
Jawa Jam

Hello! Sorry it took so long for me to make a chapter last time, I'm trying to stay consistent but as you can see I'm not good at it. Either way, here's an another chapter, this one filled with more interactions and character building…

oh and parties :>


Chief Tibet stood biting the corner of a Bespin ration bar, its new taste made the small being shake with joy. He went to take a bite out of its but his eyes narrowed, staring off into the canyon. 

"Uttuni!" He yelled out, several other Jawas scrambling around him, as he got up and started to cheer.


The Jawas all started to jump me cheer, throwing scrap Into the air as the harsh suns rays were ignored in favor of partying.

Jake's steps where light, he could hear the commotion ahead, normally he would've found it cute, but now, it's annoyed him. Like a bug that pesters its host for blood, he glared at the Chief in the distance, his eyes ignoring the sun in favor of hate, as he held his helmet to his right side, and the furry mud covered egg of the Mudhorn in the other. He looked around, Tac walked with Ada's support, the droid stumbling forward as it's only remaining arm held the droids other arm, the hand of which loosely hanged. 

Teesh grasped his head slightly trying to wipe away the blood, but only flinched, Clanka stub arm helped the lizard stand if he ever felt dizzy. Jake's eyes landed on Clank, who despite his efforts was quickly failing to stand, the droid had nearly fell over a few minutes ago, and his legs were shaking. Suprisingly Jake wasn't hurt, he was saved by Ada, the only other member who didn't get hurt.

She stared back at him when she found his gaze lingering in her, she could see the annoyance on his face, it wasn't directed towards her. She gave a sympathetic nod, trying to convey emotion through her helmet in vain.


"Jake…..don't blame the Jawassss…they…they are jussst doing what they know" Teesh mumbled, Jake and Ada eyed him for this, if anything he would be the most angry, it was just who he was and this was the first time Teesh has been seriously hurt.

Jake ignored him though, hurting him was one thing, but hurting his friends?


No one got away with that…not while he still breathed.

They battered group approached the Jawa hoard as they celebrated, the sun beaming as the boy stopped. Tibet seemed to scan the others injuries for a moment, before looking at Jake.

"You..didn't tell us"

The Jawa froze.

"There was a creature there, killed your men and almost killed my friends"

Tibet rambled back, Teesh limping forwards to translate weakly. 

"He sayssss, but you didn't get hurt? And you got the egg"

Jake flared up in stature, he stepped forwards and grabbed Tibet by the scruff of his hoody, lifting the Jawa far above the ground. The other Jawas stopped their chanting as they looked up at the scene.

"That's not the point! My friends matter more!" Jake yelled out, Tibet immidnarly raising his hands and rambling.

"He sasayssss sssorry, and that he will help repair and heal usss" Teesh said with a light cough.

Jake gently placed the Jawa down as he breathed in heavily, nodding to himself. 

"Ok…ok" he rubbed his temples, the others watching with concern.

"So…if I give you this egg, you'll fix Ada's ship, fix my droids, heal my friends and I'll let you have whatever's left of my LAAT?" Jake stated aloud, seemingly checking in the trade deal they had set up this morning.

Tibet nodded.

Jake's anger quickly subsided as a smile grew, this sudden change confused Ada but she didn't get time to question as Jake started to speak.

"Well then…ZUKA!!" Jake yelled out happily as he passed the egg to Tibet, the Jawas roared with joy as Tibet raised the egg above his head and spoke gibberish to the cheering audience, many Jawas came up to Jake and gave slight bow, spouting noises. 

They lied…but the praise felt good….it reminded why he liked helping people, hell, that most of the reason why he became a scrapper. The look of a customer as they got the final piece they needed, or saw a part they liked, bringing Jake more joy than anything he could do himself. Teesh had warned him about this, saying he needed to focus on himself at times. Jake scoffed at the lizards word s'more times than one.

Either way, the hoard Practically dragged Jake's group I tot eh sandcrawler and into severla elevators, bringing them to the top. To Jake's surprise Rusty stood there, alongside Racket both fi them fully repaired, the parts that where missing now with replaced with either shiny branded new bits, or old dented parts with no inbetween. Not like Jake cared, he ran up and hugged the two droids ignoring the uncomfy metal.  

"Friend!! They put my legs back o-" Rusty paused his stereotypical voice.

