

Will you dare to face your deepest fears, fight for your beliefs and say no to the Devil? This is the question that the protagonists of this book have asked themselves and they have also been forced to have a strength that they have never had before. In each story, we can see how the protagonists have the worst of their struggles against evil and how in the middle of that fight, they have lost their loved ones. Nobody knows what will happen in the end; but, they have to be brave and face their most feared fears and fight them. What they could not imagine is that evil has a thousand faces and a thousand forms and ways of presenting itself to us, persuading us to do what they want and submitting to their will, so that finally, they drag us to hell. This book talks about how all this takes place in a house that has been abandoned for years and nobody knows why; but, this woman who tells the story, will tell in detail the reasons why the house suffers and what are the unresolved issues of each ghost and will help them to have the peace they have been looking for. Is the person who speaks a ghost or someone who may have contact with ghosts?

VULCANO · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs


The dolls are the most beautiful possessions that any child can have; either, for their birthday or for Christmas and they appreciate that kind of gifts more, if they give them with all their heart.

It is said that dolls are the best company that any child can have, wish for and dream about. On the other hand, puppeteers are nice people, with whom one can speak freely and without fear of anything.

But what if both the puppeteer and the dolls are part of some satanic ritual? What if the person you've ever loved turns into your worst nightmare?

What would you be able to do if the puppeteer does everything possible and impossible to make you easy prey for the devil? Would you let yourself be bowled over by him?

These are some of the questions that the characters in this story will have to formulate and resolve mentally. This is a journey, deep into your fears and fears. A trip to your inner fight between good and evil.

Before starting to tell this story, I will tell you a little about what it is about, so that you can see that, not all dolls and people are good, there are people who completely surrendered to evil and that is why they can create evil dolls, using evil entities, to enter those dolls. The story is the following:


The Puppeteer is a vengeful spirit who feeds on loneliness and depression. He targets the emotionally fragile, using them for his own gain and power. He will stalk a victim for a certain period of time, slowing twisting them into believing that there is no way from escaping life's torment other than death. Although the Puppeteer works alone his two unwilling proxies, Zachary and Emra, are used in special occasions for when he needs a quick snack. They will seclude the victim in different ways, making the hunt much easier for the Puppeteer.

The demonic poltergeist was once a normal teenage boy by the name of Jonathon Blake who after a horrible break up with the love of his life, secluded himself away from human contact. When he found no reason to continue he locked himself in a room and hung himself leaving his body to be found a few weeks later.

But Blake's spirit awoke once more, filled with wrath and anger as he transformed into the vicious spirit known as the Puppeteer. Seen as his life was filled with decisions others made for him, within the afterlife the ghost was finally able to take control of his own life and choices. Believing a standard human name wouldn't suit him any longer, he renamed himself as The Puppeteer— to work behind the curtains and control humans the same way someone would control a puppet would become his reason to exist.


The Puppeteer is described as being lean and tall. Standing at 6'3", he has an intimidating demeanor. His style of clothing is grungy-like. Sporting a black trench coat, hoodie, undershirt, jeans, sneakers, and beanie. After awakening as The Puppeteer his original light tanned skin had turned grey, his hair color also changed from dark brown to jet black, and his eyes are now golden yellow. Brown was his original eye color."

This happened to the tenth woman of my generation, named Dorothea Petrovski. The entire Petrovski family have always lived in that house, which is now abandoned and at that time, the Petrovski family was one of the most respected and admired families of all time.

All the people, who knew them, knew that they are worthy of admiration, of respect and finally, they are an excellent example to follow.

People who were in big trouble; whether economic, or as a couple, they always resorted to them, to tell them what to do.

In that year, there were no signs of evil, which there are today; far from it, they did not know what demonic poltergeists or satanic possessions were, because everything was rosy, without fights, deaths or betrayals.

That year, there were many parties and all kinds of celebrations; but, above all, women had more participation in the Society and had active participation in assemblies and elections.

It was not like the previous times, in which women did not have any kind of participation, because it was forbidden, for women to participate actively in the Society.

Nor was it like before, in which men were the only ones who worked and women were forbidden to work, because in previous times and thanks to machismo, women could not do anything; far from it, they could write.

