
Spell Ranger

Otherworld, a world full of mystery and unknown, is not as beautiful as imagined. There is no novel written in the kind of easy to obtain the fate of the golden finger, there is no overnight hero journey, only we are forced to constantly fight helpless. Every struggle and fight was for survival. It was a real and cruel world, full of countless challenges and dangers. There was no way back, only to go forward, constantly challenging oneself and surpassing the limits. There, learned resilience and bravery, learned to cherish and give. Understood that only through their own efforts and struggles can they gain a foothold in this world. The other world is not scary, what is scary is your fear of the unknown. As long as you are brave enough to take that step and rise to the challenge, you will realize that the world is actually not as scary as you think.

DaoistrQafj4 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

A Solo Jungle Adventure

 Accidents always sneak up on you and wear you out every time. --[On the 20th day of the 6th tooth dolphin in the 146th year of the 4th era of the Light]

 The resources of the Sleeping Mountain Range are truly exceptionally rich, everywhere I go I find some new species and see some new things, I love this ever-changing life, every day there are new discoveries, every day there are new harvests, constantly refreshing my knowledge of the otherworldly worlds, and constantly enriching my knowledge.

 The first day I met a grape, a date pear; grapes are serious grapes, date pear is not serious pear nor serious date, looks like a pear tastes like dates, so I call it date pear, and then I also met two fire scales rabbit, the body long scales, the mouth of the fire, looks like a rabbit, walking is also a hop, hop, head is not small almost catch up with the size of a sheep.

 The next day I came across a peculiar bush of plants, growing in the shadowy roots of a large tree, the wind will be blown by a light green light, small rounded leaves, smooth and transparent and tender and juicy, less than 20 centimeters high, branches and leaves with small blue flowers, and with a strong breath of life, can be used to formulate the life of the potion, so I called it: blue crown flower.

 Today, I met several new animals: a wolf that can fall and stab, a monkey that can fly, a python with stone skin, a bat that is bigger than a human being, and three six-meter-tall brown bears during the night stay in the cave, which are not just ordinary brown bears, but also have magic and work together very well, one of them smashed the rock and turned it into a cone of stone to shoot at me, one of them started the quicksand spell to trap me, and one of them started the earth dungeon to surround me when it saw that I didn't get stuck in the quicksand. Launch earth prison to surround me, and will also stone prison art, ground stabbing art, several magic use quite skillful, finally I still one hand magic one hand sword in the cave outside back and forth for more than a dozen rounds, only to successfully solve them.

 And the time that followed was basically spent in this way as I discovered, fought, and hunted, collecting more and more things along the way;on the seventh day, I encountered a chameleon in a valley, a dragon that could literally change colors, without wings but flexible to the point of perversion, casually passing by a place and also directly blending into the surroundings, so that you couldn't discover its existence at all.

 That was the first time I saw a bamboo forest in the other world, I was just excitedly trying to rush over to it, but suddenly I had a sudden panic attack, I reflexively took a step back, and a stream of acid landed on the spot where I had just stood, and then a huge head appeared above my head, with a forked tongue stretching back and forth and emitting the sound of "muttering muttering", and when the big head appeared, a lizard foot with four sharp hooked claws stomped down towards me. When the big head appeared, a lizard foot with four sharp hooked claws stomped down towards me.

 In my haste I fell to my left in a smooth motion and immediately rolled over, the cunning chameleon saw that the double strike missed and turned on stealth mode, disappearing from my sight before silently appearing behind me again and sweeping me in with his tail.

 I was swept into the bamboo forest, hit a large bamboo, rebounded toward the chameleon, the cunning chameleon saw me rebounded back, another tail swept me toward the bamboo forest, I again hit a large bamboo, by the bamboo again heavy rebound, the cunning chameleon seems to be playful, once again, a tail swiped at me, I was swept and hit the bamboo forest again.

