


Rekindling their relationship was the best gift nature has ever given to the love birds. 

They worked on rebuilding trust and their love for each other.

They moved back in together and Dan made a point to be involved in his child's life.  He was determined to be the father and partner that Eunice deserved.

With time Eunice trust in Dan was restored,she saw that he truely had changed and was committed to making things right. 

They decided to get married in no time and get another child.  Their love was indeed sour by Dan's terrible mistake but they were able to work hand in hand through it and come out stronger.

They were grateful for the second chance they had been given and vowed never to take each other for granted again.

Respectively,as they walked down the aisle of happiness. Eunice couldn't help but feel massive joy for the way things turned out to be. She had never given up on the love they shared and was glad that Dan had finally seen the sincere heart of his fiancee.

Dan was filled with remorse for the pain he had caused her and was filled with enthusiasm that she had given him another chance.

He knew deeply that he did not deserve her forgiveness but was determined to spend the rest of his life making  it up to her and his kids.


The couple's new beginning was not without its challenges, but they faced them together.

Dan worked hard to prove himself to Eunice and his kids. And they showed their appreciation by understanding,as he learned to be a caring father and husband.

They faced financial struggles and conquered together. They managed to make ends meet and Dan's job allowed him to spend more time with his families.

Dan and Eunice relationship grew waxer and stronger every passing day. They enjoyed each other's company and cherished the time they spent together. 

They were grateful to have a second chance of loving again and were determined to make it turn out well.

Years passed.

Eunice and Dan's family grew.

They had two more kids,and their bond grew only stronger.

Dan became the father and husband he had always dreamt of,and Eunice was also the loving and supportive wide she was meant to be.

A friend like zainab shouldn't be left out.

They became inseparable and she was more falial to the kids.

Their love story was not a fairy tail, but it was a true one. It was a story of mistakes and forgiveness. Of second chances and of growth.  It was a sour story that has been restored and made sweeter than ever before.

As they sat together on the  pouch,watching their children play in the yard, Eunice rested her head on Dan's shoulder and smiled contentedly.

She knew that they had come a long way and was thankful for that gift.

Dan wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead. He knew that he had been blessed to have a second chance with the woman he love and was glad that he could spend the rest of his life making her and the kids happy  despite all he did wrong.

This is a loving story which has to be told to even generations yet to come.

Their love story was not perfect,but it was real. It was a reminder that God himself forgives us when we sin and atone for our sins..

Love can survive even the toughest of challenges with patience,understanding and forgiveness.

Anything is possible.

Breaking the silence that had long engulf them,Eunice cleared her throat before asking.

My darling Dan,how is your beloved Joy?

The change on Dan's face made Eunice burst out laughing. 

Dan joined her.

They laughed till they could no more.

And so their love grew continually like a Lipton mixed with honey and milk.