Although divorce was totally prohibited, in that century, it could be noted that couples were happier and more in love than before, because they already had topics of conversation.

At the same time, there were things that the two of them could already do together, such as building schools, boys 'and girls' colleges, and libraries.

The only thing they left for men is everything related to the construction of houses, buildings, restaurants and roads.

But one day, things would change and everyone would have the ability to know what fear and terror is and how it originated.

One day, a puppeteer came to town, with carts full of dolls and immediately, everyone was amazed to see that large number of carts, with the dolls inside.

When the puppeteer got out of the cart, everyone was shocked at his appearance. Even though he was 6'3 "and elegantly dressed and impeccable, for a mere puppeteer.

"Good morning sir. Excuse me for the intrusion, but where can I find a place to settle down?" The puppeteer asked kindly, as he took off his hat.

"Good morning sir. Welcome to the city and just at the end of the street, there is a huge house and you have a huge workshop with you.

Although no one inhabits the house, it is still preserved and in good condition. If you wish, I can take you to the house, give you the respective keys and tell you how the house is laid out, "said the man, as he finished smoking.

"Thank you very much sir for your kindness and if it is not too much trouble, I would like you to guide me to the house and tell me how the house is laid out," the puppeteer said again.

And the man, took him to the house that was unoccupied and showed him where everything was and where it was exactly, the pond where everyone is going to enjoy a pleasant moment free of worries.

The pond is a place where there is a lot of vegetation and a huge lake, where all the people go to bathe and spend a pleasant time with each other.

Once the man installed the puppeteer he left, so that he has his own space and can unpack, without anyone bothering him.

"Good thing I did this time travel! I will take revenge on the Smith families, for what their daughter did to me and the Petrovski family, for helping her and I will kill these morons.

If they knew that I have been dead for years and that only revenge motivates me and I will feed on the loneliness and depression of each one of them, I will make them feel that there is no salvation and that the only thing left to do is to die!

I will handle them, as they handled me, when I was alive and all these dolls will help me bend their souls and I will also feed on the despair of each one of them and all their negative feelings and thoughts.

Once you start playing with your emotions, they will wish they were dead, without feeling all those positive emotions; far from it, they will wish they hadn't fallen in love, "the puppeteer ended up saying, while laughing non-stop.

The laugh of the puppeteer, if it was scary, because it was a macabre and frightening laugh. If someone were living near him, they would begin to feel afraid of the puppeteer's laugh and want to flee from that place.

After that, he went to the workshop with the dolls, where he put them according to the size of each of them and also put in the workshop all the objects he owned.

When he finished doing so, with the help of black magic, he began to perform various spells to bring the dolls back to life and gave them the order to start killing the two families in the house.

"I don't want anyone to live and before they die, I want them to suffer exactly what I suffered. Finally, I want them to become their puppets, before killing them and I also want them to feel that they have no escape and their only salvation is that they take your life, "the puppeteer finished saying.

The next day, the puppeteer decided to take a tour of the entire city, taking some of the dolls with him, so that they can get to know the city and so that they begin to know the people, with their weaknesses and strengths and so that they know all the hiding places. and places that are in the city, so that they are not allowed to flee.

Both the puppeteer and the dolls realized that the city is not very big and it is easy to enter each house and leave it, without anyone seeing them.

They also realized that the weather helps them, because the sun does not come out and it is always cloudy and at the same time, it rains incessantly.

Finally, both the puppeteer and the dolls, felt the presence of VALAK and his army and all that, motivated them to carry out revenge against each one of them; especially from the Smith and Petrovski families, who humiliated him in every possible way.

"We are going to help you, to create the perfect environment, so that you have fun at their expense, feeding on their fears, fears, loneliness, depression and all their negative feelings," said VALAK, seeing how much they It would be fun, at the expense of humans.

That same night, while everyone was sleeping, VALAK, his army and the dolls, decided to have a little fun, using people as their puppets and feeding on their worst fears.

The first house, which they decided to visit, is the Smith house. While they were sleeping, they felt the mattress rise, but they decided to ignore what they had felt and continued sleeping.

Then, they smelled rotten meat and as they couldn't take that disgusting smell any more, they woke up. When they were trying to wake up, they saw how from the wall, crosses were appearing, which covered the entire room.