 Three times, already three times, swept three times, rebounded three times, although I was caught off guard by the sudden onslaught of attacks, but three times now, my body was in great pain, the blood in my body rolled over, but my mind had become exceptionally clear; since I had recovered my memories, I had never had this kind of shame and blunder, to be attacked three times in a row by the same creature, with the same move, in the same way, no, teased three times. The chameleon didn't know that I had become completely enraged, much less that I was instead more lucid in my head at the moment, but even if it did know this, it would surely only become more excited, and I wouldn't care that it knew it all the same.

 Still excited in its eyes, it looked at me as it bounced back again, excitedly whipping up its tail to whip at me again ...

 I opened my eyes, which had been closed from anger, and with my large, whistling tail at my fingertips, I drew, slashed, and then rolled and chopped through the air at a speed that was indiscernible to the naked eye, and stood obediently atop the chameleon's still-excited head.

 It was fast, so fast that it didn't react to the fact that it had already been wiped out by me, still excited then angry, then realizing that I was standing on top of its head, then it angrily slapped a paw on its own big head, and I watched it contemptuously as it slapped off its own already severed head, and then its two front paws danced in the air along with the wildly spraying blood, as I stood firmly on top of its fallen head and watched it all with cold disdain. 

 I made a mental note: Since you can regenerate, let's slash more and see how many times you can grow!

 I have seen the power of the big knife, so I was confident, standing on top of the chameleon's head, I slashed down hard, and the skill Ground Splitting Chop was launched at the same time, splitting it into two with a single slash.

 A white and a green point of light plus a ball of golden light instantly disappeared into my body, and the chameleon disappeared in place, leaving only blood all over the ground to declare that a fierce battle had taken place here.

 I can't say anything more about this situation.

 On the fourteenth day I encountered a thrilling battle, it was a group of sub-dragon beasts, we because of a steel-armored longhorn rhinoceros and a fight; but I was dealing with the prey, this uninvited guests suddenly visited me to surround me, I see the situation is not right immediately with the space treasure ring put away the steel-armored longhorn rhinoceros carcasses; it is precisely this action completely provoked the group of robbers, they have no sign of the same time towards me pounced on me, playfully waving the sharp claw Want to cut open the belly.

 Experienced the magic box universe thousands of field of death and escape, face this situation I decisively choose to fight, right hand holding a knife left hand holding a sword, directly open the cyclopean chopping skills, this group of animals exceptionally ferocious and exceptionally flexible, and very cunning, but also a group of very good hunters, and constantly to me to take the enemy to consume the strategy, want to slowly drag me down.

 I fled while consuming two whole days and two nights with this constant stream of beasts, at that time I killed until I could see myself being madly crashed into my body by countless soul veins and body veins, but I didn't see a single sub-dragon beast's corpse flying in golden light, so the bodies of the sub-dragon beasts that were cut down by me piled up all over the mountain until I killed the last and tallest sub-dragon beasts, only then did I finally end the horrible battle.

 After the tug-of-war with the sub-dragon herd, I stopped waltzing through the mountains, tried not to provoke any of the animals, became more cautious, more careful, more observant, and more old-fashioned & patient.

 I've also experienced spontaneous mountain life as a result, and that's very relaxing for me, and I love that.

 The small slopes that appear from time to time, the strange rocky peaks, the caves that can be seen everywhere, the rare grassy meadows, the rare herbs, the thirsty plant seeds, the tall and valuable ancient trees, the unknown fruit trees, the magical beasts and rare birds that I accidentally encountered and so on, are all the objects that are worthy of observing, appreciating and exploring.

 Without realizing it, I attracted the first snowfall, and that's when I realized I needed to head back, only to realize that I was so far from home that I probably wouldn't make it back before the first snowfall was over.

 It didn't matter then, might as well feel the first snow on the other side of the world while I hunted my way back.

 Today I saw another new breed of Wraith, it was injured and was lying in the grass moaning, the snow had covered it in a white layer and it looked like it had been lying there for a day or two.

