
Spell Ranger

Otherworld, a world full of mystery and unknown, is not as beautiful as imagined. There is no novel written in the kind of easy to obtain the fate of the golden finger, there is no overnight hero journey, only we are forced to constantly fight helpless. Every struggle and fight was for survival. It was a real and cruel world, full of countless challenges and dangers. There was no way back, only to go forward, constantly challenging oneself and surpassing the limits. There, learned resilience and bravery, learned to cherish and give. Understood that only through their own efforts and struggles can they gain a foothold in this world. The other world is not scary, what is scary is your fear of the unknown. As long as you are brave enough to take that step and rise to the challenge, you will realize that the world is actually not as scary as you think.

DaoistrQafj4 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

becomes the extra one

There are more capable people in the Otherworld than one might think! --- 19th day of the Six-Tooth Dolphin in the 146th year of the 4th Age of Light]

 Looking at the clear sky outside the house, I picked up the wooden board hanging on the wall engraved with markings, the dense carvings on it all suggest that time is passing day by day, counting the carvings on it is 280, that is to say, I have been guarding this cave for 280 days.

 And here when I first dropped into the Otherworld the cold winter had just passed and it was just at the time when the greenery was sprouting; and that just meant that this month was already the month of the Cave Bear, a true post-fall time, and that in a few days winter was coming, and on the other hand it also meant that we had a lot of preparing to do, and there was still a lot of things to do, and that I couldn't sit around and wait for a crisis to come in such a leisurely manner.

 I walked into the blacksmith's store and walked out again, grumbling, "What a bunch of salty guys, who asked you guys to help me with my farming tools? It's really exasperating!"

 Take them kindly help me to build the hoe, cursing all the way to the compound on the dozen acres of fields, standing on the ridge to see a neat, loose and soft ridge and flat, solid ridge ditch, ridge soil obviously applied fertilizer is being fertilized, not even a weed can not be seen.

 I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore, all my plans have been messed up by these people; what was supposed to take one or two more years to do has now developed into something like five years from now, which is completely beyond my expectations, so I'm now very much in the dark, completely in the dark.

 After huffing and puffing at the edge of the field for a good while, he returned to the yard with his hoe on his shoulder, threw it toward the blacksmith's store, and intended to feed a few cages of small animals.

 Seeing the hog pens with big pigs and little pigs all snoozing, the troughs again with just a few scraps left, walking to the chicken coop with big chickens and little chickens all taking a walk, the feed tubs with a good portion left in them, turning the corner to go to the barn, the big cows and little cows all scratching each other.

 I'll have to do it! It's not like I have to do it again.

 It was with frustration that I went back to my cabin to laze around.

 "No, no, I'm going to break down at this rate, I've got to do something, do something ..."

 I kept walking around the house, talking to myself.

 Suddenly something seemed to pop up in his head.

 "Right! Remodel and upgrade! Re-planning! Originally, when it was just me, I thought that things could be done slowly, and that I could pass the time while doing it; now that there are so many people, then I'll plan and develop in a bigger way, build a village then a town, then a city, and then expand it into a territory after building the city, and that way I'll see how much more they'll be able to toss it around, and just-so-so! -do."

 I slapped my hand together to settle the idea in my mind and ran off in a huff to find Maria at Reno's place and give her her first assignment.

 "Maria, tell the others to come over here for me, I have something to discuss with everyone!"

 Soon my yard was crowded with people.

 I stood on the door step and began to announce the plan.

 "I've called you all here today to discuss something with you; and since you've all moved here to live, I'm more than welcome to do so! However, some of you are treating this place as a home, and some of you are just treating this place as a resort; however, I don't care what you think, this is my home, and the original owner of this place, so it's my duty and obligation to come and give you all a heads up, those who want to settle here, please take good care of this piece of land, and those who don't want to settle here for a few days of fun, all get the hell out of there and don't add to the chaos here. "

 "In addition, I want to build a city here, who has a good plan? You can mention it, and we can discuss it together, after the city is built, you all will be able to get a secured home, and we will be able to guard our homes together."



 "We're finally going to have a home of our own!"

 "Finally, the day has come!"