"What uh…happened"

"We w-we're attacked by a creature cl-aa-asified as a Mur-Mudhorn" Tac scratched out, Ada looking at him as she helped him stand.

A silent Oh was all Rusty replied with, before turning away to sit elsewhere. Jake sighed as he finally sat down, Teesh and the others following as Jawas began to surround the droids, with mini welding tools and pieces already gathered. While a few others chittered about and handed Teesh few bits of medical supplies. All of the Jawas were clearly happy, having what Jake could only assume was Yolk stuck all over their hoods. 

Really? They ate it?….*Fucking incredible* was all that passed the boys mind.

Although it was nice, the double suns gave Teesh and Jake memories of home, while the droids, to their own surprise, enjoyed the heat compared to the coldness felt in space.

Ada however, was NOT, enjoying it. She sweat profusely beneath her armor, drips of it tapping the ground. She tired to hide it, b it her tired pants made it obvious. Jake turned, all the others busy being repaired or healing themselves. 

"Tired?" Jake asked, followed by a small mhm noise.


Jake shook his head, the fuck was that? Anyways, he handed her a small canteen of water he grabbed from Teeshes given supplies, deciding Ada needed it more. She gave him a thankful thumbs up as she lifted her helmet slightly to put the water to her lips. Jake stared, her chin pale as ccould be, before the sight was blocked by the helmet.

Jake nervsouly looked away, sighing to himself as he curled his knees up, shutting his eyes momentarily. 

Everything hurt…

He had ignored in favor of..of well anything else, but his chest burned, it was obvious the blast he took had some effects, he hasn't dared to remove the bandages to peak beneath. 

But aside from himself, he was more worried about the others. Clank sat on a crate, two Jawas were wiping his joints with cloths, tools piled next to them, Tac sat beside him, a third Jawa inspecting the droids arm. He didn't know if the droids felt pain in the same way he did, I mean they grunted and yelled when they got hit, but…did that equate to pain? 

Jake didn't know, his eyes glazed over with thought as he looked away from the repair crew working on his friends. He knew Teesh would be alright, at least he hoped, he had seen the lizard in worse shape and simple head injury wouldn't take him down.

You know, going over it the fight wasn't even that bad. He and Ada didn't get touched, and while the droids sustained most of the damage they could be fixed, although he didn't like the idea of them getting hurt, it made his stomach curl into itself.

His body shifted slightly as Ada sat next to him.

"Hey….damm scrap boy…how are you not burning with all that metal on?" Ada wheezed out, her disapproval with even being outside apparent.

"I live in a desert…" Jake answered as if it were obvious.

"Ah…yeah that'll do it" Ada mused.

Jake just nodded his head. "You should head inside your ship, I'd rather you not over heat"

Ada chuckled briefly as she stood back up "trust me I know I'm hot" Ada said striking a pose to no one in particular, Jake staring with extreme confusion, not understanding the phrase.

Ada just sighed at Jake's reaction, and even under the helmet he could tell she rolled her eyes by the slight movement of her head. After that she walked away, quickly entering her ship.


Jake's confusion was interrupted by the scrambling of Jawas, he in curled his legs as he thee himself upwards. Rusty being the first to notice as per usual.

"Sir! Teesh told me all about the fight…are you sure no one is fatally hurt?" The B1 asked with a head tilt.

"No Rusty..everyone's….ok…"

"That's….good enough!" Rusty exclaimed, the boy just sighed, we're all B1s this eccentric?

Either way, he walked a few feet with the droid by his side, seeing the Jawas seemingly setting up small tables and seats, stools and awkwardly built benches. His confusion only grew as Tibet showed up, going over to Teesh, clearly his favorite of the group, and talking.

With a hum Jake approached, Rusty acting like his shadow as the nervous droid waved to any Jawa that looked.

"Hey there kid" Teesh said as he broke the conversation with Tibet.

"Hey…what's uh..going on?" 

Teesh looked around for a moment "oh…the Jawasss are ssseting up a party, in celebration of their egg"

Jake have a look of surprise, didn't know Jawas could throw parties, oh well, it might be fun if they were invited.

As if the B1 read his mind "Are we uh…allowed to be here for it? I've never been to a paaaarty" Rusty apple happily leaning down to the Jawa leader, who had little reaction to the droid asking. 