When they wanted to get out of bed they could not do so, because they had heard the following: "Welcome to a place of no return" and when they turned their heads, they saw how all the crosses began to turn, in the opposite direction, giving indications of the demonic presence.

Scared, they left their respective rooms and when they were doing it, they saw how all the paintings were destroyed. They also saw shadows, on every wall and on the ceiling.

While they were praying, they could not continue with the prayer, because they were praying, one of the prayers that is to worship the Devil and they also saw a nun, at the entrance of the house.

To continue with their fears, they saw as out of nowhere, the patriarch of the house rose and when he was in the middle of the house, they saw a stake pierce his body, dying on the spot.

After that, they saw the carriage of death, which was carrying the soul of the patriarch of the Smith family. The rest of the Smith family started screaming for help, but no one heard them, because they were also facing evil in person.

In a matter of minutes, they saw how the nun began to transform into what she really is, into VALAK and as if that were not enough, they also saw Can Cerberus, Astaroth, Beelzebub, Mammon, Belphegor, Asmodeus, Amun, Azazel, Balaam and Behemoth, with their respective armies.

As they started running towards their respective rooms, they couldn't get to him, because the demons caught up with them and managed to capture them.

The moment they were doing that, the puppeteer appeared. The Smith family were surprised to see it and at the same time, they were happy because they saw a friendly face.

What they did not imagine is what they would see next. The attractive, elegant, sophisticated puppeteer who always has a smile for everything, became an intimidating man and his clothing style is very dirty. He wears a black trench coat, hoodie, undershirt, jeans, sneakers, and a hat.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" asked the matriarch of the house.

After examining each member of the Smith family, he said the following: "When I was a human being, I was very much in love with a member of your family, who will exist in the future.

According to me, our relationship was going perfectly; until, she left me and without warning, but before she humiliated me, along with the Petrovski family.

I was humiliated and without hope of life, took my life and no one claimed my body, to be buried, as they do with other bodies.

Thanks to My Lord, the Devil and VALAK, I came back to life, but full of a terrible thirst for revenge, against the two families.

When I first came to this town, my first wish was to eliminate all of humanity. After thinking about it, I will only eliminate the two eliminated families, so that they do not exist in the future, so that they do not do any more damage.

Please free them, I want them to suffer exactly the same as I suffered, before my death. I want to see what they are capable of doing to save their lives and we will have fun, using them as puppets.

We are going to make them kill all the people and the moment that happens, I want them to be aware of everything they do", the puppeteer finished saying.

As if the two families had strings for their respective bodies, they began to kill all the people, in the worst way that one can imagine and the worst of all is that they could not do anything to prevent these crimes.

Both the puppeteer, as VALAK and his demons, were enjoying seeing them commit these gruesome acts and the most distressing for the two families is that they are not in control of their bodies, nor of their actions.

They couldn't ask for forgiveness, because their mouths had been sealed with wax and all they could do was cry.

While the two families were murdering all the citizens, only six families managed to flee from that massacre and did so with the greatest possible care, so as not to be discovered by anyone.

When they finished killing all the people, the puppeteer, his dolls, VALAK and his demons appeared in front of them and the first thing they did was, remove the wax from their mouths.

"Puppeteer, you are going to hell for this!" Said the patriarch of the Petrovski family.

"You are wrong about something and that is, I am not going to hell, because I am already in it and because of you.

After the humiliation that I went through, my soul was wandering all this time, in hell and as soon as I came back to life, the first thing I did was, return to this time, so that you do not exist in the future.

So, you can see that I am not so bad, I will only allow two members of each family to live and you will choose who will live "

The two families chose the children of both families. They said goodbye to them, with a big hug, wishing them well and telling them how much they love them.

The puppeteer, who knew of the escape of that group of people, sent the children with them.

Once the children were safe, they immobilized the two families, so that they died burned, they took them to the house, where all the hell of the puppeteer began and immediately afterwards, they set fire to the city, with the two families immobilized.

When they died charred, VALAK called again, the carriage of death, to take all those souls to hell.

From that moment, all those souls, who were human centuries ago, are griefing the house.