

Eighteen year old Blaine Walker hears about an upcoming game called SPIRE that’s being released tomorrow on a live television announcement. The world’s most highly anticipated game that’s said to knock the socks off every gamer. Once the game releases, the millions of people who logged into the game along with Blaine suddenly get warped into their computer screens and become their own selected players. They’re expected to live their new lives as their animated players in this open fantasy world. Some even died soon after because there’s monster’s roaming outside from the main spawn area. Blaine had to come the harsh realization that this is his life now and he’d have to level himself up to grow stronger, figuring it would be easier to defend himself if someone were to attack him. While thousands died almost every week, those who survived continued to fight monsters to grow more powerful with their own fate in their hands. One week later, a leaderboard would appear in the player menu list and it showed several online players. Blaine being in 3rd place ranked world-wide, Cassiel rightfully holding 2nd place and Cole sitting at 1st place. Knowing these people could be potentially threats to him, this would worry the boy. Endless adventures awaits him!

UNBROKEN · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter I — Beginnings

After following a cobblestone path, Blaine would run into a swarm of angry boar monsters. With their small size, it wouldn't take long for them to reach him.

Without hesitation, he pulls out his sword and slashes at the boars while they surround him in a circle, taking turns with bite attempts at the boy.

"You bastards!" after one boar bites his leg, so he pierced that one through the head before going on a heated rampage on the group of vermin monsters. Killing them one by one until finally murdering the last one with one slash, cutting it's body split in half. Blood can be seen splattered all over his face, clothes and sword. Blaine gently wiped his cheek clean with his glove before putting the sword back into it's sheath.

Right after killing all of them, Blaine notices an interesting ding sound before seeing a small hologram appear in front of him stating that he leveled up twice for doing that, making him gain his health back. The bite wound on his leg instantly heals itself because of this.

He continued making his way down the path, eventually entering a small village known as Toram Town. There seems to be a food marketplace, black smithing shops and a friendly training area filled with dummies. One place in particular stood out to him though, The Ole Tavern.

This gut feeling drove him to the entrance of the medieval styled tavern, calmly entering the room and makes his way to the bar. Something felt wrong. A moment of silence passed before two others came up from behind him, creating two mysterious shadows luring over him.

Blaine slowly turns his head to the side, saying "Um. Yes?"

The larger figure named Galanore would cross his arms and say with a deep intimidating voice, "So you're the new guy around here huh?" The smaller figure stands to the side of him and curiously tilts her head at him, her red hair falls to the side.

Blaine turns around out of curiosity and see's one massive knight in silver armor and a shorter girl that's a magical fairy named Angelica standing next to him.

"New? Aren't we all new here?" Blaine would ask.

"Don't worry about him. He doesn't bite. We just want to know everyone here so we know that you're not here to cause any trouble." Angelica said peacefully.

"There's people like that?" Blaine rightfully asked.

"Hmph. Assume the worst kid, cause it's true." Galanore remarked.

The three of them would take this conversation outside of the tavern, guess he figured that staying with them was his best bet at staying alive if other players came to attack. They seemed knowledgeable and trustworthy.