Teesh translated the Jawas words. "In short he says yes" Teesh said with a shrug, Tibet looking at him with a "really" glance, Teesh didn't care.

Jake just gave a thankful thumbs up as he walked away, probably should've asked when the party was but he didn't really care. It was obviously gonna be in the crawler, and it would take a while for them to get back to the LAAT wreckage. 

With a grunt Jake decided he'd go into Ada's ship, but first, he should check with everyone.

He stopped by Clank and Tac, Rusty still by his side. The B2 was immediate in standing up, seemingly at attention, the Jawa that was working on his arm nearly falling over, Jake quick to react with a surprise look extended an arm, catching the Jawa before it fell fully of the crate. 

The Jawa mumbled something to Jake with a head nod, probably a thank you. 

"Ready for service sir" Clank uttered.

"Be more careful!" Rusty said with a point of his skeletal finger "you almost knocked him over!"

Clank didn't respond, only grunting in his typical low voice.

"Rusty's got a point, but anyways, how are repairs going…with the both of you" Jake asked peering at both Clank and Tac.

"The Jawas are performing excellent work on fixing us, I calculate only 10 to 20 minutes remain" 

The three Jawas working on them, which had stopped once Jake arrived, seemed to congratulate each other at the droids praise.

"Oh woah…that's fatser than I thought" Jake said, before kneeling down. "You guys…wouldn't mind teaching me a thing or two right?"

The Jawas muttered to themselves before nodding their heads happily. Jake smiled back and gave a thankful nod. Well there goes his plan of going to the ship, seems like he'd learn a thing or two, firstly he still had to check on-

"AAAAGH" Jake yelped as he turned around, even Clank flinching back at the noise as Racket stood still behind the boy.

"Oh…holyyy..shit…..hey Buddy" Jake said with a light chuckle, breathing manually to calm himself. 

Racket just nodded.

Rusty, who had also been scared by the sudden noise, was quick to give input.

"You know Jake I may be a droid but loud noises…yeah…no thanks" Rusty's annoyed tone made Jake laugh internally, coming out as a half giggle half laugh. 

After that Jake looked over Racket, the droids missing legs had been relaxed by two new ones, and one leg had been replaced with a make shift leg, made of scrap and wood. The droids missing eye was also replaced, and his missing arm cannon was replaced with an entire blaster rifle, several wires and a tube connected it to the main body, the blaster itself seemingly being Jawa in origin, but extended some. 

As a fellow maker of "shit that shouldn't go together but you make it go together for the sake of doing it" person, Jake marveled at the Jawas work, examining Racket as the Jawa behind him went back to working on Tac and Clank. 

Rusty's fixes weren't as makeshift, the Jawas apparently just having two spare B1 legs…not only that but of the same color. A part of Jake wanted to ask where they found it, but in all reality it didn't matter. Jawas just had tons of crap.

Day crept into evening, the double suns slowly allowing the sand to cool as they retracted from the skies. The sand crawler had begun to move by now, slowly making its way back to wreck and goodies Jake had promised the Jawas. Clank and Tac had been fully repaired much to the boys happiness, him even giving on of the Jawas a hug, the Jawa didn't appreciate it. 

Ada had returned outside, sitting by Jake as the two of them gazed out at the suns setting, the cool breeze flew into her armor like a refreshing shower, Ada smiling to herself beneath it. Jake's metal shirt lifted lightly in the wind, clattering and clanging, much like Rusty, the droid had been eager to walk again and since Jake had returned with the "ZUKA" Rusty hasn't stopped walking around, from Jawa to Jawa, friend to friend. 

Jake didn't mind, Rusty would pass by and give some random exposition, before walking off to annoy Teesh. 

Clank and Tacs repairs weren't as makeshift as Rackets, which Jake found funny, Rackets name made even more sense, his body looking like a variety of objects. The Jawas were a belt o re connect Tacs arm with ease, and indent many do the dents they had gained, even fixing stuff that hasn't been caused by the Mudhorn. Jake was beyond thankful, but the Jawas only made themselves more useful.

Tibet told the boy, with Teeshes help, that they had a spare B2 arm, but it was one of the rarer things they had, and that they would require some type of trade to fully fix Clank. Ada was quick to try and argue but Jake stopped her, it seemed fair.