 "We are not dreaming! God, you've finally heard our prayers!"


 Seeing the cheering in front of me, I had no idea what was going on, and hurriedly stopped it loudly, "Everyone, take it easy, take it easy!"

 As soon as I opened my mouth, all the people below were silent again, very orderly, and each one of them even adjusted their standing posture, and the line became very neat, which made me a little bit uncomfortable.

 The mind wondered: what's going on? I've never seen such an obedient bunch.

 But these are not things I should be thinking about at this moment, suggesting that planning is what should be done at this moment.

 "I know that all races have their own specialties, and I don't know everyone very well yet, but I'm certain that the people here who are willing to stay are, like me, a group of people who have no roots, and who have been drifting and wandering all over the place; therefore, we all hope that we can have a secure place to land, where we can work hard during the day, and then come home at night to a warm place where we can take a rest, and where we can eat a A bowl of hot rice, sleep a solid sleep, so I want to build a city;

 This must be a city that can combine the characteristics and needs of all races, a city where we are free to believe, free to live, free to love, free to speak, we are free to do everything; but there is one thing we are not free to do: we are not free to do it for the sake of peace!

 Our city needs to restrain itself if it is to be peaceful, so we cannot be blindly free in the face of peace; there can be no killing, no looting, no violence, and so on in our city that destroys harmony, but everything else can be free, and this is our for peace cannot be free."

 "And the root of all this is to build up our fortresses of safety, little by little; first we shall begin by building villages, then follow with towns, and then our castles; so who is there who knows anything about design and architecture?"

 "That's what we dwarves do!"

 "We goblins build tribes too!"

 "We Centaurs are also good at building!"

 "We ..."

 "Good, very good! Let's not argue, since there are so many who can do construction, it's perfect, everyone who picks a representative to come inside with me to discuss slowly, and then we're going to do a good job!"


 "Is everyone here?" I asked.

 "All here!" The group of people in front of them replied neatly.

 There were several races represented in the group that came in, all of them otherworldly magical races except for Maria, who was human, and all of them were female, except for the big cat, a magical beast that wasn't human.

 Two female horses, two female goblins, two female elves tall and handsome in appearance with blonde hair and blue eyes and pointy ears, two female dwarves short and growing noses, and two female kobolds with green skin and sharp teeth and long ears.

 Naturally, the team was also filled with Lenaan, the angel representative, Big Cat, the Wraith representative, and Reno, the vampire.

 "Well, then, let me say a few words.

 First of all, this cave will be our refuge in the future; many of you still don't know the origin of this cave, I'll briefly introduce it, this is the treasure trove of the ancient golden dragon god, but you don't have to worry about that big lizard will come to take revenge, it's been eaten by me; now there is another god sleeping in it, it belongs to the golden troll clan, it's the Earth Beast God; you don't have to worry about it either, it's my friend! , so this cave is the safest place for you, to use it as a shelter is the most suitable place; and then talk about the things that we build a village, the village should be expanded in all directions with this mountain as the center, your various tribes can choose a site around this place, and start to reclaim the land to build the houses you like, but you can't fight for it, and if it is a place that has already had a master you have to discuss about the construction. "

 "We don't need to choose a site, just build it all around the Divine Mountain, everything is at Your Excellency's disposal!"

 "Yes, no site selection, all at your Lordship's disposal."

 "Ugh? I realized that it's all females here, where are all the males?" I couldn't help but voice my thoughts while they were speaking.

 "We only need one male of the adults to be sufficient."

 "What's going on?"

 I was completely confused by these people's words: what do you mean, I only need to be a male? Is it possible that these people are all that way? That's not good! Wouldn't I be counting on them to develop a future for nothing?

 "My lord, we are all ostracized and exiled females, there is not a single male, and those males look down on us, so please take us in!" A female goblin cried.

 "There is such a thing? It's really hard for you guys - then like this, since we're all family and don't have so many requirements, let's do it together with the cave as the center, just start from this place next to the compound, and start concentrating on reclaiming the fields in a fan-shaped shape and concentrating on the construction of the houses, which also saves a lot of things, and then later on expand layer by layer to this first section of the entire section of the slope a--This is the sketch I designed in my haste, you guys take a look at it, take it and modify it."

