


    Dan  wept bitterly.

"Is  this how my life is coming to an end,why did I leave Eunice and for,for her Best friend. It's not my fault,I was fooled by that idiotic human being,Ohh God look at what I have gotten myself into."

Eunice please I am begging you,find a place in your heart and forgive me,I promise to be the good guy you have always known. 

Frank it's me Ohh,please forgive all my misdeeds. It was the work of the devil. I was blinded by Joy, she made me turn my back on you and my son,now I have realised my mistakes and I am willing to make it up to you guys again.

Eunice was speechless,she found it hard to say something. 

Tears kept gushing out of her eyes. Frank was so pissed,he hate seeing his mother cry,and this so called Dan has caused her alot. 

I never knew your Almighty joy will abscond with all the good things you two bragged about.  Look at how downcast she made you look. She made you become a poverty stricken good for nothing man. 

When she told you lies about me, you did not use your initiative well enough. Every single father who is incapable of raising their children properly is a culprit.

When you were busy chasing me out of your life,when you were busy raining abuses on me and my son,you looked like a boss,like kindle aflame master of the game. 

Your abuses to me were like bullets flying in mid air,gunshots echoing every where. I came to plead with you many times but you kept your pride high up. Now look at where it has gotten you.

    What a wow,you're just being paranoid and I can't fall for this trap any longer. Joy has really taught you a lesson righteously stiring like a dust,had it been I was joy I would have done more than that. Now you want to stride victorious.

Have you forgotten how you pushed a child that doesn't know anything away? Have you forgotten how you made him know that you're not his father that he is a bastard? Now you're here telling me trash.


 What if joy wasn't pregnant for an unknown man would you come looking for me? Do you know how I strive hard in taking good care of my son? Well I am just saying all this to make you know that you really have a heart of stone.

Dan was still on his kneels when Zainab entered.

Are my eyes deceiving me? 

Really? Don't tell me you are back here begging for forgiveness. Zainab said with mixed feeling.

Eunice I told you,I told you this guy will come running back to you. She said happily.

Turning to Dan.

But Dan you really fucked up. You caused my friend alot,you made her go through hell,if not for God and I in her life she would have been dead by now. 

I told you Eunice,that if at all you are his soul mate fate will bring you guys back,now look at it.

It is now left to you dear,follow your heart desire.

 Here he is  looking at you face to face,tell him what you think will suit you guys.

Zainab keep looking at both Eunice and Dan as she talked. After she was done talking she excused herself   but not without saying this to Dan.

"Rock on dude,ace your stupidity with attitude."

Frank also turned to Dan, "Mr man, if anything should happen to my mom I'll hold you responsible."

After speaking he slipped his music headphone on and began to dance to the slamming music playing while Eunice was left with dan to settle their dispute.

     Dan moved closer to her,hugging her and using his hand to clean her tears. He felt her heartbeat thrubing faster,he crashed his lips on hers kissing her passionately,his tongue continuously into her mouth and having no choice she responded.

Today is a gift,yesterday was history and tomorrow will be mystery that needs to be discovered. 

 Frank and Zainab came out clapping their hands and with smiles on their faces.

Dan hugged frank for so long with a grin on his face and promising to make things up to him. It's really the lords doing and it is marvelous in our sight.

Every marriage have it's own peculiarities and pleasant memories. This have to be divinely orchestrated.

Go dress up ladies let's go see my mother. Dan said.

Now I have someone to call a father,thank you so much for coming back to us. Frank said before running to his room to get dressed. He couldn't wait to spend every moment with his dad and grandmother.

Eunice hugged Zainab,she was really grateful for all she has done for her.

"I owe you alot sweetheart,she finally said after she had disengaged from the hug. "

 Keep glowing dear I really am happy for you,all I want is your happiness.

  They all laughed.