
Terrifying Ties

Hello! Sorry I haven't had a message like this ina while, a will say I'm trying to make these chapters fatser but can't find the will power at the moment, just being honest lol. Anywho, fee free to leave comments and criticism cause that helps the story get better.

Please Enjoy!

(Or not if your a supporter of hate core)


Jake's quiet snores barely aleeetee the others in the ship, the boys body lay limp against the cold steel of the ship. His hands by his sides as his blowtorch and a random piece of metal lay on the floor having fallen off his hands. Rusty sat in the corner staring into nothingness, Clank stood still in another corner, Teesh sleeping in a huddle by the droids feet, Tac was still in the cockpit, and Racket mimicked Clank, staring at nothing.

Honesty, the scene was peaceful, but depressing. As Jake slowly stirred out of his sleep, his eyelids frog blinking open as his brown eyes scanned his surroundings. A small hum emmiting from him as he stretched his back, looking down at the shirt on his lap.

It was nearly done, but unlike his last tshirt he made sure this one had weight to it. It easily weighed around 25 to 30 pounds, and whole that may not seem like a lot, remind yourself this was all scrap he welded on, with the only gaps being in a few places on his chest and back, and his shoulders. Jake was proud of it, smiling slightly as he looked at it, he but his blowtorch and the piece of metal back in his B1 Bag, which was still on his back, before heaving himself and the shirt up, putting it on.

With a few grunts and a strained face, Jake felt his injured shoulder scream for a moment as the weight of metal pushed down on him. Thankfully he was smart enough (surprisingly) to not put metal in the inside of the shirt, and to round out sharp edges that would poke him with his blowtorch, so the shirt felt like a heavy cold blanket. Sure it was metal, but it was the coziest thing Jake had experienced since his bed.

The hours had gone by pretty quick, and according to Tac they had enough fuel to land on a planet just a few parsecs away from Naboo, and currently, they were in the tatooine system. Jake had heard of tatooine, it was pretty much Geonosis but worse, much the Jake's dimly the knowledge that other desert planets exist made him feel….well normal, like Geonosis wasn't all that special.

Jake sighed as he looked at his own body, Teesh uncurling at the slight noise and trudging over to check it out.

"Sssssoo kid, new shirt?"

"Yuuuup" Jake said lazily, weakly smiling up at the lizard.

Teesh scoffed "ya know we have sssome sssspare armor in the back, clones left ssssome behind"

Jake thought for a moment, looking forwards "meh…." He shrugged "I prefer the shirt"

"Oh well, don't come to be when you get basssted by a cannon again" Teesh said smirking, Jake chuckling lightly.

"Your a dickhead"

"I know"

Their banter was I tripped as Tacs footsteps came from the cockpit, the Tactical droids metal reflecting the sim lights. The noise dragging The other three droids gazes.

"Sir…you have an incoming transmission" Tac stated calmly, clasping his hands infront of him.

"Uh…." Jake muttered to himself, being Teesh poked his shoulder.

"Ssssomeones trying to call you"

Jake's face changed to realization "ah…see that makes sense" Jake walked to the stairs and lay Tacs shoulder, the droid just staring at him.

Climbing up the creaking steps and plopping into the front chair, he saw the glowing button and pressed. A familiar flicker filled his view as Ada showed up, sitting in her own ship. Jake still wasn't to happy with her, but he had always had trouble holding grudges, plus, he he in fact did not know what the empire did to her, maybe it was the same reason he hated clones, or at least most of them.

"Hey Jake…" Ada said with a small wave.

"Heyo" Jake replied trying to be causal…before kinda just staring into the space behind the hologram.

"So….sorry about before, I-" Ada began to speak, her gaze down as her helmet tilted, but she was I tripped by a worried Jake.

"Heh, no worries, no worries…it..it was my fault for bugging you"

"…thanks, I accept your apology"

Jake stared for a moment, "I..also accept, I guess"

Ada slightly shook her head, as if waking herself up mentally. "New shirt?"

"Oh..yeah I made, needed a new one after ya know" Jake made a finger gun and aimed at his chest "kaboom"

Ada laughed lightly, Jake wearing a small smile. "Well…it sure does look better, more scrap on it….looks good on you too" Ada finshed, her body freezing at the words that just came out of her mouth.

Jake paused for a moment "Yeah it's got more scrap on it…and uh…I guess the shirt does look better than the last one, that wasn't the goal though" The boy said chuckling, Ada staring with a hint of disbelief on her helmet covered face at the fact Jake had seemingly not picked up her compliment.