 After I understood the situation I realized that I had overthought it all before and simply used my magic to condense a stereoscopic image of the town.

 I didn't even know I had this ability, much less how I created the image, but I just used it in my head anyway.

 It seems to be another powerful ability of the skill space, which is really handy.

 "It's so beautiful! The city you designed, my lord, is truly too beautiful! "

 "If it's built, it's going to be one of the prettiest cities ever, it's great! "


 "I'm just designing a pair of sketches, the details need to be added by you professionals. "

 "This one blueprint from you, my lord, is enough, we Dwarves and Elves will complete the rest!"

 "That's a lot of hard work!"

 "No hard work my lord!"

 "By the way, the logistical support piece, in the early stages, may require the magical beasts to work harder;Big Cat, any problems?"

 "The fall will soon be over, and the most important thing at present is still the question of food and the house." I have been very much concerned about the seasons and very much worried about how I was going to get through this first winter.

 So the deployment was officially started, as well as trying to give everyone atmosphere:

 "Maria give you a task, you count the specific population; Reno, you come to count all our food reserves; Lenaan, you angels can't be idle anymore, patrol more patrols in the mountains and forests, I worry that there will be uninvited guests after that; Big Cat, you guys start searching for food with all your might tomorrow; the others hurry up to build the houses and prepare the firewood for the winter, and we'll all work together to Get through this cold winter safely, and everything will be fine next year."

 "My lord, we can actually grow food in winter, we goblins and elves have the technology!"

 "I know that we can grow food in winter, but we are not in a position to build greenhouses." I somehow blurted out this sentence off the top of my head, and was instantly amazed by my own thoughts, and couldn't help but boast in my mind: how could I have been so smart, it seems that I have a very high talent for living magic as well.

 "Your Honor knows about greenhouses?"

 "Nonsense, how could His Excellency not know about the greenhouse?"

 I couldn't imagine that the few people in front of me would start arguing over this, so I hurriedly changed my tune and pretended:

 "Yeah, a greenhouse! Ordinary greenhouses aren't in condition, so maybe we can create a greenhouse boundary with a magic array!"

 This move really works, a few people immediately do not argue, in addition to Reynolds on the sidelines stealing a smile, the other people all turned out to be surprised at the same time, "My lord, you would not not know the greenhouse boundary!"

 "Yeah!" I looked at the crowd rightfully, "Is that weird? Is the greenhouse knot still a spell?"

 "Aye! It's just a magic!" Even Reno followed with a serious answer, and I could tell she was serious, not holding back a laugh, no, definitely not.

 The first meeting went well, and after the dismissal everyone rushed back to their respective assignments.

 With absolute confidence in the skill space, I decided to go and receive the adoring gaze of several magical races, but reality taught me another lesson.

 In the following days, I also joined in the work of building greenhouse boundaries, and I realized that the greenhouse magic that I had painstakingly learned for half a day but hadn't been able to learn, other people's leprechauns and elf girls were able to make one with their hands, so I was really defeated by myself.

 Then when I learned plant growth magic, I was just as dryly watching these little girls unleash their magic one after the other, and again I was dumbfounded that they couldn't help at all.

 I'll just stay out of the way and cool off! I'll just stay out of the way and cool off.

 The little girls laughed out loud as they watched me leave in disgrace.

 What with all the skill-space opening and all that, and all the adoration, no, none of it, all of it, to hell with it!

 I could tell they were both happy they had found their worth and I was happy for them from the bottom of my heart.

 Then I approached the building site again to try and help, only to find myself equally reduced to finding laughs for the dwarves and centaurs and the girls, and once again I fled in disgrace.

 I depressed back to the cabin, sighed: "Alas, one by one are so capable, make me have nothing to do, how can this be good? It feels like I've become useless ... just just just just, I'd better go into the mountain and turn around, otherwise it's so boring to stay like this!"

 I brought along my hunting tools and walked aimlessly through the mountains and forests, to be honest I didn't want to do any hunting, now I don't worry about food and clothes, I was worried about food for the winter, but now that I have a greenhouse to cultivate it I'm not in such a hurry, I went into the mountains purely to find a sense of being for myself, and to find a reason for myself not to eat for nothing.

