
Star Wars : A Mercenary Journey

Tex Fett was a soldier that died in Afghanistan. He was 28 when he died and as a teenager he grew up with Star wars .As a die hard fan of these series ,Tex used most of his money on merchandise from these Star Wars series. When he died ,he was greeted by a screen that would change his life.

PhantasmLord · ภาพยนตร์
24 Chs

Invasion of Naboo 2

In the main hangar bay of the ship, the two Jedi were crouched down in a circulation vent that overlooked the Trade Federation landing ships. There were countless droids marching into tightly packed vehicles that then boarded onto the ships.

Obi-Wan: An invasion army.

Qui-Gon: We've got to warn the Naboo and contact either the Chancellor or the Jedi Order.

Obi-Wan: Best to do it somewhere other than here.

Qui-Gon: Let's board separate ships.

Obi-Wan: You were right about one thing master, the negotiations were short.

Qui-Gon smiled and then beckoned him ahead.

Meanwhile, Tex watched the Jedi escape.

Tex: Well it seems that they escaped. Now, Maul do you have a way of getting in touch with the Viceroy?

Maul: I do have a way...but why would you want to speak with him?

Tex: It's simple. Call him and tell him to continue what he's doing.

Maul: But that would mean that they would successfully start a war.

Tex: Exactly. A war means businesses and for us, that means we can get more money and troops from the carnage that would follow.

Maul: You are crazy or at least you want to seem like that.

Tex: Crazy? Sure, I'm married to a Mandalorian woman that would kill me if I flirt with another woman. I have an army of terminators. I just took a sith as my apprentice and son. Now boy, tell me I'm crazy?

Maul: I...

Tex: I'm not, but I like to live every second of my life like it will be the last. Of course, I don't plan to die, not yet at least.

Maul: I understand.

Tex: Well even if you didn't understand it will find. You will understand in the future. Now let's go on the planet. We have a target to kill and I really want to see how the Jedi will win the fight.

Rune: We have them on the run.

Gunray didn't speak, he was just watching carefully. Before being distracted by the communications behind him.

Random crew: Sir, a transmission from the city of Theed on Naboo.

On the viewscreen, a young woman appeared, looking beautiful. She had a golden headdress and powdery white face that stared at them.

Rune(whispering): It's Queen Amidala herself.

Gunray nodded, moving towards it.

Gunray: The Trade Federation is very pleased that you have decided to contact us.

Amidala: You will not be very pleased when you have to hear what I have to say, Viceroy. Your Trade Federation is finished.

Gunray fought down his shock, regaining his composure before glancing at Rune then back at the screen.

Gunray: Your highness, I was not aware—

Amidala: I have word that the Senate is finally voting on the matter.

Gunray: Why bother voting if you already know the outcome?

Amidala: Let's forget this pretense, I know that two ambassadors from the Chancellor are with you right now.

Gunray suddenly felt his throat dry up again.

Gunray: I was not aware of any ambassadors.

There was a flicker of surprise on the Queen's face but quickly turned back into that fierce determination.

Amidala: The Trade Federation has gone too far this time.

Gunray: You assume too much.

Amidala: We shall see, Viceroy.

Then the message blinked away.

Gunray drew a shaky breath.

Rune: Do you think she expects an attack?

Gunray: I don't know. But we can't take any chances. Disrupt all communications down there.

Rune: Sir, Lord Maul sent a message.

Gunray: What it's saying?

Rune: He wants us to continue with our plan.

Gunray: That's a relief. I thought that he would order us to retreat. Now continue with the disruption.

While Tex and Maul were on the ship, Obi-Wan, his master and Jar Jar were on the planet trying to get the Gungans to help them.

The story continues exactly like in the movie. The trio meets with Amidala and manages to escape with their ship damaged.

As for Tex and Maul, they returned to the Ebon Hawk.

Tex: T-800 go to Tatooine. We have some Jedi to save and get more rewards from the temple.

Maul: Master, you are greedy. You look like a sith right now.

Tex: Everything is possible, but me sith? No chance for that to happen. Now let's start your training. We have to get rid of the damage caused by the dark side.

As time passed, Tex ship arrived near Tatooine. His objective is to find Anakin and bring him to his order as it would be a good addition, plus he could get some points with the Queen, as the chosen one and the Queen of Naboo would be together and marry each other.

While they were traveling Tex taught Maul his method of meditation and managed to cure some of the damage done by the dark side. As he trained for a short period of time, Maul didn't heal his wounds, but he could fell that the force was accepting him as a being that could stand as a companion with it. He knew that Tex wasn't a Jedi, but he didn't believe that there would a person in the whole galaxy that could be accepted by the force. It was a strange experience for him, but he made a choice and will stay firm by his belief. As he trained his eyes slowly change to white.Not that he would become blind or anything. It was just a color that would represent the White Order.