Jake opened his mouth to speak before a loud screeching noise filled their ears. Both of their ships flew next to the other as four black figures rushed between them, whizzing by at u believeable speed. Jake winched as the nosie hit him,clutching his ears.

"Agh?! What the hell!!" Jake cursed aloud, looking around the window.

Ada's also looked around in a panic as her holographic form stuttered.

"I can't see them?!" She spoke aloud, both her and Jake's ship floating ideally in space turning around. Jake have a suspicious hum, calling out for Tac.

"TAC!! We might have an issue"

"What is it sir" the droid responded, climbing into the go pilot seat.

"A bunch of ships flew by us"

"I assume that was the source of the noise, it is unlike anything I have in my reco-" Tac was cut off as The ships roars came into earshot again, Jake steered the LAAT to look over at Ada's ship, watching as a hoard of green turbo lasers flew around her, two of them ramming into her ships shields. Ada's hologram glitched and disappeared from the impact, her ships engines quick to light up as she dove to pursue them.

"Sir, this gunship was not made for maneuvering, I suggest you fly defensively" Tac gave advice calmly. Jake nodded.

"Aight, man the side beams, I've got the main guns…let's kick their asses!!"

Tac clicked a few buttons as the usually manned side beam cannons came to life scanning around, Jake pressed the accelerator as the LAAT heaved it self forwards, chasing after Ada.

The enemy fighters spun and made sharp turns around Ada's ship, she was barely being able to keep up as her red turbo lasers flew aimlessly into space. Mis-step fell over on its side as Ada performed a barrel roll, barely moving out of the way of a another blast.

Jake's LAAT flew by as the main frontal cannons fired their green turbo lasers, the enemy fighters where quick to disperse as the slow gunship made their way to them, quickly turning with a spin and firing at Jake.

Several blasts rammed j to the LAATs light shielding, the entire ship shaking as Jake gripped into the controls. In the main area Teesh and Clank hung onto the overhead supports as a terrified rusty hobbled around, Racket digging its legs j tot eh floor and not moving.

Tacs eyes reflected a red button that the droid quickly pressed, the beam cannons releasing a long neon beam at the fighters as they flew past the ship after their attack.

"We can't put up with these…these things!!" Jake yelled in a panic, Ada's hologram fluttered to life again.

"Jake! There's an asteroid field up ahead, we can use it for cover"

Jake's eyes widened "Cover? Are you su-" The echoing screams of the ships roared as Jake cut himself off and floored it, the LAAT flying towards Ada's ship in the far distance, with the help of Tac and the systems Jake was able to dodge a few of the enemies blasts, but eventually one of the fighters flew overhead head Jakes ship and spun itself in front of the LAAT, firing a flurry of lasers before diving below and away from Jake's return fire.

The LAATs light blue shields flickered dead.

"We have lost our shields, the asteroids are our only hope" Tac spoke aloud to an already panicked Jake as they entered the debris. He quickly met up with Ada's ship which was hovering behind a large asteroid slowly moving through space, Jake hovered his own ship infront of hers, waving to the girl in the cockpit.

She waved back, but quickly pointed to Jake's right side. The boy and trooper turn the ship before a loud explosion was heard, Tacs beam cannon had cut off one of the wings of the fighter as it spiraled out of control, its roars screaming in defiance before it crashed into an asteroid.

Jake, stared in sursie before turnitn his body around "Holy shit Tac great shot!" He raised his hand for a high five which Tac robotically gave back. Ada have a half sigh as she watched the two in her hologram, her ship shifting and hovering out into the open, the other three fighters barreling at her.

Jake followed suite and near instantly began to open fire, laughing at the top of his lungs as he rained inaccurate fire in the enemies general direction. Ada looked over at the LAAT vaguely seeings Jake's form laughing the cockpit, she laughed lightly before a turbo laser bolt slammed into her ships shields, she reeled back as an alarm halted and smoke poured from her wing, her ship shaking as it began to unstable hover around.

Jake's laughter cut itsef as he saw the scene, the distraction enough for the fighters to pepper the gunship with fire, Jake tried to move away but the slow speed chased the ship to be caught in the hailfire, the entire right wing sfloaorng off into space in pieces. Jake's body violently shaked as his head alammed I tot he console, knocking him out. Tac stared for a moment before taking control from the second and setting course for the planet below.

The others held on for dear life as Rusty flew across the cabin and slammed into the wall, his eyes flickering as he fell to the floor, Taxkets grip wasn't enough o hold him either as the Droidekka slid across the floor.

