

Eighteen year old Blaine Walker hears about an upcoming game called SPIRE that’s being released tomorrow on a live television announcement. The world’s most highly anticipated game that’s said to knock the socks off every gamer. Once the game releases, the millions of people who logged into the game along with Blaine suddenly get warped into their computer screens and become their own selected players. They’re expected to live their new lives as their animated players in this open fantasy world. Some even died soon after because there’s monster’s roaming outside from the main spawn area. Blaine had to come the harsh realization that this is his life now and he’d have to level himself up to grow stronger, figuring it would be easier to defend himself if someone were to attack him. While thousands died almost every week, those who survived continued to fight monsters to grow more powerful with their own fate in their hands. One week later, a leaderboard would appear in the player menu list and it showed several online players. Blaine being in 3rd place ranked world-wide, Cassiel rightfully holding 2nd place and Cole sitting at 1st place. Knowing these people could be potentially threats to him, this would worry the boy. Endless adventures awaits him!

UNBROKEN · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs



Blaine is seen eagerly sitting down in real life after coming home from school, putting on his headphones and nervously logs into the SPIRE game before selecting his own character.

One second later.. SWOOOSHHH!!!

He would be suddenly warped into the computer screen without warning and his soul enter's his selected character's body taking it for himself to use. Blaine would slowly emerge from a bright light that's in the center of the Main Spawn Area.

Many other people are seen walking anxiously outside to the same empty field that's got a couple harmless bunnies hopping from place to place. Blaine would curiously look out in the far distance, seeing frigid mountaintops covered in grass and sharp rocks.

A gentle breeze of wind would hit the side of his cheek after stopping in his tracks, standing still for a moment to really soak in whatever just happened. He would look down at his animated hands before looking down further at his legs and feet. It doesn't take long to figure out that's there a interactive mini-touch screen that appears in front of him every time he pokes his wrist.

Blaine nervously pulls his black sword out from it's leather sling on his back and holds it with one hand, admiring it's beauty before putting it back into it's sheath. He would chuckle saying "Huh. Not bad."

He would come to accept that is his life now and walks away, succumbing to the strong desire to actually be someone important in this second life of his.

This is SPIRE.