
Spartan In marvel

His name is Jackson 118 of the Spartans 2 program. He will be forced into a world not his own. Must use his spartan training to overcome obstacles that he will face. um I dont own halo or marvel I like to think the spartan is my own creation but like it's more like a creation of the people so I hes publicly available for use any one can use him please do and give me a shout out I'd love to hear about other stories https://discord.gg/uVvkXwy that should still be available contact me I may respond I prefer snap but oh well

Melanthias · อื่นๆ
14 Chs

New day and Last day

"118!! wake up!!" I wake up with my gun drawn pointed at the direction of the voice I heard only to notice a child I immediately holster my side arm on the magnetic plate on my thigh.

"What's the situation " asked 118 in a monotone, cold rough voice.

"Umm dinners ready they sent me up to wake you." said a child when a copy of himself packed from the other side of the door and both approached the spartan providing a hand.

"I dont think that's a good idea I weigh to much" I tried to explain to the child who's only reaction was to turn around and look at 4 more copys enter the room and attempted to lift me only for the clones to not be able to budge me even an inch.

During their efforts in trying to lift our mountain of a spartan his armour reacted to the physical contact and scanned the DNA of the copys and original.

Deciding enough was enough I told them to step back as I wanted to try the new thrusters activating them my armor is lifted up my an inch off the ground before I disable the thrusters and land with a BANG fragmenting the wooden floor and dropping the jaws of the clones or copys whatever they were.

"Where to." I asked snapping them out of their daze they just looked at me then each other then walked off saying in unison

"Just follow me." then they walked off with me just pacing myself so I dont accidentally break anything or anyone.

hearing my foot steps I activate my boots sneak feature where my footsteps are completely silent.

With the sudden change in the surrounding noises one copy turns around to make sure I was still there he looked kinda confused but just turned his head forward and kept walking along with the other copys.

walking I realized this facility is much bigger they seem to have hundreds of rooms and finally we walked down a set of stairs while they kept looking back cause of the wood groaning beneath my feet.

walking into a dining room all noise and chatter disappears when I enter.

The professor is looking at me from his seat all the way on the opposite side of the large dining room table.

"I hope you had a good night's sleep, please join us."

I looked back at him and stared it seemed to unnerve the others but Charles seemed to keep his smile.

"I'm not sure if that's possible SIR the chairs may not hold my weight." 118 knew they were going to insist so he prepared his thrusts and jet back as to avoid doing more damage.

well Colossus here is entirely made of metal and the chairs can with stand his weight why not give it a go.

Colossus was about to say something when Charles cut him off telepathically 'dont worry this is a test let him sit just watch.'

118 just took a chair pulled it out to give him more space and slowly lowered his armored checks until he just sat on it and put all his weight on his jet back extended out and thrusters were ready not even a second later the chair completely broke and even less then the time it took to break the spartan activated hit thrusters in all the right places to allow him to maneuver his body into a perfect flip and with a BAAM he landed cracking and splintering the floorboards.

Every one was speechless they couldn't even see what happened.

until a monitor appeared in the middle of the table showing off the spartan in slow motion.

every one was stunned.

The spartan didnt say anything instead he just walked off out of the dining room and to the front doors of the school deciding to sit out on a rocky floor outside next to a pond and just think about what to do he knew that it was a test to see his reaction and yet he still feels uncomfortable it felt as if he was being studied for potential weaknesses.






wolverine looked at Charles for a few seconds but said nothing, he prioritized the kid instead he walked off and found him sitting by tr he pond chucking rocks that would skip across the pond and become embedded in some random tree.

with a few twitchy eye brows at the seen were even a rock could turn into a projectile in the hands of this kid he just shook his head and sat next to him picking up a rock and skidding it with minimum force so as to not launch it across the pond.

"Kid try not to use to much force the goal is to get it to skip in the water not into a tree." chuckled wolverine.

"I cant I'm already holding back" and that's when wolverine noticed the kid barely moving his arms he was just moving his wrist.

sighing at the kids ridiculous strength, he gave up and just sat in quietness noticing the Spartans ceasefire and just sit there staring at the sky.

"Hey kid its better when you can actually feel the wind on your skin try to at least take off the helmet."

Hesitant as he was more accustomed to having it on he eventually unlocked it and with a hiss and a psh he pulled the helmet off.

and resumed staring at the sky remembering the feeling when his helmet would recive enough damage for him to feel the wind.

memories of blood splashing him and of screams flooded his mind.

his usually cold and emotionless face cracked and faded away only replaced with one of sadness of horror of rage hatred and with a sudden mournful howl it all vanished he realized what it was some one forced him to feel and if they wanted to see his emotions and to understand his weakness his face regained it's cold callus look only replaced with a silver of killing intent he immediately took his helmet in and and reclaimed it turning to wolverine who had a concerned look on his face he carefully said

"This is the last time I take my helmet off in the presence of Charles Xavier". his cold voice drifted out if his speakers with cold fury.

wolverine immediately understood what happened he was frightened when he saw the kid his expression it looked so broken.

and he knew that Charles had finally done it he had pushed some one away nearly broke them if it wasnt for all his training he could have probably been in a state where he would be brain dead.

seeing the Spartan sprint away Wolverine hurried after him.

The Spartan activated his radar on his HUD.

"Ares I know you tracked every one tell me where my broken armor is and where Charles is located.

seeing through the walls he noticed Charles was in a secret underground room with one of the purple mutants with glasses. examining his armor activating sprint and his jet back he launched himself up activating his armor lock he smashed through the floors and into the room where Xavier was in he calmly walked to his armor and activated the Promethean wormhole to transport his armor away he stood up and sent a hologram towards Xavier while cloaking himself and exiting the room letting his hologram continue.

"I'm disappointed Xavier I believed you to be a man of great integrity but now I see you for the hypocrite you are Xavier."

"You give me a place to stay only to study me and find my weakness you may have seen my pain but you have yet to see my wrath next time there wont be a next time for you I will kill you."

making sure my voice was transmitted through out the mansion.

"You have invaded my mind if it was any other person they would most likely not have noticed."

"How many people Charles how many people have you been manipulating."

"will you erase this event from the mind of the others to protect yourself how far will you go."

Before anyone could say anything the spartan disappeared.

leaving a eerily quiet place.

Hank looked at Xavier remembering how he said that the Spartan had given them permission to study the armor, looking at the recent turn of events he understood Charles lied and manipulated him to find a weakness in the armor.

This would be the day that Charles would lose the trust of everyone.













Exiting the mansion he walked past wolverine who stopped and turned around and smelled the air before turning back and heading towards where he came from.

exiting the mansion 118 activated his jetpack and flew far from the mansion.

Making today his first and last day as a member of the mansion.

here's another one it may not sound good tell me your thought I'll go back and fix it or change it if I feel like it should.

Peace Yall

Melanthiascreators' thoughts