Alabama balred in Ada's dazed ears as she saw Jake's LAAT smoking down to the planet below, she pressed her damaged ship forwards to chase him. The fighters hovered for a moment, the black armored troopers within staring before dispersing, believing they where both falling into orbit.

Jake snapped awake in a daze as a smoke filled his view, red light blinded him partly as the widnow in front of him stand cracked and covered in oil. The ship rumbled and fell towards the planet face first, Tac was holding himself with the walls, his eyes locking onto Jake.

"Sir...we must move" Tac stated, trying to stand but tumbling, catching itself on the chair. Jake nodded and got up holding his head, desperatly grasping onto the wallas he and the droid made their way down the stairs. In the main area emergency airbags where automatically deployed all along the walls, with the droids and Teesh, expect for Racket, holding on for dear life. Jake coughed up blood and went to fall on his knees before Tac catched him.

"Where all gonna die!?!?!" Rusty yelled in a panic, the sterotypical B1 voice cracking under the pressure of ya know, falling from space.

"We had a good run kid" Teesh hissed out, snapping his head to see part of the wall and airbags bust open, the outside barely visible thanks to the harsh light, but the sand covered ground getting ever closer. The lizard stared for a moment, and closed his eyes.





A massive tank like machine slowly rolled across the desert sands, huge treads propelled it forwards as its triangle shaped front pointed proudly. Atop it, small cloaked beings, with glowing eyes scanned the perimeter. One the Jawas spoke giberish, jumping and pointing into the distance, a smoking object, followed closely by another fell through the sky, eventually crashing with a large blast of smoke and sand. The Jawas put there binoculars away and quickly brought there radio, yapping more gibberish. After a few moment the entire crawler slowly turned and began to heave it self towards the distent crash sight.

The Wing of the LAAT lay stickign up and out of the ground, another piece in the far distance. Adas vision watered as she worriedly stumbled around, her ship parked close by. The main body was still on fire, smoke puting from the top, the cockpit was smashed into the ship itself as the whole thing stuck out of the floor at a near 90 degree angle, scraps and chunks of metal lay spalttered everywhere. But that wasnt what the young Mandolorian was looking for. 

She stepped over a piece, her green tinted armor glisenting in the presence of two suns, she tracked the area evetually laying eyes a motionless object, a large grey one. She jumppack over with a small jump and landed with a puff of sand, she got on one knee examined Clank, the droid, detecting movement sat up slowly.

"hey..hey dotn move.....your missing..uh" Ada hesistated as she looked at the B2s left arm, cut off in a splinter of metal halfway through the bisep. 

"Droid..unit....A-a-arm comprimised" Clank grumbled out slowly, a spark flashing from his waist.

Ada stared for a moment "Youll be fine right?"

"Correct, no vital system damaged...at least not too badly" Clank spoke in a strained tone as he heaved himself to his feet.

Before Ada could speak both heard a panicked screech a few meters away. 

"MY LEGS!!...Wha?! where did they go!!"

Clank sighed as he heard the familar tone. Both him and Ada walked over to Rusty, the B1s head looking at his legs, both which where gone, splintered off around the thigh.

"LOOK!! LOOOOOOK!!" The B1 screamed, holding its head between its hand as its voice cracked. Clank picked up the panicked droid from his back pack and held him by his side.

"I will carry you, unless you annoy me"

Rusty raised a finger to speak, but after a breif moment of consideration put his hand down and stayed silent.

Not to far off the side, a pair of legs could be seen stick out from under a large piece of metal, the small group jogged over, Clank dropping Rusty for a moment, to lift the large metal chunk. Rusty raised himself with his arms to watch as Ada helped with the metal chunk.

Throwing the wreckage to the side Tacs form along side Teeshes could both be seen, Tacs head moved slightly towards them, the droids body had a large gash in the front of it, but otherwise, all limbs were intact, and only outer damage.

As Clank helped up the Tactical Droid, Ada rushed to Teesh, tapping his shoulder.

"Teesh?…Teesh?!" Ada called out, the lizard stirred, it's slotted eyes opening as the harsh sun beat down on him.

"SssssSss….fuck" Teesh mumbled as he grabbed his head, he checked his body as Ada watched him carefully. Thankfully nothing to badly hurt.

"Thankfully your a trandoshan" Ada said sighing slightly, Teeshes eyes almsot immediately widened.

"But Jake issssnt" The lizard nearly tripped over himself as he launched him self upwards, stumbling around the wreck, his leather jacket torn in a few places, his yellowish scales basking in the sun.

