!" she barked at them, silencing them indefinitely "This is a damn delivery room!"

Aiden sighed in utter relief, checking an encrypted message on his com that simply said 'Congratulations' from obviously Newt. It was always Newt…

"Best family ever." He smiled at his family and listened calmly as Xalbaia chewed them out as usual.

Aiden: After the fall of Altora, Aiden continued to be a lucrative bounty hunter for a few more months. The work from Zero suddenly ceased so he happily returned to working for Torga. After Milky began to show signs of her pregnancy he eventually settled on the republic colony world on the very edge of hutt space. Close enough for trouble but far enough for peace. There he was eventually elected Sherriff and spent the majority of his days shooting pirates and raiders, because of him the colony would eventually thrive under his protection.

Yura Firemane: Yura stayed with Aiden. Simple as that. Eventually, she would become his top deputy and taught self-defense classes for many of the women, children, and a few of the defense forces. She was offered once from visiting Jedi to join the order, but when informed she would have to leave Aiden she promptly and politely told them to FUCK OFF. And of course, she too eventually became pregnant… but without gene-treatments

Calypso Firemane (Milky Way): After Milky had Aiden's daughter they married on Cerea. Then on the same day, he married Yura. But regardless she loved and adored her husband as they made a home. Eventually, she would begin to teach acting classes and once the population grew on the colony world and a genuine theatre was built, she thrived on stage to critical acclaim becoming one of the planet's biggest tourist draws. There were a few who recognized her from her former career and tried to exploit it…

Then she sicced her husband on them… or did it herself, it had the same effect.

Leia Sontani (Scarlet): Scarlet never married Aiden. Something she deeply regretted but accepted it, a spy was not an acceptable mother. She and Aiden maintained their 'friends with benefits' relationship and she was declared god-mother to Circe, Aiden's daughter, who she utterly adored as if she was her own and soon applied that same level of affection to Roland to the point she was often playfully called Mom #3. She became a high-ranking SIS agent and would often find ways to come to her lover's home, visiting often.

New'wettenora'dea: Cipher-10, Newt, and eventual Cipher-3 was barely seen after the fall of Altora by anyone other than members of the Kane family. Rumors of many types and stories thrived about her. Some say she died and was cloned, others say she deserted, and most say she married a man in secret not to mention a handful of rumors implying she became a kept woman to no less than three imperial nobles. But one thing was constant, she spent an awful lot of time in hutt space for someone supposed to serve the Moff of Dromund Kaas.

Short-Round (unintelligible jawa Noise): The mad genius known as Short-round lived with Aiden for a time fixing up his home even making several (perfectly safe) toys for the newborn Circe. But one day all of his scrap, his workbench bed, and his equipment was simply gone and he returned to tattooine where his business thrived becoming a lucrative arms and tech merchant to Torga the Hutt. All while dealing with his rather brilliant but dangerous son 'Rattletrap' who would often visit 'uncle Aiden' of his own accord, often appearing OUT OF NOWHERE in Aiden's home…

Baleen Ogress: The former Imperial Trooper was passed from outfit to outfit and never rose above the rank of lieutenant, but wherever she went the unit she was in would perform beyond expectations and finally after Scarlet convinced her superiors that her talents were being wasted by the bigotry of her former allegiance she was granted special permission to work exclusively with Scarlet, one of the best decisions the republic ever made. Taking the code name Demon Trooper.

Caradoc Sith-Killer: Caradoc continued to serve his life debt to Roland 'the First' through Aiden for a few years until Aiden finally convinced him that he owed him nothing and released him from his debt to return home to Kashyyyk. However, he remained in contact with Aiden and his adopted niece Circe in case he was ever needed. Woe to anyone who messed with Caradoc's adopted niece, and his eventual godson Roland 'the Second'.

Dr. Lucrtia Kalleen (Xalbaia): Xalbaia was stuck with Aiden no matter what, nobody wanted anything to do with her really regardless of the fact that she had an adorable dog. So, she was forced to settle on a backwater colony world with the, as she put it, 'Horny Idiot' where her medical talents were greatly appreciated, and she was adored by a community that had no idea who she was… after Scarlet arrange for her identity change. She adapted quickly, but occasionally a married couple who would visit her for pregnancy advice would leave with medical drugs that no one had seen before… and might have been considered far too effective.

Zero (just Zero): Altora's prediction that Zero would use Tolara as a puppet ruler was surprisingly false. After Tolara was firmly established as the Moff of Dromund Kaas Zero abruptly retired, taking Rella, Haley, and his son Orin, and vanishing into the void of space… They were thought lost by everyone, other than Newt, until one day a thirteen-year-old Orin returned with Haley and applied to the academy, graduating top of his class after a year with a powerful intellect and skill unmatched by anyone… but no sign of Zero or his mother.

After Credit Scene… because all epics have one of those nowadays.

A swamp on Dagobah…

She was Humming… constant melodious humming as she strode through the swampy terrain. Moving as easily through the foliage and grime as if it was a paved road. She paused slightly as she approached the tomb, staring at the destroyed door and lightsaber scaring on the walls.

She was a strikingly beautiful blue Twi'lek her facial features turned, her lekku swinging majestically towards to the travesty that had become Toxitus' body, rotten away to bone and almost nonexistent if it wasn't for the bulky canister on his back to recognize. She examined the area for a moment longer then turned towards the tomb.

It was heavy with the darkside. No mistake, she could feel it clawing at her mind as she entered and found… nothing… that was annoying. She turned to leave and paused again…

Something… primal was in the air… more than that, it was as if the very air was alight with wildlife.

Then she saw it… her… to say specifically. Once a proud sith race woman, now for the moment little more than a puppet, covered in festering burns and scars as she struggled through the trees towards the tomb, one hand gripping a lightsaber in desperate need of repair and in the other hand, her wrist wrapped in a bracer was a holocron that glowed with appropriate red light.

"Hello there. My name is Darth Malisis." The woman smiled, her voice filled with sweet honey as she spoke. And unlike other sith she had no venom in her tone. "Could I have that please?" she gestured to the holocron rather childishly, but the woman's mouth opened.

"We are content with this one" the woman replied, speaking with five voices as her scared face opened and closed her mouth.

"Ah… then no matter." The woman smiled kindly, "…Would you like to leave? I have a few acquaintances on Korriban who would love to talk with you all."

"We wish to return home. Yes." The woman replied, her lips not matching the words.

"Excellent." The woman smiled, clapping her hands delightedly, "I would have hated to have to kill Kaath-Tyi she has such potential! I like potential."

"But We are not complete. And she will need care… much has been taken from her."

"Yes yes…" smiled the woman 'kindly', her head nodding and making her lekku bounce. "Come now let's get off this planet! So humid… Ah… before I forget do you mind if I read her mind?" she asked Kaath-Tyi.

The silent Kaath-Tyi nodded slowly and the woman held out her hand.

"…Yes… yes… ye-OH!" her eyes widened suddenly in legitimate surprise, "…Well now." A smile slowly spread across her face, and she sang softly to herself. "… Mommy found you Yura…"


Aiden's son tomorrow.