So, what did the Jawas want? Well at first they wanted Jakes helmet. It's design making it worth something, but if Jake refused explaining that it's was a gift. The Jawas Surprisingly didn't fight against that, and asked what he was willing to give. 

After a few minutes of thought, Jake eventually gave them his micro binoculars. Yeah..remember those? Jake didn't, last he remembered he gave them to Tac. And Tac, finding the binoculars sub par, kinda just p it then into Jake's B1 back pack. 

Well, it was useful now. The Jawas happily took the deal, the Separatist binoculars apparently being a good trade, and attached a new B2 arm to Clank.

Jake at first thought it would be a normal B2 arm, the Jawas didn't say anything else.


The expression on Jake, Teeshes, and Ada's face, along side the surprised head tilts and stares from the droids was well placed.

When the Jawas heaved out a cannon arm. hunky and having the same bicep part as Clanks original arm, expect the forearm had no hand, it was simply a massive cannon. 

Tac was quick to notify Jake it came from an HE-B2 varient, and that it could produce energy blast using the same tibana gas Clanks used for his arm blast. 

Needless to say that was the happiest he ever saw Clank, the droids voice quick and joyful. It kinda creeped the boy out, but made Jake happy nonetheless.

So with all that, where were they now? Well Teesh and Tibet were talking about something in the distance, Clank and Rusty sat by the other, Tac standing behind them as they watched the suns set, and Jake sat with Ada, also watching the sun. Many of the Jawas had also come to stand and watch the sun, but only for a moment, they had seen the same suns set every day for years, it was nothing new.  

Ada sighed…

"Hmm?" Jake turned.

"Nothing…just thinking"

"About what" Jake poked.

"Well….eventually I have to return to Mandalore, to show them the things I've gotten and learned from my journeys" Ada explained.

Jake nodded, he hasn't thought about that, but it made sense.

"And..you and your droids, plus that annoying ass lizard have been a good team, good friends" Ada said nodding to herself. Jake chucked at the fake insult thrown at Teesh.

"Heh..well we do try"

"That's true, you and that B1 especially….im not complaining though" Ada paused "it's nice to have someone here who isn't brought down by whatever happens"

Jake pondered for a moment, was she talking about him or Rusty? Oh well, he knew for a fact that it's shouldn't be him, he had more than one breakdown and he doubted it would be his last one, going to sleep was starting to seem like a burden with those unsettling images appearing whenever they felt like it.

Jake went to reply but was interrupted when he felt a small finger tap his shoulder. He turned, Ada turning with him, to see Tibet.

"Yes?" Jake asked, the Jawa simply pointed to the other end of the sand crawlers roof, away from Ada's ship, were lights and stools and small tables littered the area, along side a small hors of Jawas. Teesh and the droids had already stood up, waiting on Jake and Ada.

Jake nodded with curiosity, so this was the party? Huh…well let's see what happens.

Jawas walked about with their cups filled with yolk and blue milk, small stool used as table held plates with meat chunks and dead insects on it, Music played in the background as a small group of Jawas used broken I trumwnts to play a tune.

(You can search up the song made by the Dusty Jawas called "Uttini!" on Spotify)

The food wasn't appetizing, plus Jake would just wait till they could get to the LAATs storage to eat, but the party was nice nonetheless.

Tibet was huddled by several Jawas as he spoke loudly, perhaps sharing a story. Jake looked around as Rusty was seen trying his best to start small talk with others, while Clank and Tac stood by side by side, the only way Jake knew that were talking was Tacs mouth light blinking on and off.  

Teesh sat happily eating the Jawas food and drinks, while Ada was…actually where was she?

Jake peered around before flinching as something clicked his spine. He turned and sure enough.

"Hey there" she said with a laugh. 

"You guys have jumpscared me twice today" Jake said with a semi annoyed tone, Ada playfully shoved agaisnt his metal shirt, the boy unable to stay annoyed for long.

"Yeah yeah…well cmon enjoy the party"

"I thought you mandolorins were the quiet type" Jake mused as he took a seat, Ada letting her self down next to him.

"Nah….thats only the old ones" Jake laughed at her response.

Rusty gave a wave from the distance as he held a cup of yolk in his hands, Jake went to wave back but was cut off as Rusty's hand slipped, the droid to occupied with waving to hold the drink correctly, or faking and spilling on the floor. Naturally, the B1 went to pick up his mess, but eh gooey substance causes the droid to loose balance and slip, falling on his back.