Clank attended to Tac, Rusty crawling away searching for Jake. Ada and Teesh walked around, the mandolorian needing to support the lizard every few steps. Eventually, they found a suspicious pile of metal, as if something beneath was holding it up.

Rusty was already there, but could only stare. "F-freinds!! I found something, I think it might be friend Jake!"

Ada rushed over as Teesh stumbled behind, she began to heave the wreck out of the way, eventually, a bronze flint caught her eye, and before she could move the chcunks began to rise and tumble off of something. Rusty crawled away in a panic nearly getting crushed.

Now exposed, Racket stood extended, two of his three legs gone, one arm cannon gone, the other hanging from a few wires, his back covered in burn marks, and his left most eye off, the other two emitting a red gaze.

Beneath the droidekka, Jake lay huddled in a limp ball. Ada gasped lightly, Teeshes eyes widening as he held his side, limping to the scene. Rusty was quick to exclaim.

"Sir?!" The B1 crawled over to meet with Ada and Teesh. The lizard turned his head to Racket, who was staring at the boy.

"Did you…protect him"

Racket barely nodded. Teesh have a weak smile and pat the droidekkas head.

Jake opened his eyes to see sand, although it was a pale yellow rather than the familiar red. Everything hurt, his arms and legs were sore and he could feel his skin peeling, he groaned as something pulled him to his back, as the water in his eyes cleared he focused to see several figures above him, Racket mostly, covering him.

He brought a hand to his head, but as he began to sit up with Ada's help, he squeaked in pain, bringing his hand to his chest.

"…hur…hurts" Jake breathed out, Ada stared through her helmet as she spoke something to Teesh, Jake's mind to clogged to comprehend, before jet packing away. Rusty's skinny face showed in Jake's vision, As did Teeshes as the reptile bent down on one knee.

"I thought we were down for kid…" Teesh said with fake humor.

"Always…" Jake wheezed "the pessimist"

Teesh lightly chuckled at that, Jake began to scan the scene around him, the LAAT split into piece sticking out of the sand, and above him, Racket standing like an umbrella.

"Racket…Rusty?…you guys okay?" Jake asked softly, his half lidded eyes looking at them.

"Well…I'd be lying if we said we where okay friend" Rusty said with a guilty voice.

"Yeah…Rusty lossst hissssa legsss in the crasssh, and Racket wassss heavily damaged trying to protect you" Teesh explained calmly, Jake laying on his back.

"Oh…shit…" Jake turned to Racket.

"Thanks Buddy"

Racket nodded again, a small bronze piece falling off his back and to the floor. Ada reappeared along side Clank and Tac, Raxket waddled a few steps back, with the help of Teesh as Ada and Tac bent down over Jake.

"Alright, let's bring him onto my ship" Ada ordered, the droid nodding. Ada and Tac lifted Jake off the floor, the boy grunting with pain, a small blood trail following him. Teesh slowly limped behind them, As Clank Picked up Rusty and tried to help Racket move, but the process was slow.

Eventually, Jake was put on a table along side Teesh, who Ada convinced to sit his ass down. Racket was put in the ship by the others, and The droids sit in the wall lined chairs in Ada's main area on one side of the wall. Expect for Clank, who stared intently at what Ada was doing.

Jake flinched as Ada brought another bacta pack from her bag and stuck him with it.

"Sorry…these aren't made for comfort" Ada apologized softly as she reached for Jake's head, the boy naturally flinched as she did so, but couldn't move as she ran her hand into his hair. Jake's eyes shakily stared at her, he was so weak, and he wasn't used to it, relying on others in such a way.

As the bacta began to hit his system Jake breathed a sigh of relief of the pain subsided slowly. He look to his side as Ada removed her hand, to embarrassed to speak herself as she went to grab bandages. Teesh lay next to him, already covered ina. Few bandages on his arms and legs, the Lizard still wore his jacket, and was sleeping.

Jake looked back up at the ceiling, he had already scanned Ada's ship. The large amount of weapons strapped to one wall, the other with a few seats, a door leading up to the cockpit, and another door leading to a small airlock, no windows lined the ships walls, and unlike the LAAT, Thai ship only had one door to exit from, stairs allowing those to go in and out.

"I recognize this mode of ship, I….i never said anything cause…didn't want to seem…weird I guess" Jake weakly stated, Ada chuckling lightly.

"No worries…I appreciate some weirdness now and then" She spoke back, her sentance confident but her tone shy.

"This is a….G9 Rigger class freighter…correct?"

"Mhm…good job, stole it from some clones a few years back…or I guess my dad did"

"Cool guy" was all Jake said with a little laugh, Ada smiling beneath her helmet but not responding.

