
Spider-Man:The New Era

It's not the same being a hero as waking up in a hero's body. Taking control of Peter's body, the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, and that hero is Spider-Man. He manages to find a balance between being a hero and a regular teenager. Readers can expect adventures and character development as the new Spider-Man discovers his own path as a hero.Will include MCEU and more --------------------------------- If you like my writing, support me in Parteon!Advance chapter are available there. Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store! patreon.com/Jesse_Smith

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18 Chs


"But Ben I-"

"-it's alright May, just go," Ben gently assured her. She nodded sadly as she turned and left, leaving Ben and I alone at the dining table.

"I didn't mean to snap," I apologized.

"It's alright Peter, I understand," he said softly.

"I was just trying to help I didn't mean-"

"-I understand Peter," he repeated, softer this time, "you have too realise, you're all May and I have, if we lost you..."

"I saved someone Uncle Ben, isn't that what you always taught me to do? If I can help someone, isn't it my duty to do so?"

"Yes, I suppose it is," he smiled, "go to bed Peter, we'll talk about this in the morning. Don't' forget you have school tomorrow."

I nodded, "right...night uncle Ben."

"Good night Peter," he replied as I walked upstairs into my bed and locked the door behind me. I sat down on my bed and sighed, talking out my busted web shooter. I had one working and the other one is a complete mess.

I worked on it for a while before giving up, it was broken, I needed to make a new one. Actually, if I was serious about the whole hero business I neto upgrade these things. I needed them to be more durable and hold more webbing. Maybe even try and make different types of webbing. That would have been so useful against Abomination.

Suddenly there was a knock on my window, I swiped by desk clear pushing the web shooters on the floor before I looked up to find MJ waving at me.

I blinked in confusion as I opened the door, "Peepers? How did you-"

"-Climb up you tree," she pointed to a large tree next to my window, "can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure," I stepped aside letting her in, shutting the window behind her, "so what's up?"

"Nothing. Did your aunt and uncle yell at you a lot?"

I sighed, "yeah, but I deserve it. You?"

"No, aunt Anna understood it wasn't anyone's fault. If anything she thinks I should have gone with you. Honestly though, she wouldn't stop talking about how amazing you are," she said rolling her eyes.

"Hm, not amazing, maybe spectacular," I snickered.

"Don't go growing an ego on me Parker," MJ hissed, "but yeah, you're pretty cool tonight. Especially the way you saved that man's life. That pole must have weighed a ton!"

I shrugged, "maybe. But I didn't really notice, too busy trying to save him."

"Hm, you're really skinny for a strong guy," MJ noted, "you barely have a muscle on you," he noted my skinny frame.

I gulped, "well you know how it is. Adrenaline and all that," she was being suspicious, not good, not good at all!

"Maybe," she ated trailing off, "anyway I too make sure you were alright."

"Thanks, I'm fine. If anything I'm a little tired."

"Really? Because I can't sleep," MJ grumbled, "too nervous."

"Why? The Hulk ran anyway and I'm pretty sure the army has the other dude locked in ice."

"No, not that," she grumbled, "school. I'm starting my first day tomorrow!"

I chuckled, "oh, that. Relax MJ, there's no reason to panic. It's just classes, you'll do fine."

"Yeah but I mean...what if they don't like me?"

I shrugged, "who cares? Beside I doubt they won't like you're hot and smart. The guys will be falling head over heels for you and the girls will want to be your bestie."

She smiled "you think so?"

I nodded, "I know so. So relax, high school it's the end of the world." MJ smiled, we talked into the night, just me and her. When she left I was glad to have made such a nice friend, Peter needed more of them. Maybe one day she could be more, but for now, a friend was enough.

The next day:

I was in the Daily Bugle the very next day. Well, not me, but they did have the Hulk's fight in the front covers and a grainy picture of me off in the side. It looks like they had no clue who I was, people just calling me 'Webs'.

The article itself was fair and balanced, which was surprising considering it was the Bugle we were talking about. But to be fair I did save the lives of soldiers, even they couldn't label me a criminal for doing that.

The report actually called me a hero once, saying how impressive it was for someone like me to stand up to a monster. From various statements from the scene it seems the people there mention the fight was like seeing David and Goliath.

I smiled, maybe this time Spider-man won't end up being labeled a bad guy. With that done and a health breakfast, it was time to go to school.

MJ and I took the bus to school, we talked about what subjects she was talking and the people she would meet, needless to say she was nervous. We arrived with ten minutes to spare, students were crawling all around the campus, talking to each, gossiping or just halving fun.

I lead her into the crowded hallways, "welcome to Midtown high," I announced gesturing to the large crowded halls where people yelled, cheered, fought and generally just did teenage things.

"I think I'll fight right in," MJ said with a smile.

"That you will Peepers."

"Please stop calling me that."


"I didn't even mean to pep."


"I hate you."

I smirked, "no." I lead her down the hall introducing her to the various cliques and factions one could find in the school. There were the jocks, the cheerleaders, the techies, the nerds, the dancers, the theatre maniacs, the weirdos, the normals and of course me. The kid too smart to be a normal geek and too desperate for acceptance to be a hipster.


If you like my writing, support me in Parteon!Advance chapter are available there.

Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store!
