
Star on the Sea

A SI of a Joestar on the seas of one piece

System1_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Start of the star.

As the man's eyes slowly fluttered open, he realized that he was lying on a sandy beach, surrounded by palm trees swaying in the gentle breeze. The air was warm and humid, and the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore was the only thing that broke the silence. Despite his confusion about how he had ended up in such a strange place, he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of happiness at the sheer beauty of his surroundings. He sat up, taking in the stunning scenery around him, and couldn't help but wonder what adventures lay ahead on this mysterious island.

One week had passed since the man had awoken on the sandy beach of the mysterious island. In that time, he had explored every inch of the land, from the dense jungles to the rocky cliffs overlooking the sea. He had discovered hidden waterfalls, strange rock formations, and even stumbled upon a small village of friendly natives who had welcomed him with open arms.

Despite the initial happiness he had felt upon waking up on the island, the man had started to feel a sense of restlessness. He missed the familiar comforts of home and the people he cared about. He had tried to construct a raft to escape the island, but the rough waters had made it impossible to leave.

One afternoon, as he sat on the beach watching the waves, a group of natives approached him. One of them spoke in broken English, "You no happy here?"

The man sighed, "I'm just ready to go home, but I can't seem to find a way off this island."

The native smiled sympathetically, "We help you. We build you better raft."

The man's eyes lit up with gratitude. He had come to appreciate the kindness of the natives and their simple way of life. Perhaps it was time to let go of his restlessness and enjoy the beauty of the island a little while longer.

As the sun began to set, the man worked with the natives to construct a sturdier raft. They used sturdy bamboo and coconuts to make it more buoyant, and the man was grateful for their help.

As they finished the raft, the man looked out to the horizon and wondered what adventures awaited him beyond the island. For now, he was content to embrace the happiness he had found on the island and make the most of the time he had left before his inevitable departure.

With the help of the natives, the man had successfully built a sturdy raft that would hopefully carry him back to civilization. However, he knew that the journey ahead would not be an easy one. The waters could be treacherous, and he needed to prepare himself for any challenges he might face.

The man turned to the natives and asked, "Do you have any advice for me on how to navigate the waters?"

One of the elders stepped forward and said, "The sea is unpredictable. You must be able to adapt to any situation that comes your way."

The man nodded and asked, "Can you teach me some basic survival skills, just in case?"

The natives were happy to oblige, and they spent the next few days teaching him how to fish, start a fire, and build a shelter. They showed him which plants were edible and which were poisonous, and even taught him some basic self-defense techniques.

With his newfound knowledge, the man felt more confident about his ability to survive the journey ahead. He knew that he still had a lot to learn, but he was grateful for the opportunity to gain some valuable skills that would serve him well in the future.

As the day of his departure drew closer, the man spent his time saying goodbye to the natives who had become like family to him. He promised to return one day and thanked them for their generosity and hospitality.

Finally, the day arrived, and the man set out to sea, his raft fully equipped with supplies and provisions. He was nervous about what lay ahead, but he knew that he had been well-prepared for whatever challenges he might face. He set his sights on the horizon, ready to embark on the next chapter of his journey.

As the man set out to sea on his raft, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the prospect of returning to civilization. He had learned a great deal from his time on the island, but he was ready to be reunited with his loved ones and resume his life.

As he sailed, he noticed a sharp pain in his back. At first, he thought it was just a muscle spasm from all the physical labor he had done in the past few days. But when he reached back to rub the spot, his fingers touched something unexpected.

There, on the center of his back, was a birthmark in the shape of a star. The man was shocked because he knew he didn't have that mark before. He twisted and turned, trying to get a better look, but it was in an awkward spot, and he couldn't see it clearly.

He felt a sense of unease, wondering how he could have developed such a unique birthmark seemingly out of nowhere. He couldn't shake the feeling that it was a sign of something significant, but he didn't know what.

As he continued his journey, he found himself thinking about the mark often. It seemed to grow more prominent, and the pain became more intense. Finally, he couldn't ignore it any longer, and he decided to seek help as soon as he reached land.

When he finally arrived on the mainland, he visited a doctor and explained his situation. The doctor examined the mark and confirmed that it was indeed a birthmark. He explained that sometimes, birthmarks can develop later in life, and they can take on a different shape or color than they would have at birth.

The man was relieved to hear that the mark was not a cause for concern. But he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it. He felt as though it was a sign, a symbol of something greater than himself, but he didn't know what.

As he reflected on his time on the island and his encounter with the birthmark, he knew that his life would never be the same. He felt a sense of purpose, as if he was meant to fulfill a destiny that he had yet to discover. And he was ready for whatever adventures lay ahead.