The silence was new to Jake's ears…Ada worked on his arm as he stared at her helmet, almost as if trying peer through it, Ada's eyes kept glancing at his as she worked, not that the boy would know. Eventually, the silence was broke by


Jake look to his side to a Gonk droid, a small cloth wrapped around its eye.

"That's just Mis-Step, he's been with me since I left my clan to explore" Ada explained calmly.

Jake smiled and nodded "what's with the cloth" Ada pushed her work for a moment.

"Well none can see my face"

"Oh yeah, that makes sense" Jake said as the memory returned, he went back to looking at the ceiling.

Tac came over and performed a scan on Jake, Clank also coming over, Rusty pointing in the background as he couldn't walk, Racket just staring at the B1.

"Sir…your Wounds have been clogged by Ada's work, however, you still have a…malfunction" Tac stated.

"Out with it" Clank pressured, Ada and Jake looking at Tac.

"Your ribs have been heavily damaged, with two of them on your left side being fractured"

"Fuuuuck" Was all Jake could say in more annoyment than anything else, the bacta eases the pain, but he still couldn't really move. Ada also sighed, looking down at the boy.

"Damm…how long you think it'll take to heal?" Ada asked Tac.

"I'm no Medicla droid, but I calculate at least a day with intensive bacta treatment"

"That's it?" Jake asked confused.

"Behold the power of bacta" Ada joked with a giggle, Jake couldn't help but smile with a joking scoff.

The next few hours were spent with lots of waiting, Tac and Clank went out in search of the droids missing parts, Raxket spent the entire time plopped in the corner watching Mis-Step aimlessly walk about. Rusty sat in the chair unable to move, talking to himself about…well honestly I don't even know. While Jake and Teesh lay in small Medical tables, with Ada doing regular checkups on the boy, the lizard still fast alseep.

Jake's mind raced, and surprisingly it wasn't about the fight…or the empire or even his home. It was about Ada.

Something about her, facinated him, she took care of him, patched his cuts and bruises, and the head pat? What was that about? Jake eyes glazed with thought, maybe he liked her? But what did emit even mean to like someone? He could say he liked Rusty, Teesh, Racket, Tac, R4, ,Clank, Bucket his whole village.

But Ada…made something tingle in his chest, other than the broken ribs of course. It was weird, very weird. Mid thought however, Jake was interrupted as Clank and Tacs steps echoed in Ada's ship, everyone within looking over to the door.

They stepped in and dropped a few items, firstly both of Rusty's leg, both in pretty bad condition, but intact.

"My legs!! Oh they look so…uh…leggy!" Rusty exclaimed with happiness, throwing his hands up, Jake just smirking at the action.

Next was Clanka arm, which, well it wasn't exactly in good shape, the hand portion was recasted with fingers twisted, and several gashes and dents. Tac also dropped Rackets two missing legs, in surprisingly good condition, but other than a few wires and pieces of scrap Tac thinks is part of Racket and Clank, they didn't find Rackets missing arm.

Jake looked to side to talk with them, Ada standing by his table.

"So…we found most of the things expect for Racket…but Clanka arm is…not usable?"

"Correct, I doubt we will be able to fix it" Tac stated, Clank groaning to himself.

"The B1 got lucky" Ada remarked, Jake glancing at her with a light smile.

"I guess so huh?" Jake mused.

"Well….fuck today…it has been wonderful knowing you buuut, can we all agree to just sleep and work this out tomorrow." Jake stated aloud, followed by several nods.

"I wasn't even in the crash and I feel like there's a bantha shitting in my head" Asa said chuckling near the end, Jake began to chuckle along side her but quickly stopped with a wheeze as he put a hand over his chest.

"Uuuuggghh…better not say anything funny" Jake joked pointing at Ada.

"As if I need too, just go look in a mirror" Ada mused while walking away to check a weapon on her wall.

"Daaaammmmm!! That's cold friend!" Rusty said in a somewhat scolding tone.

"I see you…I see how it is" Jake said in a non serious voice, Ada smiled beneath her helmet. You know? Maybe this jolly gang of clankers isn't to bad.

Oh is this the end?

Damm I thought it'd be better….

Well bro the book just this chapter…

Oh yeah this isn't Ada this is the author, although that's obvious….

Okay bye bye

What are you still doing here?

I said the chapters done..

You can leave…..to the next chapter, if it's out yet

Well….if you liked this I appreciate comments..

They help with fixing errors I don't get too..

Okay bye now

For real this time :>