When their ship entered Tatooine, Tex ordered his robots to search for a J-type 327 Nubian royal starship.

They spend one hour before the terminators were able to find it in the middle of nowhere.

Five minutes later they landed near the Nubian ship.

Inside the Nubian ship, Padme POV

Guard: Your Majesty. An unknown ship landed right beside us. We believe that it may be a mercenary ship that found our ship. We will hold them off for now. Please retreat to your chamber and bring with you all of your handmaidens.

Padme: I will be in my room. Please don't die.

Guard: We will survive and stop the federation, your Majesty.

Meanwhile, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Jar Jar were surveyed their surrounding.

Jar Jar heard Tex's ship.

Jar Jar: Mastah jedi, a skeebeetle landed nearby. Daysa may besa enemies on it.

Qui-Gon: Thank you, Jar Jar. We shall return. They may need our assistance.


As Tex and Maul exit their ship with twenty-five terminators, the guards on the Nubian ship become tensed.

As Tex and Maul didn't hide their lightsabers, the guards could see them, but the droids behind them scared the guards. They still remembered that the trade federation has used droids to capture their planet and now, a ship with two possible Jedi with droids arrived.

One brave guard managed to walk out of the ship.

Guard: Who are you and what are you doing here?

Tex: That depends on who are you?

Guard: I'm a soldier of Naboo we come here for an important mission.

Tex: And that mission is to repair your Hyperdrive? You should have lies to me. Now you will become my slaves.

When they heard Tex words, all of the guards paled. They would gladly die for their Queen, but if their enemies are Jedi, they won't stand a chance against them.

Without waiting for the guards to say something, Maul ignited his lightsaber. When the guards saw the red lightsaber they knew that they would die.

Just he was about to move, Obi-Wan and his companions arrived. They had the same reaction as the guards.

As a Jedi Master, Qui-Gon ignited his lightsaber followed by Obi-Wan.

Tex saw the Jedi duo, but he didn't stop Maul from besting the crap out of them.

As he trained in Tex way, Maul becomes stronger than a normal Jedi Master and the duo wasn't that strong either.

Ten minutes later both of the Jedi were exhausted while Maul was still ok, but Tex knew that his new apprentice was tired as well. He decided that they had enough fun.

Tex walked in front of the Jedi.

When Maul saw his master move, he shut his lightsaber and took a step back.

The Jedi were confused, they didn't know what to expect from this man. They knew that his partner was strong, but can this man be even stronger?

Tex: So...how are you doing? Is master Yoda fine? Windu?

The Jedi were stunned when they heard Tex's words.

Qui-Gon: May we know your name?

Tex: The Alpha is my nickname and Grandmaster Jedi of the White Order, you may have heard my other name...Tex Fett.

Qui-Gon: I see, so you are the strange Jedi that created a new order. I'm Jedi Master Qui-Gon-Jinn and these two are Obi-Wan-Kenobi, my apprentice and the other one is Jar Jar Binks.

When Tex looked at the Gungan, he felt like he was looking at an empty space.

That wasn't normal for a person. He decided to capture the Gungan later to find what it's wrong with him.

Qui-Gon: May I know why are you?With a sith and a bunch of droids?

Tex: Business my Jedi friend. The droids are my creation. I named them terminators while the sith is an ex-sith. He is my new apprentice. We still work on removing the dark side from him. As for my business... You don't need to know.

Qui-Gon: If you are here to capture the Queen we would have to fight you.

Tex: I see that you are quite strange for a Jedi, but you won't stand a chance against me. We are to find someone that isn't from Naboo. We saw your ship and decided to stop by.

As they spoke, Tex felt a presence behind him, he quickly dodged sideways.

A red lightsaber pierced the place where stood previously.

When Tex turned to look at the new enemy, he was shocked by what he saw. A Gungan. How can a Gungan become a sith and one that hides well enough when traveling with two.

Tex: So you are the backup.

Jar Jar :A pity indeed. Me didn't wanten to reveal true identity, but yousa. a danger per misseon. Yousa needen to die.


As Santaroxx pointed out, the last chapter was a little bit too much and this one was wrong .So I rewrite it.

PS: Hk-47 ,you nailed it .Jar Jar will be a sith in this story.

Hello there.

I wasn't able to post a chapter yesterday as I was busy rewatching Star Wars Ep1 and after that, I had to read some things for classes and boy I boy it's boring af when you are a second-year student.

If you want to support me, you can do it on


See you later folks.

Ps: I changed some things like the relation between Tex and Zaki. I felt like it was forced somehow so I decided to make them Master- Apprentice. Same with Maul.

PhantasmLordcreators' thoughts