 Injured animals are very alert and more fierce, I did not approach, unless I want to go up to the result of its life, but since the sub-dragon beast herd after the incident I do not want to kill at will, but prefer to save these small animals, they are much better than people to get along with.

 Just like during this time when I was exploring the Sleepy Mountains, I never hunted a random animal anymore, I didn't bother them unless I was craving meat, and most of the ones I hunted were the more unintelligent and common animals like wild boars, bison, deer, hares, and mountain chickens.

 Oh yeah! Animals that annoy me, I have no problem hunting, like two days ago I hunted another pack of ten pesky big gray wolves that were chasing me like that pack of cunning sublong beasts and really annoyed me to no end.

 As a gesture of my friendship, I called out to the injured beast from a distance, "Hello Mr. Griffin, can you understand me?"


 The voice was extremely weak, and I could barely hear it screaming.

 The griffin lying on the grass fought to get up, but couldn't roll over, and I knew it should be too badly injured, and if I didn't treat it quickly, it might not even make it to nightfall.

 Seeing that the situation was so urgent, I couldn't think of much and ran quickly to Mr. Griffin.

 "Oh my god, what have you been attacked by? Your stomach is busted open, even your bones are showing, don't move, I can save you!"

 It was the first time I had seen such a serious injury, so I didn't dare to be sloppy, and as I was worried that the ensuing treatment would cause the weak griffon to simply give out, I gave it a paralyzing potion first, and at the same time fed it a bottle of life potion, to make sure that it would have enough vitality to last through the following surgery.

 The wound on my stomach was a blur and some of the intestines were showing, so instead of stuffing the intestines back in right away, I cleaned and then gently pushed them in, then sutured the wound, bone grafted it in place, stitched, and cleaned up the small wounds again ...

 I was busy until dark when I finished the injuries on Mr. Griffin.

 Then I released a Greater Recovery spell on Mr. Griffin to slowly recover from his wounds, followed by a Light of Life.

 The two magic spells could have been over very quickly, but I tried my best to control the magic output a little bit, and it took almost two hours, mainly because I was worried that Mr. Griffon would be torn apart by the energy from the inside and aggravate his wounds.

 The reason for not directly releasing the Light of Life was also the fear that the spell's magical energy was too powerful and would burst the already broken body of the weakened Mr. Griffon directly.

 After healing Mr. Griffin I myself was on the verge of wasting away, lying under its large wings and panting sharply, which was even more exhausting than the constant battles I'd been fighting in the Magic Box universe.

 The longest battle in my memory is the battle with the Star Zeus Demon God in the Magic Box universe, that is a terrifying Demon God as big as a planet, between raising his hands and throwing his feet, he can destroy a planet, even if Otan uses the stellar madness to bombard him, he can't do anything about it, fighting with him I used up all my energy, used up all my skills, and in the end I held out and ate him up with the power of the bottle of the seal and the power of devouring, and the head and tail of it took ten years before I finished him off; that was the toughest and most thrilling battle I encountered in my entire Magic Box universe fighting career, but it didn't feel as exhausting as saving Mr. Griffin. It took me ten years to finish him off; that was the toughest and most thrilling battle I've ever encountered in my entire Magic Box Universe combat career, but it didn't feel as exhausting as saving Mr. Griffin.

 If I were to encounter the Star Zeus Demon God now, I would be reduced to slag before I could even look at it.

 I fell into a deep sleep with a deep exhaustion-

 "Chirp chirp chirp!"

 Three moons had risen high in the sky, illuminating the mountains and forests openly, and snowflakes continued to fall, blocked by a large wing, none of which landed on me;

 Mr. Griffin's chirping woke me up, the silver-white shining moonlight shone into my eyes, making me not quite comfortable for a moment, I raised my hand to block it out, and let go of my heart when I saw Mr. Griffin's large wings, indicating that my treatment had been very successful.

 "You're okay!"

