
Spirit’s Awakening: The Path of Lightning and Water

3/24/2024~ In the process of editing and updating my earlier chapters. I’ve learned more in the last 51 chapters and have changed a few plot points. Things like Earth element becoming Nature element. Also, I’ve really kind of just been publishing my first drafts with minor editing for grammar and spelling. I want to improve those initial chapters, especially the dialogue, so I’m going back to make them better. **Chapters 1-6 have been edited and updated so far. Refresh your cache to go back and reread if you wish! I’ll work on all chapters leading up to the privilege as I continue my daily chapter output!** This is my first ever novel. I’m a new author and still learning how to tell a story. Please understand that when reading. I’ll do better to improve the novel as it goes if you tell me what it is lacking. Thank you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the enchanting realm of Nexaria, where elemental spirits and divine beings shape the fate of the world, a young boy named Lassim Vanthar embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery and adventure. Born into a noble family with a legacy of martial prowess, Lassim possesses an unparalleled gift—a connection to two elemental spirits, a feat unheard of in the history of his world. As Lassim approaches his 8th birthday, a pivotal moment in every child's life when they awaken their elemental spirit, the tranquil peace of Nexaria is shattered by the resurgence of ancient foes—the Dragal demons. With his homeland threatened by darkness, Lassim must harness the power of his dual spirits to protect his loved ones and confront the looming threat. Joined by his spirited companions, including the courageous Lustria Alisone and loyal Sirium Giffard, Lassim embarks on a perilous quest across the vast landscapes of Nexaria. From the towering forests of Swallowtail Mountain City to the majestic business center of Myriad Spirit City, Lassim faces daunting challenges, battles fierce adversaries, and unlocks the mysteries of his own destiny. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

JPNovelFan · แฟนตาซี
159 Chs


In the heart of the universe, concealed within the folds of time and space, lay a mysterious pocket of existence—a realm untouched by mortal hands. Within this enigmatic domain stood a golden palace, its shimmering towers reaching towards the heavens like the fingers of a celestial giant.

Within the hallowed halls of this palace, a gathering of otherworldly beings of untold beauty and charisma convened around a mirrored altar—a portal to realms unseen, where destinies were forged and fates intertwined. The air crackled with anticipation as they beheld the reflection of a world on the brink of change—Nexaria, where the balance of power hung in the balance.

Suddenly, a thunderous boom echoed through the chamber, shattering the stillness of the air like a bolt of lightning. The room quaked with the force of the sound, as the most formidable among them—a muscular giant of a man—voiced his fiery outrage.

"These damn bastards think they can toy with our children! I'll incinerate them all!" His voice reverberated off the golden walls, a testament to his righteous fury.

But amidst the chaos, a voice of reason emerged—a voice as gentle as a whisper yet as steadfast as a mountain. It was Ava, her ethereal beauty a calming presence amidst the storm.

"Calm yourself, Ribus. We must focus on the task at hand. Our children are our hope against the encroaching darkness. This child, about to be born, is destined for greatness—a beacon of light in the shadowy depths of Nexaria," she declared, her words carrying the weight of prophecy.

Yet, amidst the debate, dissent brewed like a storm on the horizon.

Moftia, with her skin shimmering like molten steel, questioned the efficacy of their chosen path.

"I too harbor doubts. My metal energy may protect, but it lacks the power to vanquish our enemies," she confessed, her voice a steel-edged blade cutting through the tension.

In the midst of their discourse, a pair of twins with unnatural grace and poise, Undos and Badvall, spoke in unison—a harmony of darkness and light, night and day.

"We believe this child should be bestowed with our powers—a master of both dusk and dawn, light and shadow," they intoned, their voices a symphony of cosmic balance.

But dissent lingered still, as the earthbound Yves, with her mountainous strength, voiced her desire to crush their foes beneath the weight of her power.

"If only the rules of this universe would allow it, I would bring the full force of the earth down upon our enemies," she lamented, her voice rumbling like shaking of an earthquake in the distance.

In the midst of their debate, a voice—a voice of thunder and lightning—roared above the tumult. It was Famthar, his electric aura crackling with divine power.

"The time has come to decide the fate of this child—the fate of our universe hangs in the balance. My wife, Ava, and I have decided—we shall bestow upon him two spirits, the likes of which Nexaria has never seen. He shall command the fiercest lightning and the most indomitable waters—a storm incarnate," he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the chamber like a celestial choir.

With his words, a hush fell over the assembly—a moment of profound significance, as the destiny of a child and the fate of a universe intertwined.

As the heavens opened and lightning danced across the sky, a child was born—a child destined for greatness, whose name would echo through the annals of history.

Lassim Vanthar—a name whispered in awe and reverence, a name that would herald the dawn of a new era and protection for those too weak to weather the oncoming war.

This is my second attempt at this novel plot line. I have worked on this idea for the last couple of years since the failure of it the first time. I think it’s been improved! Please feel free to let me know your thoughts. I’ll be releasing the stockpiled chapters I have fairly quickly for your enjoyment. Thank you!

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