"Incredible…." Jake sighed.

Ada could barely could her snickering back as she watched "and those things were made for war?" 

Jake didn't reply to that, but she had a point. Why were B1 droids so….bad? He hated to say, he truly did. Rusty and…Jake's face noticeably sunk for a moment. Well they tried their best and they did good, but…why not just make more B2s? Was it cause of costs? We'll probably not, from he rembered if the Geonosians telling him they CIS literally had entire banks in their side…and as far as the boy knew all they fought were clones, and don't get him wrong, after meeting Mute, Barren, Cody, etc. He knew clones were strong but, an army of Clanks could easily wipe them out, at least that was his logic.

Oh well…

Ada snapped him or his thoughts with a head tap, the boy looking over at her with his brown eyes, pupils dilated to see more as the sun set began to end and night began. 

"Something on your mind?" Ada asked.

"Meh…just, a lot has happened…you weren't there for most of it, but…damm" Jake's words were vague, Adam giving him a look that read "huh?" But she decided not to poke him.

Jake had…mixed feelings on trying to remember, he wasn't good at coping. And he feared if he sat and thinker about it for too long he might break down, curl up into a pathetic ball, and cry….he couldn't let that happen, his friends needed him, that was the one thing keeping him on. Otherwise, he has learned a lot about the Galaxy, mostly that it was a dickhead, but it had its ups and downs, last time he met Jawas they tried to murder Tac and kill all of them with a huge BattleDroid, and now he was in the midst of a trade deal with these other ones….

Jake was never a judgy person to begin with, but that certainly helped cement that idea.

Ada broke his thoughts.

"Well, it'll get better"

Jake nodded, it had been already. 

For reasons he didn't really understand. 

A Jawa came up to him and Ada, offering to two a glass of yolk. Jake had avoided trying it, but seeing Ada happily take it, urged him to do the same. The Jawa happily chittered as Jake and Ada clinged their metal cups together, Ada lifting her helmet ever so slightly to drink, Jake eyeing her as he took a sip. 

And…Jake's eyes widened.

"This…actually isn't bad…don't you think A-" 

Jake was cut off as he watched Ada throw her upper body over the side of the crawler and spit out the yolk in disgust, grabbing a nearby napkin from a pile to clean her helmet.

Jake chuckled lightly as Ada clearly glared at him beneath the helmet.

"Never again" Her words serving to make Jake laugh harder.



———————Location—-Singal ruptured, coordinated launch detected..———————Gideons Ship———-



TKs dresses in black naval uniforms typer and pressed their screens as the Imperial Venator shot out of space like a Missle. Gideon walked down the hallway as he entered the bridge, to large poles greeted him at the entrance, each with a helmet atop it, one with a green pattern, the other colorless…Kelp and Flamer.

Gideon seemed to gain a smile as he glanced at them, quickly sitting in his chair.

"We have arrived I presume" He asked to know one in particular, glaring at the planet infront of him.

A random TK bridge member came up and answered, holding a datapad. "Yes sir, we've reached Tatooine. And, we've locked onto the location of the downed LAAT, we were able to use the help of some locals to find where it crashed" 

Gideon nodded, for once giving a polite nod and hand wave to the trooper who walked away.

The ships atmosphere hadn't changed since last time, the grey halls begging for a repaint that would never happen. Gideon himself seemed to unease the crew with his presence alone, he stared at his personal datapad, a small grin on his face.

Pictures of the group he was after littered the screen. Jake and R4 strolling through the Battle of Geonosis from an upwards point of view, a picture of his LAAT flying into space, an image of a lone commando droid wandering e desert. He swiped his hand, images of the group at the asteroid station, Jake and his droids running accross seemingly into an alleyway, another image of the wrecked LAAT captured by a probe droid. 


He whispered to himself "so much to learn…so much to see...you've done a lot boy I'll give you that. But you made your first mistake when you thought you could hide from me" Gideons self gloating made his uneven smile wider, the troopers close enough to hear his rambling said nothing.

Afterall, they didn't want to end up like the helmets, shoved harshly into the poles. 

The Clones helmets seemed to gaze over the bridge…like a warning to those who dared oppose the Empire.