
A Journey Through Space

The two days after the exterminated of the Navi family, were long and heavy.

Right after coming back to his pocket dimension, Daniel had given the news to Alesia, which was as close to Serf as he was. With her help, they organized a funeral for Serf, and placed his body into a stone casket that was left in the catacombs situated in the depths of the castle.

There, he would rest forever.

Now, Daniel, along with Jerigh and Der were waiting for the ship to depart.

Only three people were allowed to board the ship with what Daniel had paid. Spatial rings and pocket dimensions were allowed, but regarding the latter, it was highly advised that nobody was let out of the pocket dimension during the crossing.

The reason for that was simple. The ships traveled at an incredible speed, and required the use of a spatial formation that would prevent it from crashing in thousands of pieces for each and every small asteroid they crashed against.