 Before I knew it I was walking to the cave where I saved the big cat in the first place.

 The cave was already empty, no more animals had taken up residence, it should be that they didn't dare to come close to the place right now, after all, the scent of mountain trolls and bloody demonic bears that permeated the cave hadn't dissipated yet.

 I don't plan on going back tonight, the house is all tended to now and I don't have to worry about starving the critters anymore.

 Maybe it's also because I love this carefree mountain life and feel very relaxed to be back in this mountain state.

 Lighting a fire, I took out my bloody demon bear skin and spread it out, laying down on it, then glowering at the walls of the cave, the firelight reflecting my shadow off the walls of the cave bouncing left and right.

 The mental relaxation put me to sleep and I was soon in dreamland.

 I saw Otan again in my dream ...

 "Huh - my dear Bruce! What brings you to my place?" Otan was a little surprised by my arrival.

 "Ugh... Otan na! I'm feeling a bit bored, I don't know what to do next, originally I wanted to live my life simply by myself, but now that life is completely disrupted, all of a sudden there's a large group of magical beasts and strays of all races, I can't even if I don't take them in; you tell me what to do next?"

 "I see you guys aren't building, so how come you're bored and have nothing to do?"

 "Yes, this construction is actually for their intention, I live alone which still need to build what town, a cave a few huts can be satisfied; now are forced to build a city to be able to accommodate, and those construction also do not need me to intervene, they do a lot more professional than me."

 "Oh, wouldn't it be nice if you could try to run the city?"

 "That's the problem, I don't want to run the city, I just want to live quietly and simply, it's too tiring to manage anything."

 "That's right, that's indeed a bit difficult, why don't you start all over again in a different place and not have so much trouble?"

 "It's not as easy as you say, even if I had looked again, it's an established fact that those people already know me, they'll still find me then, and even if they don't, some other new person will come to me, and the result will still be the same. Alas - society!"

 "Indeed, Trouble - or, wouldn't it be nice if you could start a business to pass the time? I see you're still quite happy when you're treating them."

 "Don't mention it, it's because of treating them that there's so much trouble; it's impossible to open a medical center or something, it's too unrealistic, and I can't stand to treat people like this all day long, what's the point of running to this other world? What's the point of me traveling to this other world? It's a waste of my life!"

 "Haha, that wouldn't be the Bruce this god knows! You can still have a nice and easy time here."

 "What's your solution? Come on, tell me!"

 "There are plenty of ah, for example, you can open a tavern, open a farmhouse, open a manor, open a ranch, etc., you can not still be relaxed and cozy, living not still the simple life you want in the other world? It's just a matter of expanding the scale a bit and having more people, it's probably simpler and more comfortable than you think."

 "Makes sense oh! I'll expand the scale a bit? Hire some people to make it a farming estate, a farm, and then open a tavern, brewing wine or something, it will be very cozy indeed!"

 "You can also go out and venture out and explore the new world, this other world or have strength oh, otherwise it will be very troublesome oh!"

 "It's still true! I've only been here for less than a year and there's some ungrateful old trying to take advantage of me."

 "So now you've figured it out? Go back if you've figured it out, and remember to help this god set up an idol so we can get in touch!"

 My dreamy chat with Otan opened my eyes and I woke up in the middle of the day.

 I drew Otan's likeness and prepared to go back and make a proper statue of him, and I also planned to build a temple for him within the manor, and when the time came, there would be a statue of Pandora inside, and it would be best if the three of us were statued together.

 Having an idea and a direction, I didn't go back right away, but planned to wander around the mountains some more; the matter of the manor and the temple wasn't something that was urgent, much less something that could be taken care of overnight, so I continued to hunt my hunts and wander my mountains.

 It's good to wait until the beginning of spring to execute these things, otherwise I won't know what to do again once the progress is too fast, so I'm going to slow the pace down a bit more, and then slow it down some more.

 "Come on, have fun, there's plenty of time anyway!"

 That's right, there's still plenty of time, so slow down as much as you can and let loose for a jungle adventure in these sleepy mountains.