 I got up and touched Mr. Griffin's large wings, noticing that they seemed to have grown much larger and that the color of the feathers reflected gold and silver in the moonlight.

 I asked it in surprise, "You're not evolving, are you?"


 Mr. Griffin straightened up, nodded vigorously at me and kept rubbing me with his giant beak, and gestured for me to sit on his back.

 After the rebirth of Mr. Griffon is even more majestic, looks very powerful, riding on its back feels like sitting on a big quilt, soft and comfortable, the oncoming cold winds are all blocked by it, only a little breeze across the body, its speed is very fast, so fast that the scenery is only a thin line across.

 After two months, I returned to the Golden Dragon's lair again with the help of Mr. Griffin.

 "Mr. Griffin, there there, there's my house."

 Seeing the arrival of the griffins, the following began to go on guard.

 "Something's up! Something's going on!"

 I knew that if I didn't speak up again, there could be bloodshed.

 "Don't panic, everyone! It's me - Bruce, the griffin is my friend, let it down!"

 "It's the lord - it's the lord who has returned!"

 "My lord has returned!"

 I commanded Mr. Griffon to slowly land in the middle of the compound, and in a moment, everyone all ran and surrounded me and the Griffon.

 Looking at these familiar and unfamiliar faces swarming around me, I suddenly had a feeling - a feeling of home - and bowed deeply to the crowd with a warmth in my heart.

 "Thank you all!"

 "My lord, you're back!" Maria squeezed into the crowd and ran to me in greeting.

 The happy expression on her face and the expectant and excited look in her eyes reflected the concern in her heart; if there weren't too many people present to restrain my impulse, I would have gone up to her and hugged her without hesitation.

 "Back, all disperse, rest early, there's work waiting for everyone tomorrow!"

 I nodded at her with a smile to persuade the crowd to disperse and led Mr. Griffin towards the cave door.

 But Mr. Griffin, keenly sensing the scent of the Golden Beast, stood at the entrance to the cavern with his feathers upside down, making intimidating noises, too scared to approach the gate.


 "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's my friend in there, don't worry, it's sleeping, follow me, it's fine."

 I gently stroked the griffin's feathers soothingly.

 "My lord, did you raise this Sacred Griffin?" Maria didn't leave with the crowd and kept quietly following behind, at this moment she was looking at me and Mr. Griffin with a full of questions.

 "Are you asking about Mr. Griffin? I didn't raise him, he's a friend I just rescued two days ago."

 "Griffin, sir? Have you misunderstood something, my lord? It is a lady, not a gentleman! Can't you see that?"

 I was a little surprised: not a male? A female? How do you tell the difference? It's really hard for me.

 "Maria, did you say Mr. Griffin, oh no, its Ms. Griffin? Not Mr.?"

 My hand that was touching the griffin's feathers stopped in mid-air somewhat awkwardly and apologized:

 "That, Griffon Beauty, I'm sorry! I recognized my mistake, don't take it personally!"

 "Why don't I give you a name! Uh - how about just Plume?"

 The griffon beauty seemed to take a liking to the name as well, rubbing her head against me and rubbing her beak against the back of my hand.

 "It wants to make a contract with you!" Reno's voice suddenly emerged from behind me, and it turned out she hadn't left either.

 "Woahoo, scared me! How do you sign a contract? Drop blood?"

 I didn't really know what signing a contract was, and was self-conscious enough to ask Reno for advice.

 As soon as I finished I realized. There were such records in the memories of the golden dragons, and I had completely overlooked one thing, the memories of the golden dragons had a lot of records about animal languages, including the language of high magical creatures like griffins.


 The Golden Dragon's memories allowed me to instantly learn the language of the Griffon, and I finally understood what the Griffon Plume was trying to say.

 It couldn't wait and was urging me to hurry.

 "Okay, okay, right away, right away, right away!"

 I took out my dagger and cut a slit in my fingertip, dripped two drops of blood onto the beak of the griffin plume and recited an obscure and awkward incantation, "@#$%...&*!"